Electrical & Computer Engineering Technical Reports | Engineering Publications (original) (raw)
A Dynamic Programming Approach for Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks, Jorge Crichigno, Joud Khoury, Min-Yo Wu, and Wei Shu
Throughput Optimization inWireless Networks with Multi-packet, Jorge Crichigno, Min-Yo Wu, and Wei Shu
Pre Incident Indicator Analysis (PIIA) System, Frank Gilfeather
Towards a Taxonomy of Inter-network Architectures, Joud Khoury and Chaouki Abdallah
Towards Formalizing Network Architectural Descriptions, Joud Khoury, Chaouki Abdallah, and Gregory Heileman
Non-negative Quadratic Programming Total Variation Regularization for Poisson Vector-Valued Image Restoration, Paul A. Rodriguez
Analyzing Student Credits, Don R. Hush, Elias S. Lopez, Wisam Al-Doroubi, Tushar Ojha, Brianne Santos, and Kevin Warne
The Time-to-Graduation Problem (Survival Analysis for Education Outcomes), Don R. Hush, Tushar Ojha, and Wisam Al-Doroubi
Technical Reports
New Approaches to High Power Microwave Computation and Experimentation, Chaouki T. Abdallah
Applications of Quantifier Elimination Theory to Control Theory, C.T. Abdallah, P. Dorato, R. Liska, S. Steinberg, and W. Yang
An Improved Randomized Selection Algorithm With an Experimental Study, D.A. Bader
A Practical Parallel Algorithm for Cycle Detection in Partitioned Digraphs, D.A. Bader
An Experimental Comparison of Parallel Algorithms for Ear Decomposition of Graphs using Two Leading Paradigms, D.A. Bader and A.K. Illendula
Design and Analysis of the Alliance / University of New Mexico Roadrunner Linux SMP SuperCluster, D.A. Bader, A.B. Maccabe, J.R. Mastaler, J.K. McIver III, and P.A. Kovatch
An Emotion Model for Video Game AI, Thomas Caudell and Anthony Campisi
Mesh node communication system for fire figthers, Eric E. Hamke, Trace Norris, Jessica E. Ladd, Jeffrey K. Eaton, Jicard J. Malveaux, Manish Bhattarai, Ramiro Jordan, and Manel Martinez-Ramon
Temporal Sequencing via Supertemplates, Michael Healy and Thomas Caudell
A Model of Human Categorization and Similarity Based Upon Category Theory, Michael Healy, Thomas Caudell, and Timothy Goldsmith
Episodic Memory via Spans and Cospans: A Hierarchy of Spatiotemporal Colimits, Michael John Healy MS and Thomas Preston Caudell PhD
Neural Networks, Knowledge and Cognition: A Mathematical Semantic Model Based upon Category Theory, Michael John Healy and Thomas Preston Caudell
The Neural Representation of Concepts at the Sensor Level, Michael John Healy and Thoms Preston Caudell
A Categorical Model for Faceted Ontologies with Data Repositories, Michael Healy, Renzo Sanchez-Silva, and Thomas Caudell
A New Deterministic Parallel Sorting Algorithm With an Experimental Evaluation, D.R. Helman, D.A. Bader, and J. JáJá
A Randomized Parallel Sorting Algorithm With an Experimental Study, D.R. Helman, D.A. Bader, and J. JáJá
A Synthesis of Gradient and Hamiltonian Dynamics Applied to Learning in Neural Networks, J.W. Howse, C.T. Abdallah, and G.L. Heileman
Stochastic Control for Smart Grid with Integrated Renewable Distributed Generators, Sudharman Jayaweera
Radiobots: Architecture, Algorithms and Realtime Reconfigurable Antenna Designs for Autonomous, Self-learning Future Cognitive Radios, Sudharman Jayaweera and Christos Christodoulou
High Performance Computing Applications in Remote Sensing Studies for Land Cover Dynamics, S. Kalluri, J. JáJá, D.A. Bader, Z. Zhang, J. Townshend, and H. Fallah-Adl
