Manifest.permission | Android Developers (original) (raw)
public static final class Manifest.permission
extends [Object](/reference/java/lang/Object)
Constants | |
String | ACCEPT_HANDOVER Allows a calling app to continue a call which was started in another app. |
String | ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION Allows an app to access location in the background. |
String | ACCESS_BLOBS_ACROSS_USERS Allows an application to access data blobs across users. |
String | ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES Allows read/write access to the "properties" table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded. |
String | ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION Allows an app to access approximate location. |
String | ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Allows an app to access precise location. |
String | ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES Allows applications to access profiles user property, e.g. |
String | ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS Allows an application to access extra location provider commands. |
String | ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION Allows an application to access any geographic locations persisted in the user's shared collection. |
String | ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE Allows applications to access information about networks. |
String | ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY Marker permission for applications that wish to access notification policy. |
String | ACCESS_WIFI_STATE Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks. |
String | ACCOUNT_MANAGER Allows applications to call into AccountAuthenticators. |
String | ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION Allows an application to recognize physical activity. |
String | ADD_VOICEMAIL Allows an application to add voicemails into the system. |
String | ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS Allows the app to answer an incoming phone call. |
String | BATTERY_STATS Allows an application to collect battery statisticsProtection level: signature|privileged |
String | BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE Must be required by an AccessibilityService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_APPWIDGET Allows an application to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data. |
String | BIND_AUTOFILL_SERVICE Must be required by a AutofillService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_CALL_REDIRECTION_SERVICE Must be required by a CallRedirectionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_CLIENT_SERVICE A subclass of CarrierMessagingClientService must be protected with this permission. |
String | BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_SERVICE This constant was deprecated in API level 23. Use BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES instead |
String | BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES The system process that is allowed to bind to services in carrier apps will have this permission. |
String | BIND_CHOOSER_TARGET_SERVICE This constant was deprecated in API level 30. For publishing direct share targets, please follow the instructions in instead. |
String | BIND_COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE Must be required by anyCompanionDeviceServices to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_CONDITION_PROVIDER_SERVICE Must be required by a ConditionProviderService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_CONTROLS Allows SystemUI to request third party controls. |
String | BIND_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_SERVICE Must be required by a CredentialProviderService to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN Must be required by device administration receiver, to ensure that only the system can interact with it. |
String | BIND_DREAM_SERVICE Must be required by an DreamService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_INCALL_SERVICE Must be required by a InCallService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_INPUT_METHOD Must be required by an InputMethodService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_MIDI_DEVICE_SERVICE Must be required by an MidiDeviceService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_NFC_SERVICE Must be required by a HostApduService or OffHostApduService to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE Must be required by an NotificationListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_PRINT_SERVICE Must be required by a PrintService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_QUICK_ACCESS_WALLET_SERVICE Must be required by a QuickAccessWalletService to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE Allows an application to bind to third party quick settings tiles. |
String | BIND_REMOTEVIEWS Must be required by a RemoteViewsService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_SCREENING_SERVICE Must be required by a CallScreeningService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_TELECOM_CONNECTION_SERVICE Must be required by a ConnectionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_TEXT_SERVICE Must be required by a TextService (e.g. SpellCheckerService) to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_TV_INPUT Must be required by a TvInputService to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_TV_INTERACTIVE_APP Must be required by a TvInteractiveAppService to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SERVICE Must be required by a link VisualVoicemailService to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_VOICE_INTERACTION Must be required by a VoiceInteractionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_VPN_SERVICE Must be required by a VpnService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_VR_LISTENER_SERVICE Must be required by an VrListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BIND_WALLPAPER Must be required by a WallpaperService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it. |
String | BLUETOOTH Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices. |
String | BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices. |
String | BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE Required to be able to advertise to nearby Bluetooth devices. |
String | BLUETOOTH_CONNECT Required to be able to connect to paired Bluetooth devices. |
String | BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED Allows applications to pair bluetooth devices without user interaction, and to allow or disallow phonebook access or message access. |
String | BLUETOOTH_SCAN Required to be able to discover and pair nearby Bluetooth devices. |
String | BODY_SENSORS Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside their body, such as heart rate. |
String | BODY_SENSORS_BACKGROUND Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside their body, such as heart rate. |
String | BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED Allows an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been removed. |
String | BROADCAST_SMS Allows an application to broadcast an SMS receipt notification. |
String | BROADCAST_STICKY Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents. |
String | BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification. |
String | CALL_COMPANION_APP Allows an app which implements theInCallService API to be eligible to be enabled as a calling companion app. |
String | CALL_PHONE Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call. |
String | CALL_PRIVILEGED Allows an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed. |
String | CAMERA Required to be able to access the camera device. |
String | CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT Allows an application to capture audio output. |
String | CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE Allows an application to change whether an application component (other than its own) is enabled or not. |
String | CHANGE_CONFIGURATION Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale. |
String | CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE Allows applications to change network connectivity state. |
String | CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode. |
String | CHANGE_WIFI_STATE Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state. |
String | CLEAR_APP_CACHE Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device. |
String | CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY Allows an application to configure and connect to Wifi displays |
String | CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio. |
String | CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_QUERY_CANDIDATE_CREDENTIALS Allows a browser to invoke the set of query apis to get metadata about credential candidates prepared during the CredentialManager.prepareGetCredential API. |
String | CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ALLOWED_PROVIDERS Allows specifying candidate credential providers to be queried in Credential Manager get flows, or to be preferred as a default in the Credential Manager create flows. |
String | CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN Allows a browser to invoke credential manager APIs on behalf of another RP. |
String | DELETE_CACHE_FILES Old permission for deleting an app's cache files, no longer used, but signals for us to quietly ignore calls instead of throwing an exception. |
String | DELETE_PACKAGES Allows an application to delete packages. |
String | DELIVER_COMPANION_MESSAGES Allows an application to deliver companion messages to system |
String | DETECT_SCREEN_CAPTURE Allows an application to get notified when a screen capture of its windows is attempted. |
String | DETECT_SCREEN_RECORDING Allows an application to get notified when it is being recorded. |
String | DIAGNOSTIC Allows applications to RW to diagnostic resources. |
String | DISABLE_KEYGUARD Allows applications to disable the keyguard if it is not secure. |
String | DUMP Allows an application to retrieve state dump information from system services. |
String | ENFORCE_UPDATE_OWNERSHIP Allows an application to indicate via PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setRequestUpdateOwnership(boolean) that it has the intention of becoming the update owner. |
String | EXECUTE_APP_ACTION Allows an assistive application to perform actions on behalf of users inside of applications. |
String | EXPAND_STATUS_BAR Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar. |
String | FACTORY_TEST Run as a manufacturer test application, running as the root user. |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground. |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CAMERA Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "camera". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CONNECTED_DEVICE Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "connectedDevice". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "dataSync". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_HEALTH Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "health". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "location". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "mediaPlayback". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROCESSING Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "mediaProcessing". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "mediaProjection". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "microphone". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_PHONE_CALL Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "phoneCall". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_REMOTE_MESSAGING Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "remoteMessaging". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SPECIAL_USE Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "specialUse". |
String | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SYSTEM_EXEMPTED Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "systemExempted". |
String | GET_ACCOUNTS Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service. |
String | GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service. |
String | GET_PACKAGE_SIZE Allows an application to find out the space used by any package. |
String | GET_TASKS This constant was deprecated in API level 21. No longer enforced. |
String | GLOBAL_SEARCH This permission can be used on content providers to allow the global search system to access their data. |
String | HIDE_OVERLAY_WINDOWS Allows an app to prevent non-system-overlay windows from being drawn on top of it |
String | HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS Allows an app to access sensor data with a sampling rate greater than 200 Hz. |
String | INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER Allows an application to install a location provider into the Location Manager. |
String | INSTALL_PACKAGES Allows an application to install packages. |
String | INSTALL_SHORTCUT Allows an application to install a shortcut in Launcher. |
String | INSTANT_APP_FOREGROUND_SERVICE Allows an instant app to create foreground services. |
String | INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES Allows interaction across profiles in the same profile group. |
String | INTERNET Allows applications to open network sockets. |
String | KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES Allows an application to callActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses(String). |
String | LAUNCH_CAPTURE_CONTENT_ACTIVITY_FOR_NOTE Allows an application to capture screen content to perform a screenshot using the intent action Intent.ACTION_LAUNCH_CAPTURE_CONTENT_ACTIVITY_FOR_NOTE. |
String | LAUNCH_MULTI_PANE_SETTINGS_DEEP_LINK An application needs this permission forSettings.ACTION_SETTINGS_EMBED_DEEP_LINK_ACTIVITY to show itsActivity embedded in Settings app. |
String | LOADER_USAGE_STATS Allows a data loader to read a package's access logs. |
