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Please Donate to the "Beckie Wins an XBOX 360 Foundation" [Oct. 16th, 2005|12:28 am]neverending soda
[mood |determined] [music "The Ocean" by: Sunny Day Real Estate]Image hosted by Photobucket.comOk well, If you drink Mountain Dew as I do then you know all about where every ten minutes someone wins an XBOX 360... Well, people I am determined to win one of those suckers, but If I drank as much Mountain Dew as I would need to win, well, I would wind up back in the hospital with a horrid UTI (Urainary Tract Infection)... and no one likes those... so I'm reaching out to my fellow LiveJournal buddies and I'm asking that if you drink Mountain Dew and are not intrested in using your codes PLEASE give them to me, and make my little dream of an XBOX 360 come true....Don't throw away those caps people...Just email me your codes at or post them here on my livejournal supersonicchica (under a private post of course)... I don't care if you have 100 or just 1, every single one counts...Show support don't chuck those caps and please donate to the "Beckie Wins an XBOX 360" Foundation..Love you all..Your fellow Mountain Dew-aholic,Beckie
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(no subject) [Aug. 26th, 2004|12:50 am]neverending soda
Certainly, if you love Mountain Dew, you love caffeine as well.Join caffeinejunkies. We need more non-coffee caffeinated beverage consumers.
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(no subject) [Jul. 9th, 2004|02:04 pm]neverending soda
Anyone have any mountain dew points they want to sell me? I am trying to get an XBox for a friend, and even though I dirnk insane amounts of it and mooch off people, not many people here drink it, so I can't make my goal by myself. :(I'd be your best friend....
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(no subject) [Jul. 7th, 2004|11:39 am]neverending soda
haha, i got my mountain dew keychain in the mail. its pretty.
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Pixelated Dew! [Jun. 18th, 2004|04:05 pm]neverending soda
[mood |chipper]Mountain Dew makes an appearance in today's dieselsweeties comic. :)
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(no subject) [Jun. 14th, 2004|12:21 pm]neverending soda
if anyone could give me some points, thatd be cool. i only need 4! thanks, fellow dewers.
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(no subject) [May. 9th, 2004|02:38 am]neverending soda
im pretty sure that i posted in here before that i was trying to collect 300 points for a mini fridge ....but yeah its about a month later and i have about 350 ...thanks to those who helped :-)
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(no subject) [Apr. 28th, 2004|01:31 pm]neverending soda
Hey guys how are you doing?! This is my first post in this Forum but I have a big favor to ask of you guys! If you drink Mt. Dew and I know you do and you arent currently collecting the points off of 20 oz, 1 liters , 2 liters and 12 oz can boxes (5 points ) I would appreciate it if you could email me some codes at mdbsoccer_2000 at ! Just reply to let me know you are going to send them my way so I know to check! Im in a contest against one of my coworkers and I cant lose! Thanks again in advance!
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Sweeter than candy on a stick. [Apr. 21st, 2004|10:43 pm]neverending soda
[mood |procrastination] [music The Cordettes - Lollipop]Livewire: yay or nay? I thoroughly enjoy the citrus-y goodness, but when my regular Dew supply depletes and I am left with only the Livewire, I get a little sad inside.
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(no subject) [Apr. 11th, 2004|03:23 pm]neverending soda
amazing, a mountain dew community. here's to killing my sperm.
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