DigiVatLib (original) (raw)

Quarterly report

May 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024

New Digitised Manuscripts: 707

Number of Added Images: 243.823

IIIF - Thematic Pathways

We are very pleased to announce that the project Web Thematic Pathways of Medieval Manuscripts (from the Vatican Collections using International Image Interoperability Framework), is now live. This is the result of a three-year project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and carried out in collaboration with Stanford University Libraries. The project aims to demonstrate, among the advantages

The digitization project of the Vatican Library

The project aims to digitize the entire Library’s collection of manuscripts: 80,000 codices (excluding the archival units) mostly from Middle Age and Humanistic period.
The project, started in 2010, focuses on two purposes: the long-term preservation of high resolution images and the online digital library.

In the light of the importance and the extent of this collection the answer to the ba