String | LOCATION_HARDWARE Allows an application to use location features in hardware, such as the geofencing api. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_LOCK_STATE Allows financed device kiosk apps to perform actions on the Device Lock serviceProtection level: internal|roleIntended for use by the FINANCED_DEVICE_KIOSK role only. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACCESSIBILITY Allows an application to manage policy related to accessibility. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT Allows an application to set policy related to account management. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS Allows an application to set device policies outside the current user that are required for securing device ownership without accessing user data. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS_FULL Allows an application to set device policies outside the current user. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS_SECURITY_CRITICAL Allows an application to set device policies outside the current user that are critical for securing data within the current user. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AIRPLANE_MODE Allows an application to set policy related to airplane mode. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APPS_CONTROL Allows an application to manage policy regarding modifying applications. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APP_RESTRICTIONS Allows an application to manage application restrictions. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APP_USER_DATA Allows an application to manage policy related to application user data. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ASSIST_CONTENT Allows an application to set policy related to sending assist content to a privileged app such as the Assistant app. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUDIO_OUTPUT Allows an application to set policy related to audio output. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUTOFILL Allows an application to set policy related to autofill. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BACKUP_SERVICE Allows an application to manage backup service policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLOCK_UNINSTALL Allows an application to manage policy related to block package uninstallation. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLUETOOTH Allows an application to set policy related to bluetooth. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BUGREPORT Allows an application to request bugreports with user consent. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CALLS Allows an application to manage calling policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CAMERA Allows an application to set policy related to restricting a user's ability to use or enable and disable the camera. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CAMERA_TOGGLE Allows an application to manage policy related to camera toggle. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CERTIFICATES Allows an application to set policy related to certificates. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_COMMON_CRITERIA_MODE Allows an application to manage policy related to common criteria mode. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CONTENT_PROTECTION Allows an application to manage policy related to content protection. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEBUGGING_FEATURES Allows an application to manage debugging features policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEFAULT_SMS Allows an application to set policy related to the default sms application. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS Allows an application to manage policy related to device identifiers. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DISPLAY Allows an application to set policy related to the display. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FACTORY_RESET Allows an application to set policy related to factory reset. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FUN Allows an application to set policy related to fun. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_INPUT_METHODS Allows an application to set policy related to input methods. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES Allows an application to manage installing from unknown sources policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_KEEP_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES Allows an application to set policy related to keeping uninstalled packages. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_KEYGUARD Allows an application to manage policy related to keyguard. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCALE Allows an application to set policy related to locale. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCATION Allows an application to set policy related to location. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK Allows an application to lock a profile or the device with the appropriate cross-user permission. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_CREDENTIALS Allows an application to set policy related to lock credentials. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_TASK Allows an application to manage lock task policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGED_SUBSCRIPTIONS Allows an application to set policy related to subscriptions downloaded by an admin. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_METERED_DATA Allows an application to manage policy related to metered data. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MICROPHONE Allows an application to set policy related to restricting a user's ability to use or enable and disable the microphone. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MICROPHONE_TOGGLE Allows an application to manage policy related to microphone toggle. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK Allows an application to set policy related to mobile networks. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS Allows an application to manage policy preventing users from modifying users. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MTE Allows an application to manage policy related to the Memory Tagging Extension (MTE). |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_NEARBY_COMMUNICATION Allows an application to set policy related to nearby communications (e.g. Beam and nearby streaming). |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_NETWORK_LOGGING Allows an application to set policy related to network logging. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ORGANIZATION_IDENTITY Allows an application to manage the identity of the managing organization. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_OVERRIDE_APN Allows an application to set policy related to override APNs. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PACKAGE_STATE Allows an application to set policy related to hiding and suspending packages. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PHYSICAL_MEDIA Allows an application to set policy related to physical media. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRINTING Allows an application to set policy related to printing. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRIVATE_DNS Allows an application to set policy related to private DNS. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILES Allows an application to set policy related to profiles. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILE_INTERACTION Allows an application to set policy related to interacting with profiles (e.g. Disallowing cross-profile copy and paste). |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROXY Allows an application to set a network-independent global HTTP proxy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_QUERY_SYSTEM_UPDATES Allows an application query system updates. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RESET_PASSWORD Allows an application to force set a new device unlock password or a managed profile challenge on current user. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RESTRICT_PRIVATE_DNS Allows an application to set policy related to restricting the user from configuring private DNS. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS Allows an application to set the grant state of runtime permissions on packages. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND Allows an application to set policy related to users running in the background. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SAFE_BOOT Allows an application to manage safe boot policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SCREEN_CAPTURE Allows an application to set policy related to screen capture. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SCREEN_CONTENT Allows an application to set policy related to the usage of the contents of the screen. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SECURITY_LOGGING Allows an application to set policy related to security logging. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SETTINGS Allows an application to set policy related to settings. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SMS Allows an application to set policy related to sms. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_STATUS_BAR Allows an application to set policy related to the status bar. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SUPPORT_MESSAGE Allows an application to set support messages for when a user action is affected by an active policy. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SUSPEND_PERSONAL_APPS Allows an application to set policy related to suspending personal apps. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_APPS Allows an application to manage policy related to system apps. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_DIALOGS Allows an application to set policy related to system dialogs. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_UPDATES Allows an application to set policy related to system updates. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_TIME Allows an application to manage device policy relating to time. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USB_DATA_SIGNALLING Allows an application to set policy related to usb data signalling. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USB_FILE_TRANSFER Allows an application to set policy related to usb file transfers. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USERS Allows an application to set policy related to users. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_VPN Allows an application to set policy related to VPNs. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WALLPAPER Allows an application to set policy related to the wallpaper. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI Allows an application to set policy related to Wifi. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WINDOWS Allows an application to set policy related to windows. |
String | MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIPE_DATA Allows an application to manage policy related to wiping data. |
String | MANAGE_DOCUMENTS Allows an application to manage access to documents, usually as part of a document picker. |
String | MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allows an application a broad access to external storage in scoped storage. |
String | MANAGE_MEDIA Allows an application to modify and delete media files on this device or any connected storage device without user confirmation. |
String | MANAGE_ONGOING_CALLS Allows to query ongoing call details and manage ongoing callsProtection level: signature|appop |
String | MANAGE_OWN_CALLS Allows a calling application which manages its own calls through the self-managedConnectionService APIs. |
String | MANAGE_WIFI_INTERFACES Allows applications to get notified when a Wi-Fi interface request cannot be satisfied without tearing down one or more other interfaces, and provide a decision whether to approve the request or reject it. |
String | MANAGE_WIFI_NETWORK_SELECTION This permission is used to let OEMs grant their trusted app access to a subset of privileged wifi APIs to improve wifi performance. |
String | MASTER_CLEAR Not for use by third-party applications. |
String | MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL Allows an application to know what content is playing and control its playback. |
String | MEDIA_ROUTING_CONTROL Allows an application to control the routing of media apps. |
String | MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS Allows an application to modify global audio settings. |
String | MODIFY_PHONE_STATE Allows modification of the telephony state - power on, mmi, etc. |
String | MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS Allows formatting file systems for removable storage. |
String | MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage. |
String | NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES Required to be able to advertise and connect to nearby devices via Wi-Fi. |
String | NFC Allows applications to perform I/O operations over NFC. |
String | NFC_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_INFO Allows applications to receive NFC preferred payment service information. |
String | NFC_TRANSACTION_EVENT Allows applications to receive NFC transaction events. |
String | OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG Allows an application to modify any wifi configuration, even if created by another application. |
String | PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS Allows an application to collect component usage statisticsDeclaring the permission implies intention to use the API and the user of the device can grant permission through the Settings application. |
String | PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY This constant was deprecated in API level 15. This functionality will be removed in the future; please do not use. Allow an application to make its activities persistent. |
String | POST_NOTIFICATIONS Allows an app to post notificationsProtection level: dangerous |
String | PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS This constant was deprecated in API level 29. Applications should use CallRedirectionService instead of the Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast. |