The InterMesh Network Architecture, Joud Khoury, Jorge Crichigno, Henry Jerez, Chaouki Abdallah, Wei Shu, and Gregory Heileman
Efficient User Controlled Inter-Domain SIP Mobility: Authentication, Registration, and Call Routing, Joud Khoury, Henry Jerez, and Chaouki Abdallah
Statistical Learning Control of Uncertain Systems: It is Better Than It Seems, V. Koltchinski
Speckle noise modeling and reduction of SAR Images based Markov random fields, Ousseini Lankoande, Majeed M. Hayat, and Bal Santhanam
Speckle Reduction of SAR Images Based on a Combined Markov Random Field and Statistical Optics Approach (Version1), Ousseini Lankoande, Majeed M. Hayat, and Bal Santhanam
On the Computational Complexity of the Manufacturing Job Shop and Renetrant Flow Line, F.L. Lewis
Wideband-FM Demodulation for Large Wideband to Narrowband conversion factors Via Multirate Frequency Transformations, Wenjing Liu
On the Configuration of Sensors and Actuators on a Pioneer 3-AT Robot Controlled through the Robotic Operating System ROS, Jose-Marcio Luna and Rafael Fierro
A New Implementation and Detailed Study of Breakpoint Analysis, B.M.E. Moret, S. Wyman, D.A. Bader, T. Warnow, and M. Yan
A Prototype System for Collaborative Virtual Environments: Design and Characterization, Moad Y. Mowafi and Thomas P. Caudell
Credit Hour Analysis, Tushar Ojha, Don R. Hush, and Elias S. Lopez
Phase-Convex Arcs in Root Space and Their Application to Robust SPR Problem, F. Pérez and C.T. Abdallah
Output Stabilizability, F. Pérez, D. Docampo, C.T. Abdallah, and P. Dorato
Interconnected Hybrid Systems: A Framework for Multi-agent Systems with Hybrid Interacting Dynamics, Jorge Piovesan, Chaouki Abdallah, and Herbert Tanner
Leader-Follower Control with Odometry Error Analysis, Jorge Piovesan, Chaouki Abdallah, and Herbert Tanner
Resource Allocation for Multi-agent Problems in the Design of Future Communication Networks, Jorge Piovesan, Chaouki Abdallah, Herbert Tanner, Henry Jerez, and Joud Khoury
Comparison on Different Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (DFRFT) Approaches, Bal Santhanam
Non Stationary Signal Analysis, Energy Demodulation and the Multicomponent AM--FM Signal Model, Bal Santhanam
On Orthogonal Modes of Continuous and Discrete Frequency Modulation, Bal Santhanam
On Discrete Gauss-Hermite Functions and Eigenvectors of the Discrete Fourier Transform, Bal Santhanam and Thalanayar Santhanam
On Refinements to QMFD Based Chirp Parameter Estimation, Balu Santhanam and Thalanayar Santhanam
On the Grunbaum Commutor Based Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform, Bal Santhanam and Juan Vargas-Rubio
Implementation of Random Parameter Filtering, Pradeep Sen
Stability and Stabilization of Systems with Time Delay. Limitations and Opportunities, R. Sipahi, S.-I. Niculescu, C. T. Abdallah, W. Michiels, and K. Gu
Static Output Feedback: A Survey, V.L. Syrmos, C.T. Abdallah, P. Dorato, and K. Grigoriadis
A Comparison of a Curve Fitting Tracking Filter and Conventional Filters under Intermittent Information, Domagoj Tolic and Rafael Fierro
A Simple Ontology for the Analysis of Terrorist Attacks, Matthew D. Turner
Kronos: A Java-Based Software System for the Processing and Retrieval of Large Scale AVHRR Data, Z. Zhang, J. JáJá, D.A. Bader, S. Kalluri, H. Song, N.Z. El Saleous, E. Vermote, and J.R.G. Townshend