Places service | Esri Developer REST APIs documentation (original) (raw)

The places service is a location service that can search for businesses and geographic locations around the world. It allows you to find, locate, and discover detailed information about each place.

This documentation is the REST API reference for the service endpoint, requests, parameters, and supported types. To access the OpenAPI Specification, go here.

Get started

You can use the service to:

Need an account?
Sign up for a free ArcGIS account

places image

Service URL

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Service access

To access the places service, you need the following:

API support

Category search Nearby search Bounding box search Place details
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt
ArcGIS API for Python
Esri Leaflet 1 1 1 1
MapLibre GL JS 1 1 1 1
OpenLayers 1 1 1 1
CesiumJS 1 1 1 1

Full supportPartial supportNo support

Service data


Esri's places data are based on supplier data from Foursquare. Foursquare’s data are derived from various sources including more than 14 billion monthly check-ins from their consumer-facing apps, SDK partners, feedback from businesses, web crawls, and other third-party data sources.


Esri Places data coverage and availability


If you search for places with /places/near-point or /places/within-extent, you are charged once per request. You are charged for the initial request and all subsequent paging requests. The maximum number of results returned per request is 20.

You are not charged for search requests that do not return results.

Get details

If you request place attributes with /places/placeId, the charges vary based on the attribute data available and the price group the field belongs to. There are four price groups: Place, Location, Address, and Details. Each price group contains fields. The cost of retrieving a field value depends on the price group the field belongs to.

You are only charged once per price group. For example, if you request multiple fields from the same group, you are only charged once. However, if you request two fields from different price groups, you are charged for both price groups.

You are not charged for requests for fields that do not have return values.

Below is a list of the fields that belong to each price group:

Place Location Address Details
name location address:adminRegion description
categories additionalLocations:dropOff address:censusBlockId chains
additionalLocations:frontDoor address:country contactInfo:email
additionalLocations:road address:designatedMarketArea contactInfo:fax
additionalLocations:roof address:extended contactInfo:telephone
address:locality contactInfo:website
address:neighborhood hours:opening
address:poBox hours:openingText
address:postcode hours:popular
address:postTown rating:price
address:region rating:user
address:streetAddress socialMedia:facebookId

Products and accounts

You can only access the places service if you have an ArcGIS Location Platform account. Use with ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise is not supported.

You can access the service with ArcGIS REST JS or the ArcGIS REST API, but currently, the ArcGIS Maps SDKs do not provide full API support. See the API support table above.

Terms of use

You cannot permanently store places or place details for future use. To see a complete description of the allowable usage, please see the Terms of use.