String | PROVIDE_OWN_AUTOFILL_SUGGESTIONS Allows an application to display its suggestions using the autofill framework. |
String | PROVIDE_REMOTE_CREDENTIALS Allows an application to be able to store and retrieve credentials from a remote device. |
String | QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES Allows query of any normal app on the device, regardless of manifest declarations. |
String | READ_ASSISTANT_APP_SEARCH_DATA Allows an application to query over global data in AppSearch that's visible to the ASSISTANT role. |
String | READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE Allows read only access to phone state with a non dangerous permission, including the information like cellular network type, software version. |
String | READ_CALENDAR Allows an application to read the user's calendar data. |
String | READ_CALL_LOG Allows an application to read the user's call log. |
String | READ_CONTACTS Allows an application to read the user's contacts data. |
String | READ_DROPBOX_DATA Allows an application to access the data in Dropbox. |
String | READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allows an application to read from external storage. |
String | READ_HOME_APP_SEARCH_DATA Allows an application to query over global data in AppSearch that's visible to the HOME role. |
String | READ_INPUT_STATE This constant was deprecated in API level 16. The API that used this permission has been removed. |
String | READ_LOGS Allows an application to read the low-level system log files. |
String | READ_MEDIA_AUDIO Allows an application to read audio files from external storage. |
String | READ_MEDIA_IMAGES Allows an application to read image files from external storage. |
String | READ_MEDIA_VIDEO Allows an application to read video files from external storage. |
String | READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED Allows an application to read image or video files from external storage that a user has selected via the permission prompt photo picker. |
String | READ_NEARBY_STREAMING_POLICY Allows an application to read nearby streaming policy. |
String | READ_PHONE_NUMBERS Allows read access to the device's phone number(s). |
String | READ_PHONE_STATE Allows read only access to phone state, including the current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device. |
String | READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE Allows read only access to precise phone state. |
String | READ_SMS Allows an application to read SMS messages. |
String | READ_SYNC_SETTINGS Allows applications to read the sync settings. |
String | READ_SYNC_STATS Allows applications to read the sync stats. |
String | READ_VOICEMAIL Allows an application to read voicemails in the system. |
String | REBOOT Required to be able to reboot the device. |
String | RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Allows an application to receive theIntent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. |
String | RECEIVE_MMS Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages. |
String | RECEIVE_SMS Allows an application to receive SMS messages. |
String | RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH Allows an application to receive WAP push messages. |
String | RECORD_AUDIO Allows an application to record audio. |
String | REORDER_TASKS Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_APP_STREAMING Allows application to request to be associated with a virtual display capable of streaming Android applications (AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_APP_STREAMING) by CompanionDeviceManager. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_AUTOMOTIVE_PROJECTION Allows application to request to be associated with a vehicle head unit capable of automotive projection (AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_AUTOMOTIVE_PROJECTION) by CompanionDeviceManager. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_COMPUTER Allows application to request to be associated with a computer to share functionality and/or data with other devices, such as notifications, photos and media (AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_COMPUTER) by CompanionDeviceManager. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_GLASSES Allows app to request to be associated with a device viaCompanionDeviceManager as "glasses"Protection level: normal |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_NEARBY_DEVICE_STREAMING Allows application to request to stream content from an Android host to a nearby device (AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_NEARBY_DEVICE_STREAMING) by CompanionDeviceManager. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_WATCH Allows app to request to be associated with a device viaCompanionDeviceManager as a "watch"Protection level: normal |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND Allows a companion app to run in the background. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_SELF_MANAGED Allows an application to create a "self-managed" association. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_START_FOREGROUND_SERVICES_FROM_BACKGROUND Allows a companion app to start a foreground service from the background. |
String | REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND Allows a companion app to use data in the background. |
String | REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES Allows an application to request deleting packages. |
String | REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS Permission an application must hold in order to useSettings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS. |
String | REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES Allows an application to request installing packages. |
String | REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE Allows an application to subscribe to notifications about the presence status change of their associated companion device |
String | REQUEST_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY Allows an application to request the screen lock complexity and prompt users to update the screen lock to a certain complexity level. |
String | RESTART_PACKAGES This constant was deprecated in API level 15. The ActivityManager.restartPackage(String) API is no longer supported. |
String | RUN_USER_INITIATED_JOBS Allows applications to use the user-initiated jobs API. |
String | SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM Allows applications to use exact alarm APIs. |
String | SEND_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE Allows an application (Phone) to send a request to other applications to handle the respond-via-message action during incoming calls. |
String | SEND_SMS Allows an application to send SMS messages. |
String | SET_ALARM Allows an application to broadcast an Intent to set an alarm for the user. |
String | SET_ALWAYS_FINISH Allows an application to control whether activities are immediately finished when put in the background. |
String | SET_ANIMATION_SCALE Modify the global animation scaling factor. |
String | SET_BIOMETRIC_DIALOG_ADVANCED Allows an application to set the advanced features on BiometricDialog (SystemUI), including logo, logo description, and content view with more options button. |
String | SET_DEBUG_APP Configure an application for debugging. |
String | SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS This constant was deprecated in API level 15. No longer useful, seePackageManager.addPackageToPreferred(String) for details. |
String | SET_PROCESS_LIMIT Allows an application to set the maximum number of (not needed) application processes that can be running. |
String | SET_TIME Allows applications to set the system time directly. |
String | SET_TIME_ZONE Allows applications to set the system time zone directly. |
String | SET_WALLPAPER Allows applications to set the wallpaper. |
String | SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS Allows applications to set the wallpaper hints. |
String | SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES Allow an application to request that a signal be sent to all persistent processes. |
String | SMS_FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS This constant was deprecated in API level 31. The API that used this permission is no longer functional. |
String | START_FOREGROUND_SERVICES_FROM_BACKGROUND Allows an application to start foreground services from the background at any time. |
String | START_VIEW_APP_FEATURES Allows the holder to start the screen with a list of app features. |
String | START_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE Allows the holder to start the permission usage screen for an app. |
String | STATUS_BAR Allows an application to open, close, or disable the status bar and its icons. |
String | SUBSCRIBE_TO_KEYGUARD_LOCKED_STATE Allows an application to subscribe to keyguard locked (i.e., showing) state. |
String | SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Allows an app to create windows using the typeWindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, shown on top of all other apps. |
String | TRANSMIT_IR Allows using the device's IR transmitter, if available. |
String | TURN_SCREEN_ON Allows an app to turn on the screen on, e.g. withPowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP. |
String | UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT Don't use this permission in your app. |
String | UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS Allows an application to update device statistics. |
String | UPDATE_PACKAGES_WITHOUT_USER_ACTION Allows an application to indicate viaPackageInstaller.SessionParams.setRequireUserAction(int) that user action should not be required for an app update. |
String | USE_BIOMETRIC Allows an app to use device supported biometric modalities. |
String | USE_EXACT_ALARM Allows apps to use exact alarms just like with SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM but without needing to request this permission from the user. |
String | USE_FINGERPRINT This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Applications should request USE_BIOMETRIC instead |
String | USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT Required for apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q that want to usenotification full screen intents. |
String | USE_ICC_AUTH_WITH_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER Allows to read device identifiers and use ICC based authentication like EAP-AKA. |
String | USE_SIP Allows an application to use SIP service. |
String | UWB_RANGING Required to be able to range to devices using ultra-wideband. |
String | VIBRATE Allows access to the vibrator. |
String | WAKE_LOCK Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. |
String | WRITE_APN_SETTINGS Allows applications to write the apn settings and read sensitive fields of an existing apn settings like user and password. |
String | WRITE_CALENDAR Allows an application to write the user's calendar data. |
String | WRITE_CALL_LOG Allows an application to write and read the user's call log data. |
String | WRITE_CONTACTS Allows an application to write the user's contacts data. |
String | WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allows an application to write to external storage. |
String | WRITE_GSERVICES Allows an application to modify the Google service map. |
String | WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS Allows an application to read or write the secure system settings. |
String | WRITE_SETTINGS Allows an application to read or write the system settings. |
String | WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS Allows applications to write the sync settings. |
String | WRITE_VOICEMAIL Allows an application to modify and remove existing voicemails in the system. |
Public constructors |
permission() |
Inherited methods |
From class java.lang.Object Object clone() Creates and returns a copy of this object. boolean equals(Object obj) Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. void finalize() Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object. finalClass<?> getClass() Returns the runtime class of this Object. int hashCode() Returns a hash code value for the object. final void notify() Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor. final void notifyAll() Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor. String toString() Returns a string representation of the object. final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos) Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed. final void wait(long timeoutMillis) Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed. final void wait() Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted. |
public static final String ACCEPT_HANDOVER
Allows a calling app to continue a call which was started in another app. An example is a video calling app that wants to continue a voice call on the user's mobile network.
When the handover of a call from one app to another takes place, there are two devices which are involved in the handover; the initiating and receiving devices. The initiating device is where the request to handover the call was started, and the receiving device is where the handover request is confirmed by the other party.
This permission protects access to the[TelecomManager.acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle)](/reference/android/telecom/,%20int,%20android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle%29)
which the receiving side of the handover uses to accept a handover.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCEPT_HANDOVER"
public static final String ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION
Allows an app to access location in the background. If you're requesting this permission, you must also request either [ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#ACCESS%5FCOARSE%5FLOCATION)
. Requesting this permission by itself doesn't give you location access.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"
public static final String ACCESS_BLOBS_ACROSS_USERS
Allows an application to access data blobs across users.
