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Maternal Brain Hormone Key to Strengthening Bones Could Help Treat Osteoporosis, Bone Fractures

Posted on August 1st, 2024 by Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli

An inset shows a detailed view of the core of a bone. One side shows thin, sparse bone while the other, labeled CCN3 has thicker, denser bone.

Credit: Donny Bliss/NIH

More than 200 million people around the world have osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones to the point that they break easily. Women are at especially high risk after menopause due to declining levels of the hormone estrogen, which helps keep bones strong. While osteoporosis rarely has noticeable symptoms, it can lead to serious injuries when otherwise minor slips and falls cause broken bones that in turn can lead to further fracture risk and fracture-related mortality. So, I’m pleased to share NIH-supported research suggesting a surprising candidate for strengthening bones: a maternal hormone produced in the brain.

The study in mice reported in Nature shows that this newly discovered hormone maintains and rebuilds bone strength in lactating females, even as estrogen levels dip and calcium is lost to the demands of milk production. 1 The findings suggest this hormone—or a drug that acts similarly—could be key to treating osteoporosis and preventing and healing broken bones.

The findings come from a team led by Holly Ingraham, University of California, San Francisco. The researchers knew from studies in mice and humans that a protein related to parathyroid hormone, which is made in the mammary glands, is the main driver for stripping calcium from maternal bones for milk production. As a result of this process, nursing mothers tend to lose a lot of bone. In humans, this bone loss is 10% on average, compared to nearly 30% in mice. Fortunately, these losses are reversed after lactation ends, suggesting to the researchers there must be some other bone-strengthening factor in play.

Previous work in Ingraham’s lab, also supported by NIH, offered other clues. The researchers found that in female mice, blocking a certain estrogen receptor in select neurons in a small area of the brain led to the development of bones that were exceptionally dense and strong. 2 This was an early hint that an unidentified hormone might have a role. The team’s search in this latest study led them to brain-derived communication network factor 3 (CCN3).

The new findings showed that, in lactating female mice, CCN3 is produced in the same brain area identified in the previous study. When the researchers prevented the brain from making CCN3, lactating female mice rapidly lost bone. The researchers also found that male and female young adult and older mice gained a considerable amount of bone mass and strength when their levels of circulating CCN3 were boosted over a two-week period. In fact, in some female mice that were very old or completely lacked estrogen, the hormone more than doubled their bone mass. Tests showed that the animals’ bones weren’t just denser, but also stronger.

Further studies conducted by co-author Thomas Ambrosi, University of California, Davis, revealed that bone stem cells were responsible for receiving signals and generating the new bone. When those cells were exposed to CCN3, they ramped up bone production even more. When the researchers applied a hydrogel patch containing CCN3 to the sites of bone breaks, this spurred the formation of new bone. As a result, the researchers saw rapid bone healing in older mice comparable to what would be expected in much younger mice.

In future studies, the researchers want to gain insight into the underlying mechanisms of CCN3. They also plan to explore the hormone’s potential for treating bone loss in people at increased risk, including postmenopausal women, breast cancer survivors taking estrogen blockers, and those with other conditions leading to unhealthy bone mass, such as genetic bone disorders, chronic kidney disease, or premature ovarian failure. They suggest that more immediate local uses for CCN3 include fracture repair, cartilage regeneration, and bone improvements for anchoring dental implants. It’s a great example of how finding an answer to a scientific puzzle—like how maternal bones stay strong during breastfeeding—can potentially lead to advances that help many more people.


[1] Babey ME, et al. A maternal brain hormone that builds bone. Nature. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07634-3 (2024).

[2] Herber CB, et al. Estrogen signaling in arcuate Kiss1 neurons suppresses a sex-dependent female circuit promoting dense strong bones. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-08046-4 (2019).