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_BLOBS_ACROSS_USERS"
public static final String ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES
Allows read/write access to the "properties" table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES"
public static final String ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
Allows an app to access approximate location. Alternatively, you might want [ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#ACCESS%5FFINE%5FLOCATION)
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"
public static final String ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want [ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#ACCESS%5FCOARSE%5FLOCATION)
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"
public static final String ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES
Allows applications to access profiles
user property, e.g.[UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE](/reference/android/os/UserManager#USER%5FTYPE%5FPROFILE%5FPRIVATE)
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES"
public static final String ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS
Allows an application to access extra location provider commands.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS"
public static final String ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION
Allows an application to access any geographic locations persisted in the user's shared collection.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION"
public static final String ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"
public static final String ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY
Marker permission for applications that wish to access notification policy. This permission is not supported on managed profiles.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY"
public static final String ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"
public static final String ACCOUNT_MANAGER
Allows applications to call into AccountAuthenticators.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER"
public static final String ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION
Allows an application to recognize physical activity.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"
public static final String ADD_VOICEMAIL
Allows an application to add voicemails into the system.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: ""
public static final String ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS
Allows the app to answer an incoming phone call.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS"
public static final String BATTERY_STATS
Allows an application to collect battery statistics
Protection level: signature|privileged|development
Constant Value: "android.permission.BATTERY_STATS"
public static final String BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE
Must be required by an [AccessibilityService](/reference/android/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_APPWIDGET
Allows an application to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data. The normal user flow is that a user picks an AppWidget to go into a particular host, thereby giving that host application access to the private data from the AppWidget app. An application that has this permission should honor that contract.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET"
public static final String BIND_AUTOFILL_SERVICE
Must be required by a [AutofillService](/reference/android/service/autofill/AutofillService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_AUTOFILL_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_CALL_REDIRECTION_SERVICE
Must be required by a [CallRedirectionService](/reference/android/telecom/CallRedirectionService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CALL_REDIRECTION_SERVICE"
A subclass of [CarrierMessagingClientService](/reference/android/service/carrier/CarrierMessagingClientService)
must be protected with this permission.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_CLIENT_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_SERVICE
This constant was deprecated in API level 23.
Use [BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#BIND%5FCARRIER%5FSERVICES)
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES
The system process that is allowed to bind to services in carrier apps will have this permission. Carrier apps should use this permission to protect their services that only the system is allowed to bind to.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES"
public static final String BIND_CHOOSER_TARGET_SERVICE
This constant was deprecated in API level 30.
For publishing direct share targets, please follow the instructions in instead.
Must be required by a [ChooserTargetService](/reference/android/service/chooser/ChooserTargetService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CHOOSER_TARGET_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE
Must be required by any[CompanionDeviceService](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceService)
s to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_CONDITION_PROVIDER_SERVICE
Must be required by a [ConditionProviderService](/reference/android/service/notification/ConditionProviderService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CONDITION_PROVIDER_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_CONTROLS
Allows SystemUI to request third party controls.
Should only be requested by the System and required by[ControlsProviderService](/reference/android/service/controls/ControlsProviderService)
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CONTROLS"
Must be required by a CredentialProviderService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN
Must be required by device administration receiver, to ensure that only the system can interact with it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN"
public static final String BIND_DREAM_SERVICE
Must be required by an [DreamService](/reference/android/service/dreams/DreamService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_DREAM_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_INCALL_SERVICE
Must be required by a [InCallService](/reference/android/telecom/InCallService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_INCALL_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_INPUT_METHOD
Must be required by an [InputMethodService](/reference/android/inputmethodservice/InputMethodService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHOD"
public static final String BIND_MIDI_DEVICE_SERVICE
Must be required by an [MidiDeviceService](/reference/android/media/midi/MidiDeviceService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_MIDI_DEVICE_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_NFC_SERVICE
Must be required by a [HostApduService](/reference/android/nfc/cardemulation/HostApduService)
or [OffHostApduService](/reference/android/nfc/cardemulation/OffHostApduService)
to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE"
Must be required by an [NotificationListenerService](/reference/android/service/notification/NotificationListenerService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_PRINT_SERVICE
Must be required by a [PrintService](/reference/android/printservice/PrintService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_PRINT_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_QUICK_ACCESS_WALLET_SERVICE
Must be required by a [QuickAccessWalletService](/reference/android/service/quickaccesswallet/QuickAccessWalletService)
to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_QUICK_ACCESS_WALLET_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE
Allows an application to bind to third party quick settings tiles.
Should only be requested by the System, should be required by TileService declarations.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE"
public static final String BIND_REMOTEVIEWS
Must be required by a [RemoteViewsService](/reference/android/widget/RemoteViewsService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_REMOTEVIEWS"
public static final String BIND_SCREENING_SERVICE
Must be required by a [CallScreeningService](/reference/android/telecom/CallScreeningService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_SCREENING_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_TELECOM_CONNECTION_SERVICE
Must be required by a [ConnectionService](/reference/android/telecom/ConnectionService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_TELECOM_CONNECTION_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_TEXT_SERVICE
Must be required by a TextService (e.g. SpellCheckerService) to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_TEXT_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_TV_INPUT
Must be required by a [TvInputService](/reference/android/media/tv/TvInputService)
to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_TV_INPUT"
public static final String BIND_TV_INTERACTIVE_APP
Must be required by a [TvInteractiveAppService](/reference/android/media/tv/interactive/TvInteractiveAppService)
to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_TV_INTERACTIVE_APP"
public static final String BIND_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SERVICE
Must be required by a link [VisualVoicemailService](/reference/android/telephony/VisualVoicemailService)
to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_VOICE_INTERACTION
Must be required by a [VoiceInteractionService](/reference/android/service/voice/VoiceInteractionService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_VOICE_INTERACTION"
public static final String BIND_VPN_SERVICE
Must be required by a [VpnService](/reference/android/net/VpnService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_VPN_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_VR_LISTENER_SERVICE
Must be required by an [VrListenerService](/reference/android/service/vr/VrListenerService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_VR_LISTENER_SERVICE"
public static final String BIND_WALLPAPER
Must be required by a [WallpaperService](/reference/android/service/wallpaper/WallpaperService)
, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER"
public static final String BLUETOOTH
Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.BLUETOOTH"
public static final String BLUETOOTH_ADMIN
Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"
public static final String BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE
Required to be able to advertise to nearby Bluetooth devices.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE"
public static final String BLUETOOTH_CONNECT
Required to be able to connect to paired Bluetooth devices.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT"
public static final String BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED
Allows applications to pair bluetooth devices without user interaction, and to allow or disallow phonebook access or message access.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED"
public static final String BLUETOOTH_SCAN
Required to be able to discover and pair nearby Bluetooth devices.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN"
public static final String BODY_SENSORS
Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside their body, such as heart rate.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.BODY_SENSORS"
public static final String BODY_SENSORS_BACKGROUND
Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside their body, such as heart rate. If you're requesting this permission, you must also request [BODY_SENSORS](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#BODY%5FSENSORS)
. Requesting this permission by itself doesn't give you Body sensors access.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.BODY_SENSORS_BACKGROUND"
public static final String BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED
Allows an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been removed.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED"
public static final String BROADCAST_SMS
Allows an application to broadcast an SMS receipt notification.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS"
public static final String BROADCAST_STICKY
Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents. These are broadcasts whose data is held by the system after being finished, so that clients can quickly retrieve that data without having to wait for the next broadcast.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY"
public static final String BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH
Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH"
public static final String CALL_COMPANION_APP
Allows an app which implements the[InCallService](/reference/android/telecom/InCallService)
API to be eligible to be enabled as a calling companion app. This means that the Telecom framework will bind to the app's InCallService implementation when there are calls active. The app can use the InCallService API to view information about calls on the system and control these calls.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.CALL_COMPANION_APP"
public static final String CALL_PHONE
Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call.
Note: An app holding this permission can also call carrier MMI codes to change settings such as call forwarding or call waiting preferences.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.CALL_PHONE"
public static final String CALL_PRIVILEGED
Allows an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED"
public static final String CAMERA
Required to be able to access the camera device.
This will automatically enforce the uses-feature manifest element for all camera features. If you do not require all camera features or can properly operate if a camera is not available, then you must modify your manifest as appropriate in order to install on devices that don't support all camera features.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.CAMERA"
public static final String CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT
Allows an application to capture audio output. Use the CAPTURE_MEDIA_OUTPUT
permission if only the USAGE_UNKNOWN
) usages are intended to be captured.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT"
public static final String CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE
Allows an application to change whether an application component (other than its own) is enabled or not.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE"
public static final String CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.
Protection level: signature|privileged|development
Constant Value: "android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"
public static final String CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE
Allows applications to change network connectivity state.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"
public static final String CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE
Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE"
public static final String CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"
public static final String CLEAR_APP_CACHE
Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"
public static final String CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY
Allows an application to configure and connect to Wifi displays
Constant Value: "android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY"
public static final String CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES
Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES"
Allows a browser to invoke the set of query apis to get metadata about credential candidates prepared during the CredentialManager.prepareGetCredential API.
Protection level: normal
Allows specifying candidate credential providers to be queried in Credential Manager get flows, or to be preferred as a default in the Credential Manager create flows.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ALLOWED_PROVIDERS"
public static final String CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN
Allows a browser to invoke credential manager APIs on behalf of another RP.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN"
public static final String DELETE_CACHE_FILES
Old permission for deleting an app's cache files, no longer used, but signals for us to quietly ignore calls instead of throwing an exception.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES"
public static final String DELETE_PACKAGES
Allows an application to delete packages.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Starting in [Build.VERSION_CODES.N](/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION%5FCODES#N)
, user confirmation is requested when the application deleting the package is not the same application that installed the package.
Constant Value: "android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES"
public static final String DELIVER_COMPANION_MESSAGES
Allows an application to deliver companion messages to system
Constant Value: "android.permission.DELIVER_COMPANION_MESSAGES"
public static final String DETECT_SCREEN_CAPTURE
Allows an application to get notified when a screen capture of its windows is attempted.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.DETECT_SCREEN_CAPTURE"
public static final String DETECT_SCREEN_RECORDING
Allows an application to get notified when it is being recorded.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.DETECT_SCREEN_RECORDING"
public static final String DIAGNOSTIC
Allows applications to RW to diagnostic resources.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.DIAGNOSTIC"
public static final String DISABLE_KEYGUARD
Allows applications to disable the keyguard if it is not secure.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"
public static final String DUMP
Allows an application to retrieve state dump information from system services.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.DUMP"
public static final String EXECUTE_APP_ACTION
Allows an assistive application to perform actions on behalf of users inside of applications.
For now, this permission is only granted to the Assistant application selected by the user.
Protection level: internal|role
Constant Value: "android.permission.EXECUTE_APP_ACTION"
public static final String EXPAND_STATUS_BAR
Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR"
public static final String FACTORY_TEST
Run as a manufacturer test application, running as the root user. Only available when the device is running in manufacturer test mode.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.FACTORY_TEST"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CAMERA
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "camera".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CAMERA"
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "connectedDevice".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CONNECTED_DEVICE"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "dataSync".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_HEALTH
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "health".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_HEALTH"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "location".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION"
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "mediaPlayback".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK"
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "mediaProcessing".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROCESSING"
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "mediaProjection".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "microphone".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_PHONE_CALL
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "phoneCall".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_PHONE_CALL"
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "remoteMessaging".
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_REMOTE_MESSAGING"
public static final String FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SPECIAL_USE
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "specialUse".
Protection level: normal|appop|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SPECIAL_USE"
Allows a regular application to use [Service.startForeground](/reference/android/app/Service#startForeground%28int,
with the type "systemExempted". Apps are allowed to use this type only in the use cases listed in[ServiceInfo.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SYSTEM_EXEMPTED](/reference/android/content/pm/ServiceInfo#FOREGROUND%5FSERVICE%5FTYPE%5FSYSTEM%5FEXEMPTED)
Protection level: normal|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SYSTEM_EXEMPTED"
public static final String GET_ACCOUNTS
Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.
Note: Beginning with Android 6.0 (API level 23), if an app shares the signature of the authenticator that manages an account, it does not need "GET_ACCOUNTS"
permission to read information about that account. On Android 5.1 and lower, all apps need"GET_ACCOUNTS"
permission to read information about any account.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS"
public static final String GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED
Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED"
public static final String GET_PACKAGE_SIZE
Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE"
public static final String GET_TASKS
This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
No longer enforced.
Constant Value: "android.permission.GET_TASKS"
public static final String GLOBAL_SEARCH
This permission can be used on content providers to allow the global search system to access their data. Typically it used when the provider has some permissions protecting it (which global search would not be expected to hold), and added as a read-only permission to the path in the provider where global search queries are performed. This permission can not be held by regular applications; it is used by applications to protect themselves from everyone else besides global search.
Protection level: signature|privileged
Constant Value: "android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH"
public static final String HIDE_OVERLAY_WINDOWS
Allows an app to prevent non-system-overlay windows from being drawn on top of it
Constant Value: "android.permission.HIDE_OVERLAY_WINDOWS"
public static final String HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS
Allows an app to access sensor data with a sampling rate greater than 200 Hz.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS"
public static final String INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER
Allows an application to install a location provider into the Location Manager.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER"
public static final String INSTALL_PACKAGES
Allows an application to install packages.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"
public static final String INSTALL_SHORTCUT
Allows an application to install a shortcut in Launcher.
In Android O (API level 26) and higher, the INSTALL_SHORTCUT
broadcast no longer has any effect on your app because it's a private, implicit broadcast. Instead, you should create an app shortcut by using the[requestPinShortcut()](/reference/android/content/pm/,%20android.content.IntentSender%29)
method from the [ShortcutManager](/reference/android/content/pm/ShortcutManager)
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: ""
public static final String INSTANT_APP_FOREGROUND_SERVICE
Allows an instant app to create foreground services.
Protection level: signature|development|instant|appop
Constant Value: "android.permission.INSTANT_APP_FOREGROUND_SERVICE"
public static final String INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES
Allows interaction across profiles in the same profile group.
Constant Value: "android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES"
public static final String INTERNET
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.INTERNET"
Allows an application to capture screen content to perform a screenshot using the intent action [Intent.ACTION_LAUNCH_CAPTURE_CONTENT_ACTIVITY_FOR_NOTE](/reference/android/content/Intent#ACTION%5FLAUNCH%5FCAPTURE%5FCONTENT%5FACTIVITY%5FFOR%5FNOTE)
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by ROLE_NOTES only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.LAUNCH_CAPTURE_CONTENT_ACTIVITY_FOR_NOTE"
public static final String LOADER_USAGE_STATS
Allows a data loader to read a package's access logs. The access logs contain the set of pages referenced over time.
Declaring the permission implies intention to use the API and the user of the device can grant permission through the Settings application.
Protection level: signature|privileged|appop
A data loader has to be the one which provides data to install an app.
A data loader has to have both permission:LOADER_USAGE_STATS AND appop:LOADER_USAGE_STATS allowed to be able to access the read logs.
Constant Value: "android.permission.LOADER_USAGE_STATS"
public static final String LOCATION_HARDWARE
Allows an application to use location features in hardware, such as the geofencing api.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.LOCATION_HARDWARE"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_LOCK_STATE
Allows financed device kiosk apps to perform actions on the Device Lock service
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the FINANCED_DEVICE_KIOSK role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_LOCK_STATE"
Allows an application to manage policy related to accessibility.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACCESSIBILITY"
Allows an application to set policy related to account management.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS
Allows an application to set device policies outside the current user that are required for securing device ownership without accessing user data.
Holding this permission allows the use of other held MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_* permissions across all users on the device provided they do not grant access to user data.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS"
Allows an application to set device policies outside the current user.
Fuller form of [MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#MANAGE%5FDEVICE%5FPOLICY%5FACROSS%5FUSERS)
that removes the restriction on accessing user data.
Holding this permission allows the use of any other held MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_* permissions across all users on the device.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS_FULL"
Allows an application to set device policies outside the current user that are critical for securing data within the current user.
Holding this permission allows the use of other held MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_* permissions across all users on the device provided they are required for securing data within the current user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Allows an application to set policy related to airplane mode.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AIRPLANE_MODE"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APPS_CONTROL
Allows an application to manage policy regarding modifying applications.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APPS_CONTROL"
Allows an application to manage application restrictions.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APP_RESTRICTIONS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APP_USER_DATA
Allows an application to manage policy related to application user data.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APP_USER_DATA"
Allows an application to set policy related to sending assist content to a privileged app such as the Assistant app.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ASSIST_CONTENT"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUDIO_OUTPUT
Allows an application to set policy related to audio output.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUDIO_OUTPUT"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUTOFILL
Allows an application to set policy related to autofill.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUTOFILL"
Allows an application to manage backup service policy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BACKUP_SERVICE"
Allows an application to manage policy related to block package uninstallation.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLOCK_UNINSTALL"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLUETOOTH
Allows an application to set policy related to bluetooth.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLUETOOTH"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BUGREPORT
Allows an application to request bugreports with user consent.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BUGREPORT"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CALLS
Allows an application to manage calling policy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CALLS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CAMERA
Allows an application to set policy related to restricting a user's ability to use or enable and disable the camera.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CAMERA"
Allows an application to manage policy related to camera toggle.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CAMERA_TOGGLE"
Allows an application to set policy related to certificates.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CERTIFICATES"
Allows an application to manage policy related to common criteria mode.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_COMMON_CRITERIA_MODE"
Allows an application to manage policy related to content protection.
Protection level: internal|role
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CONTENT_PROTECTION"
Allows an application to manage debugging features policy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEBUGGING_FEATURES"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEFAULT_SMS
Allows an application to set policy related to the default sms application.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEFAULT_SMS"
Allows an application to manage policy related to device identifiers.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DISPLAY
Allows an application to set policy related to the display.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DISPLAY"
Allows an application to set policy related to factory reset.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FACTORY_RESET"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FUN
Allows an application to set policy related to fun.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FUN"
Allows an application to set policy related to input methods.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_INPUT_METHODS"
Allows an application to manage installing from unknown sources policy.
MANAGE_SECURITY_CRITICAL_DEVICE_POLICY_ACROSS_USERS is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Allows an application to set policy related to keeping uninstalled packages.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_KEYGUARD
Allows an application to manage policy related to keyguard.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_KEYGUARD"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCALE
Allows an application to set policy related to locale.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCALE"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCATION
Allows an application to set policy related to location.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCATION"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK
Allows an application to lock a profile or the device with the appropriate cross-user permission.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK"
Allows an application to set policy related to lock credentials.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_CREDENTIALS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_TASK
Allows an application to manage lock task policy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_TASK"
Allows an application to set policy related to subscriptions downloaded by an admin.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_METERED_DATA
Allows an application to manage policy related to metered data.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_METERED_DATA"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MICROPHONE
Allows an application to set policy related to restricting a user's ability to use or enable and disable the microphone.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MICROPHONE"
Allows an application to manage policy related to microphone toggle.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MICROPHONE_TOGGLE"
Allows an application to set policy related to mobile networks.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS
Allows an application to manage policy preventing users from modifying users.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MTE
Allows an application to manage policy related to the Memory Tagging Extension (MTE).
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MTE"
Allows an application to set policy related to nearby communications (e.g. Beam and nearby streaming).
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_NEARBY_COMMUNICATION"
Allows an application to set policy related to network logging.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_NETWORK_LOGGING"
Allows an application to manage the identity of the managing organization.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_OVERRIDE_APN
Allows an application to set policy related to override APNs.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_OVERRIDE_APN"
Allows an application to set policy related to hiding and suspending packages.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PACKAGE_STATE"
Allows an application to set policy related to physical media.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PHYSICAL_MEDIA"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRINTING
Allows an application to set policy related to printing.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRINTING"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRIVATE_DNS
Allows an application to set policy related to private DNS.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRIVATE_DNS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILES
Allows an application to set policy related to profiles.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILES"
Allows an application to set policy related to interacting with profiles (e.g. Disallowing cross-profile copy and paste).
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILE_INTERACTION"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROXY
Allows an application to set a network-independent global HTTP proxy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROXY"
Allows an application query system updates.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_QUERY_SYSTEM_UPDATES"
Allows an application to force set a new device unlock password or a managed profile challenge on current user.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RESET_PASSWORD"
Allows an application to set policy related to restricting the user from configuring private DNS.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RESTRICT_PRIVATE_DNS"
Allows an application to set the grant state of runtime permissions on packages.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS"
Allows an application to set policy related to users running in the background.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SAFE_BOOT
Allows an application to manage safe boot policy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SAFE_BOOT"
Allows an application to set policy related to screen capture.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SCREEN_CAPTURE"
Allows an application to set policy related to the usage of the contents of the screen.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SCREEN_CONTENT"
Allows an application to set policy related to security logging.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SECURITY_LOGGING"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SETTINGS
Allows an application to set policy related to settings.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SETTINGS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SMS
Allows an application to set policy related to sms.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SMS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_STATUS_BAR
Allows an application to set policy related to the status bar.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_STATUS_BAR"
Allows an application to set support messages for when a user action is affected by an active policy.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SUPPORT_MESSAGE"
Allows an application to set policy related to suspending personal apps.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SUSPEND_PERSONAL_APPS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_APPS
Allows an application to manage policy related to system apps.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_APPS"
Allows an application to set policy related to system dialogs.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_DIALOGS"
Allows an application to set policy related to system updates.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_UPDATES"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_TIME
Allows an application to manage device policy relating to time.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_TIME"
Allows an application to set policy related to usb data signalling.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USB_DATA_SIGNALLING"
Allows an application to set policy related to usb file transfers.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USB_FILE_TRANSFER"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USERS
Allows an application to set policy related to users.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USERS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_VPN
Allows an application to set policy related to VPNs.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_VPN"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WALLPAPER
Allows an application to set policy related to the wallpaper.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WALLPAPER"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI
Allows an application to set policy related to Wifi.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WINDOWS
Allows an application to set policy related to windows.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WINDOWS"
public static final String MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIPE_DATA
Allows an application to manage policy related to wiping data.
is required to call APIs protected by this permission on users different to the calling user.
Protection level: internal|role
Intended for use by the DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT role only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIPE_DATA"
public static final String MANAGE_DOCUMENTS
Allows an application to manage access to documents, usually as part of a document picker.
This permission should only be requested by the platform document management app. This permission cannot be granted to third-party apps.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS"
public static final String MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Allows an application a broad access to external storage in scoped storage. Intended to be used by few apps that need to manage files on behalf of the users.
Protection level: signature|appop|preinstalled
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
public static final String MANAGE_ONGOING_CALLS
Allows to query ongoing call details and manage ongoing calls
Protection level: signature|appop
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_ONGOING_CALLS"
public static final String MANAGE_OWN_CALLS
Allows a calling application which manages its own calls through the self-managed[ConnectionService](/reference/android/telecom/ConnectionService)
APIs. See[PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED](/reference/android/telecom/PhoneAccount#CAPABILITY%5FSELF%5FMANAGED)
for more information on the self-managed ConnectionService APIs.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS"
public static final String MANAGE_WIFI_INTERFACES
Allows applications to get notified when a Wi-Fi interface request cannot be satisfied without tearing down one or more other interfaces, and provide a decision whether to approve the request or reject it.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_INTERFACES"
public static final String MANAGE_WIFI_NETWORK_SELECTION
This permission is used to let OEMs grant their trusted app access to a subset of privileged wifi APIs to improve wifi performance. Allows applications to manage Wi-Fi network selection related features such as enable or disable global auto-join, modify connectivity scan intervals, and approve Wi-Fi Direct connections.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_NETWORK_SELECTION"
public static final String MASTER_CLEAR
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR"
public static final String MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL
Allows an application to know what content is playing and control its playback.
Not for use by third-party applications due to privacy of media consumption
Constant Value: "android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL"
public static final String MEDIA_ROUTING_CONTROL
Allows an application to control the routing of media apps.
Only for use by role COMPANION_DEVICE_WATCH
Constant Value: "android.permission.MEDIA_ROUTING_CONTROL"
public static final String MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS
Allows an application to modify global audio settings.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"
public static final String MODIFY_PHONE_STATE
Allows modification of the telephony state - power on, mmi, etc. Does not include placing calls.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE"
public static final String MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS
Allows formatting file systems for removable storage.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS"
public static final String MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS
Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"
public static final String NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES
Required to be able to advertise and connect to nearby devices via Wi-Fi.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES"
public static final String NFC
Allows applications to perform I/O operations over NFC.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.NFC"
public static final String NFC_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_INFO
Allows applications to receive NFC preferred payment service information.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.NFC_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_INFO"
public static final String NFC_TRANSACTION_EVENT
Allows applications to receive NFC transaction events.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_EVENT"
public static final String OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG
Allows an application to modify any wifi configuration, even if created by another application. Once reconfigured the original creator cannot make any further modifications.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG"
public static final String PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS
Allows an application to collect component usage statistics
Declaring the permission implies intention to use the API and the user of the device can grant permission through the Settings application.
Protection level: signature|privileged|development|appop|retailDemo
Constant Value: "android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"
public static final String PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY
This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
This functionality will be removed in the future; please do not use. Allow an application to make its activities persistent.
Constant Value: "android.permission.PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY"
public static final String POST_NOTIFICATIONS
Allows an app to post notifications
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"
public static final String PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS
This constant was deprecated in API level 29.
Applications should use [CallRedirectionService](/reference/android/telecom/CallRedirectionService)
instead of the [Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL](/reference/android/content/Intent#ACTION%5FNEW%5FOUTGOING%5FCALL)
Allows an application to see the number being dialed during an outgoing call with the option to redirect the call to a different number or abort the call altogether.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS"
Allows an application to display its suggestions using the autofill framework.
For now, this permission is only granted to the Browser application.
Protection level: internal|role
Constant Value: "android.permission.PROVIDE_OWN_AUTOFILL_SUGGESTIONS"
public static final String PROVIDE_REMOTE_CREDENTIALS
Allows an application to be able to store and retrieve credentials from a remote device.
Protection level: signature|privileged|role
Constant Value: "android.permission.PROVIDE_REMOTE_CREDENTIALS"
public static final String QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES
Allows query of any normal app on the device, regardless of manifest declarations.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES"
public static final String READ_ASSISTANT_APP_SEARCH_DATA
Allows an application to query over global data in AppSearch that's visible to the ASSISTANT role.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_ASSISTANT_APP_SEARCH_DATA"
public static final String READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE
Allows read only access to phone state with a non dangerous permission, including the information like cellular network type, software version.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE"
public static final String READ_CALENDAR
Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_CALENDAR"
public static final String READ_CONTACTS
Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"
public static final String READ_DROPBOX_DATA
Allows an application to access the data in Dropbox.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_DROPBOX_DATA"
public static final String READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Note: Starting in API level 33, this permission has no effect. If your app accesses other apps' media files, request one or more of these permissions instead: READ_MEDIA_IMAGES,READ_MEDIA_VIDEO,READ_MEDIA_AUDIO. Learn more about thestorage permissions that are associated with media files.
This permission is enforced starting in API level 19. Before API level 19, this permission is not enforced and all apps still have access to read from external storage. You can test your app with the permission enforced by enabling Protect USB storage under Developer options in the Settings app on a device running Android 4.1 or higher.
Also starting in API level 19, this permission is not required to read or write files in your application-specific directories returned by[Context.getExternalFilesDir(String)](/reference/android/content/Context#getExternalFilesDir%28java.lang.String%29)
Starting in API level 29, apps don't need to request this permission to access files in their app-specific directory on external storage, or their own files in theMediaStore. Apps shouldn't request this permission unless they need to access other apps' files in theMediaStore
. Read more about these changes in thescoped storage section of the developer documentation.
If both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 3 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 4 or higher.
This is a soft restricted permission which cannot be held by an app it its full form until the installer on record allowlists the permission. Specifically, if the permission is allowlisted the holder app can access external storage and the visual and aural media collections while if the permission is not allowlisted the holder app can only access to the visual and aural medial collections. Also the permission is immutably restricted meaning that the allowlist state can be specified only at install time and cannot change until the app is installed. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
public static final String READ_HOME_APP_SEARCH_DATA
Allows an application to query over global data in AppSearch that's visible to the HOME role.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_HOME_APP_SEARCH_DATA"
public static final String READ_INPUT_STATE
This constant was deprecated in API level 16.
The API that used this permission has been removed.
Allows an application to retrieve the current state of keys and switches.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_INPUT_STATE"
public static final String READ_LOGS
Allows an application to read the low-level system log files.
Not for use by third-party applications, because Log entries can contain the user's private information.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_LOGS"
public static final String READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED
Allows an application to read image or video files from external storage that a user has selected via the permission prompt photo picker. Apps can check this permission to verify that a user has decided to use the photo picker, instead of granting access to[READ_MEDIA_IMAGES](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FIMAGES)
or [READ_MEDIA_VIDEO](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FVIDEO)
. It does not prevent apps from accessing the standard photo picker manually. This permission should be requested alongside[READ_MEDIA_IMAGES](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FIMAGES)
and/or [READ_MEDIA_VIDEO](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FVIDEO)
, depending on which type of media is desired.
This permission will be automatically added to an app's manifest if the app requests[READ_MEDIA_IMAGES](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FIMAGES)
, [READ_MEDIA_VIDEO](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FVIDEO)
, or [ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#ACCESS%5FMEDIA%5FLOCATION)
regardless of target SDK. If an app does not request this permission, then the grant dialog will return `PERMISSION_GRANTED` for [READ_MEDIA_IMAGES](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FMEDIA%5FIMAGES)
, but the app will only have access to the media selected by the user. This false grant state will persist until the app goes into the background.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED"
public static final String READ_PHONE_NUMBERS
Allows read access to the device's phone number(s). This is a subset of the capabilities granted by [READ_PHONE_STATE](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ%5FPHONE%5FSTATE)
but is exposed to instant applications.
Protection level: dangerous|instant
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS"
public static final String READ_PHONE_STATE
Allows read only access to phone state, including the current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any [PhoneAccount](/reference/android/telecom/PhoneAccount)
s registered on the device.
Note: If both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 3 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 4 or higher.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"
public static final String READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE
Allows read only access to precise phone state. Allows reading of detailed information about phone state for special-use applications such as dialers, carrier applications, or ims applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE"
public static final String READ_SYNC_SETTINGS
Allows applications to read the sync settings.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS"
public static final String READ_SYNC_STATS
Allows applications to read the sync stats.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS"
public static final String READ_VOICEMAIL
Allows an application to read voicemails in the system.
Protection level: signature|privileged|role
Constant Value: ""
public static final String REBOOT
Required to be able to reboot the device.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.REBOOT"
public static final String RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
Allows an application to receive the[Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED](/reference/android/content/Intent#ACTION%5FBOOT%5FCOMPLETED)
that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. If you don't request this permission, you will not receive the broadcast at that time. Though holding this permission does not have any security implications, it can have a negative impact on the user experience by increasing the amount of time it takes the system to start and allowing applications to have themselves running without the user being aware of them. As such, you must explicitly declare your use of this facility to make that visible to the user.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"
public static final String RECEIVE_MMS
Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS"
public static final String RECEIVE_SMS
Allows an application to receive SMS messages.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"
public static final String RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH
Allows an application to receive WAP push messages.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH"
public static final String RECORD_AUDIO
Allows an application to record audio.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"
public static final String REORDER_TASKS
Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.REORDER_TASKS"
Allows application to request to be associated with a virtual display capable of streaming Android applications ([AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_APP_STREAMING](/reference/android/companion/AssociationRequest#DEVICE%5FPROFILE%5FAPP%5FSTREAMING)
) by [CompanionDeviceManager](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceManager)
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_APP_STREAMING"
Allows application to request to be associated with a vehicle head unit capable of automotive projection ([AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_AUTOMOTIVE_PROJECTION](/reference/android/companion/AssociationRequest#DEVICE%5FPROFILE%5FAUTOMOTIVE%5FPROJECTION)
) by [CompanionDeviceManager](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceManager)
Not for use by third-party applications.
Allows application to request to be associated with a computer to share functionality and/or data with other devices, such as notifications, photos and media ([AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_COMPUTER](/reference/android/companion/AssociationRequest#DEVICE%5FPROFILE%5FCOMPUTER)
) by [CompanionDeviceManager](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceManager)
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_COMPUTER"
Allows app to request to be associated with a device via[CompanionDeviceManager](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceManager)
as "glasses"
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_GLASSES"
Allows application to request to stream content from an Android host to a nearby device ([AssociationRequest.DEVICE_PROFILE_NEARBY_DEVICE_STREAMING](/reference/android/companion/AssociationRequest#DEVICE%5FPROFILE%5FNEARBY%5FDEVICE%5FSTREAMING)
) by [CompanionDeviceManager](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceManager)
Not for use by third-party applications.
public static final String REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_WATCH
Allows app to request to be associated with a device via[CompanionDeviceManager](/reference/android/companion/CompanionDeviceManager)
as a "watch"
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_WATCH"
public static final String REQUEST_COMPANION_SELF_MANAGED
Allows an application to create a "self-managed" association.
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_SELF_MANAGED"
Allows a companion app to start a foreground service from the background.
Protection level: normal
Allows a companion app to use data in the background.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND"
Permission an application must hold in order to use[Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS](/reference/android/provider/Settings#ACTION%5FREQUEST%5FIGNORE%5FBATTERY%5FOPTIMIZATIONS)
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"
public static final String REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES
Allows an application to request installing packages. Apps targeting APIs greater than 25 must hold this permission in order to use [Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE](/reference/android/content/Intent#ACTION%5FINSTALL%5FPACKAGE)
Protection level: signature
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES"
Allows an application to subscribe to notifications about the presence status change of their associated companion device
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE"
public static final String REQUEST_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY
Allows an application to request the screen lock complexity and prompt users to update the screen lock to a certain complexity level.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.REQUEST_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY"
public static final String RESTART_PACKAGES
This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
The [ActivityManager.restartPackage(String)](/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#restartPackage%28java.lang.String%29)
API is no longer supported.
Constant Value: "android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES"
public static final String RUN_USER_INITIATED_JOBS
Allows applications to use the user-initiated jobs API. For more details see [JobInfo.Builder.setUserInitiated(boolean)](/reference/android/app/job/JobInfo.Builder#setUserInitiated%28boolean%29)
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.RUN_USER_INITIATED_JOBS"
public static final String SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
Allows applications to use exact alarm APIs.
This is a special access permission that can be revoked by the system or the user. It should only be used to enable user-facing features that require exact alarms. For more details, please go through the associateddeveloper docs.
Apps need to target API [Build.VERSION_CODES.S](/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION%5FCODES#S)
or above to be able to request this permission. Note that apps targeting lower API levels do not need this permission to use exact alarm APIs.
Apps that hold this permission and target API[Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU](/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION%5FCODES#TIRAMISU)
and below always stay in the[WORKING_SET](/reference/android/app/usage/UsageStatsManager#STANDBY%5FBUCKET%5FWORKING%5FSET)
or lower standby bucket.
If your app relies on exact alarms for core functionality, it can instead request[USE_EXACT_ALARM](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#USE%5FEXACT%5FALARM)
once it targets API[Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU](/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION%5FCODES#TIRAMISU)
. All apps using exact alarms for secondary features (which should still be user facing) should continue using this permission.
Protection level: signature|privileged|appop
Constant Value: "android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM"
public static final String SEND_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE
Allows an application (Phone) to send a request to other applications to handle the respond-via-message action during incoming calls.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SEND_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE"
public static final String SET_ALARM
Allows an application to broadcast an Intent to set an alarm for the user.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: ""
public static final String SET_ALWAYS_FINISH
Allows an application to control whether activities are immediately finished when put in the background.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_ALWAYS_FINISH"
public static final String SET_ANIMATION_SCALE
Modify the global animation scaling factor.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_ANIMATION_SCALE"
public static final String SET_BIOMETRIC_DIALOG_ADVANCED
Allows an application to set the advanced features on BiometricDialog (SystemUI), including logo, logo description, and content view with more options button.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_BIOMETRIC_DIALOG_ADVANCED"
public static final String SET_DEBUG_APP
Configure an application for debugging.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APP"
public static final String SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
No longer useful, see[PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred(String)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager#addPackageToPreferred%28java.lang.String%29)
for details.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS"
public static final String SET_PROCESS_LIMIT
Allows an application to set the maximum number of (not needed) application processes that can be running.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT"
public static final String SET_TIME
Allows applications to set the system time directly.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_TIME"
public static final String SET_TIME_ZONE
Allows applications to set the system time zone directly.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"
public static final String SET_WALLPAPER
Allows applications to set the wallpaper.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER"
public static final String SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS
Allows applications to set the wallpaper hints.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS"
public static final String SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES
Allow an application to request that a signal be sent to all persistent processes.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES"
public static final String SMS_FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS
This constant was deprecated in API level 31.
The API that used this permission is no longer functional.
Allows financial apps to read filtered sms messages. Protection level: signature|appop
Constant Value: "android.permission.SMS_FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS"
Allows an application to start foreground services from the background at any time.This permission is not for use by third-party applications, with the only exception being if the app is the default SMS app. Otherwise, it's only usable by privileged apps, app verifier app, and apps with any of the EMERGENCY or SYSTEM GALLERY roles.
Constant Value: "android.permission.START_FOREGROUND_SERVICES_FROM_BACKGROUND"
public static final String START_VIEW_APP_FEATURES
Allows the holder to start the screen with a list of app features.
Protection level: signature|installer
Constant Value: "android.permission.START_VIEW_APP_FEATURES"
public static final String START_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE
Allows the holder to start the permission usage screen for an app.
Protection level: signature|installer
Constant Value: "android.permission.START_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE"
public static final String STATUS_BAR
Allows an application to open, close, or disable the status bar and its icons.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.STATUS_BAR"
Allows an application to subscribe to keyguard locked (i.e., showing) state.
Protection level: signature|role
Intended for use by ROLE_ASSISTANT and signature apps only.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SUBSCRIBE_TO_KEYGUARD_LOCKED_STATE"
public static final String SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
Allows an app to create windows using the type[WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY](/reference/android/view/WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE%5FAPPLICATION%5FOVERLAY)
, shown on top of all other apps. Very few apps should use this permission; these windows are intended for system-level interaction with the user.
Note: If the app targets API level 23 or higher, the app user must explicitly grant this permission to the app through a permission management screen. The app requests the user's approval by sending an intent with action[Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION](/reference/android/provider/Settings#ACTION%5FMANAGE%5FOVERLAY%5FPERMISSION)
. The app can check whether it has this authorization by calling[Settings.canDrawOverlays()](/reference/android/provider/Settings#canDrawOverlays%28android.content.Context%29)
Protection level: signature|setup|appop|installer|pre23|development
Constant Value: "android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"
public static final String TRANSMIT_IR
Allows using the device's IR transmitter, if available.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.TRANSMIT_IR"
public static final String TURN_SCREEN_ON
Allows an app to turn on the screen on, e.g. with[PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP](/reference/android/os/PowerManager#ACQUIRE%5FCAUSES%5FWAKEUP)
Intended to only be used by home automation apps.
Constant Value: "android.permission.TURN_SCREEN_ON"
public static final String UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT
Don't use this permission in your app.
This permission is no longer supported.
Constant Value: ""
public static final String UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS
Allows an application to update device statistics.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS"
Allows an application to indicate via[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setRequireUserAction(int)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setRequireUserAction%28int%29)
that user action should not be required for an app update.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.UPDATE_PACKAGES_WITHOUT_USER_ACTION"
public static final String USE_BIOMETRIC
Allows an app to use device supported biometric modalities.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC"
public static final String USE_EXACT_ALARM
Allows apps to use exact alarms just like with [SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#SCHEDULE%5FEXACT%5FALARM)
but without needing to request this permission from the user.
This is only intended for use by apps that rely on exact alarms for their core functionality. You should continue using SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
if your app needs exact alarms for a secondary feature that users may or may not use within your app.
Keep in mind that this is a powerful permission and app stores may enforce policies to audit and review the use of this permission. Such audits may involve removal from the app store if the app is found to be misusing this permission.
Apps need to target API [Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU](/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION%5FCODES#TIRAMISU)
or above to be able to request this permission. Note that only one of USE_EXACT_ALARM
should be requested on a device. If your app is already usingSCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
on older SDKs but needs USE_EXACT_ALARM
on SDK 33 and above, then SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
should be declared with a max-sdk attribute, like:
Apps that hold this permission, always stay in the[WORKING_SET](/reference/android/app/usage/UsageStatsManager#STANDBY%5FBUCKET%5FWORKING%5FSET)
or lower standby bucket.
Constant Value: "android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM"
public static final String USE_FINGERPRINT
This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Applications should request [USE_BIOMETRIC](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#USE%5FBIOMETRIC)
Allows an app to use fingerprint hardware.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT"
public static final String USE_ICC_AUTH_WITH_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER
Allows to read device identifiers and use ICC based authentication like EAP-AKA. Often required in authentication to access the carrier's server and manage services of the subscriber.
Protection level: signature|appop
Constant Value: "android.permission.USE_ICC_AUTH_WITH_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER"
public static final String USE_SIP
Allows an application to use SIP service.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.USE_SIP"
public static final String UWB_RANGING
Required to be able to range to devices using ultra-wideband.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.UWB_RANGING"
public static final String VIBRATE
Allows access to the vibrator.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.VIBRATE"
public static final String WAKE_LOCK
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"
public static final String WRITE_APN_SETTINGS
Allows applications to write the apn settings and read sensitive fields of an existing apn settings like user and password.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS"
public static final String WRITE_CALENDAR
Allows an application to write the user's calendar data.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"
public static final String WRITE_CALL_LOG
Allows an application to write and read the user's call log data.
Note: If your app uses the[WRITE_CONTACTS](/reference/android/Manifest.permission#WRITE%5FCONTACTS)
permission and both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 15 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 16 or higher.
Protection level: dangerous
This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record allowlists the permission. For more details see[PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)](/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInstaller.SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions%28java.util.Set<java.lang.String>%29)
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG"
public static final String WRITE_CONTACTS
Allows an application to write the user's contacts data.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS"
public static final String WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Note: If your app targets [Build.VERSION_CODES.R](/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION%5FCODES#R)
or higher, this permission has no effect.
If your app is on a device that runs API level 19 or higher, you don't need to declare this permission to read and write files in your application-specific directories returned by [Context.getExternalFilesDir(String)](/reference/android/content/Context#getExternalFilesDir%28java.lang.String%29)
Learn more about how tomodify media files that your app doesn't own, and how tomodify non-media files that your app doesn't own.
If your app is a file manager and needs broad access to external storage files, then the system must place your app on an allowlist so that you can successfully request the[MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE](#MANAGE%5FEXTERNAL%5FSTORAGE><code translate=) permission. Learn more about the appropriate use cases for[minSdkVersion](/training/data-storage/manage-all-files>managing all files on a storage device.
If both your <a href=) and targetSdkVersion values are set to 3 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 4 or higher.
Protection level: dangerous
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
public static final String WRITE_GSERVICES
Allows an application to modify the Google service map.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES"
public static final String WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
Allows an application to read or write the secure system settings.
Not for use by third-party applications.
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
public static final String WRITE_SETTINGS
Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
Note: If the app targets API level 23 or higher, the app user must explicitly grant this permission to the app through a permission management screen. The app requests the user's approval by sending an intent with action[Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_WRITE_SETTINGS](/reference/android/provider/Settings#ACTION%5FMANAGE%5FWRITE%5FSETTINGS)
. The app can check whether it has this authorization by calling [Settings.System.canWrite()](/reference/android/provider/Settings.System#canWrite%28android.content.Context%29)
Protection level: signature|preinstalled|appop|pre23
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS"
public static final String WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS
Allows applications to write the sync settings.
Protection level: normal
Constant Value: "android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS"
public static final String WRITE_VOICEMAIL
Allows an application to modify and remove existing voicemails in the system.
Protection level: signature|privileged|role
Constant Value: ""
Public constructors
public permission ()