NIH Support: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Posted In: Health, Science, Uncategorized

Tags: aging, basic research, Bone, bone fracture, breastfeeding, calcium, estrogen, hormone, maternal health, menopause, osteoporosis

Exploring Drug Repurposing for COVID-19 Treatment

Posted on August 4th, 2020 by Dr. Francis Collins

Drug screening-High throughput robot

Caption: Robotic technology screening existing drugs for new purposes. Credit: Scripps Research

It usually takes more than a decade to develop a safe, effective anti-viral therapy. But, when it comes to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we don’t have that kind of time. One way to speed the process may be to put some old drugs to work against this new disease threat. This is generally referred to as “drug repurposing.”

NIH has been doing everything possible to encourage screens of existing drugs that have been shown safe for human use. In a recent NIH-funded study in the journal Nature, researchers screened a chemical “library” that contained nearly 12,000 existing drug compounds for their potential activity against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 [1]. The results? In tests in both non-human primate and human cell lines grown in laboratory conditions, 21 of these existing drugs showed potential for repurposing to thwart the novel coronavirus—13 of them at doses that likely could be safely given to people. The majority of these drugs have been tested in clinical trials for use in HIV, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, and other conditions.

These latest findings come from an international team led by Sumit Chanda, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA. The researchers took advantage of a small-molecule drug library called ReFRAME [2], which was created in 2018 by Calibr, a non-profit drug discovery division of Scripps Research, La Jolla, CA.

In collaboration with Yuen Kwok-Yung’s team at the University of Hong Kong, the researchers first developed a high-throughput method that enabled them to screen rapidly each of the 11,987 drug compounds in the ReFRAME library for their potential to block SARS-CoV-2 in cells grown in the lab. The first round of testing narrowed the list of possible COVID-19 drugs to about 300. Next, using lower concentrations of the drugs in cells exposed to a second strain of SARS-CoV-2, they further narrowed the list to 100 compounds that could reliably limit growth of the coronavirus by at least 40 percent.

Generally speaking, an effective anti-viral drug is expected to show greater activity as its concentration is increased. So, Chanda’s team then tested those 100 drugs for evidence of such a dose-response relationship. Twenty-one of them passed this test. This group included remdesivir, a drug originally developed for Ebola virus disease and recently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use in the treatment of COVID-19. Remdesivir could now be considered a positive control.

These findings raised another intriguing question: Could any of the other drugs with a dose-response relationship work well in combination with remdesivir to block SARS-CoV-2 infection? Indeed, the researchers found that four of them could.

Further study showed that some of the most promising drugs on the list reduced the number of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells by 65 to 85 percent. The most potent of these was apilimod, a drug that has been evaluated in clinical trials for treating Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune conditions. Apilimod is now being evaluated in the clinic for its ability to prevent the progression of COVID-19. Another potential antiviral to emerge from the study is clofazimine, a 70-year old FDA-approved drug that is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines for the treatment of leprosy.

Overall, the findings suggest that there may be quite a few existing drugs and/or experimental drugs fairly far along in the development pipeline that have potential to be repurposed for treating COVID-19. What’s more, some of them might also work well in combination with remdesivir, or perhaps other drugs, as treatment “cocktails,” such as those used to successfully treat HIV and hepatitis C.

This is just one of a wide variety of drug screening efforts that are underway, using different libraries and different assays to detect activity against SARS-CoV-2. The NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences has established an open data portal to collect all of these data as quickly and openly as possible. As NIH continues its efforts to use the power of science to end the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critically important that we explore as many avenues as possible for developing diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines.


[1] Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 antiviral drugs through large-scale compound repurposing. Riva L, Yuan S, Yin X, et al. Nature. 2020 Jul 24 [published online ahead of print]

[2] The ReFRAME library as a comprehensive drug repurposing library and its application to the treatment of cryptosporidiosis. Janes J, Young ME, Chen E, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018;115(42):10750-10755.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) (NIH)

ReFRAMEdb (Scripps Research, La Jolla, CA)

The Chanda Lab (Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA)

Yuen Kwok-Yung (University of Hong Kong)

OpenData|Covid-19 (National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences/NIH)

NIH Support: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Posted In: News

Tags: apilimod, Calibr, clofazimine, COVID-19, COVID-19 treatment, Crohn's disease, drug repurposing, drug screening, drugs, Ebola Virus Disease, hepatitis c, HIV, leprosy, NCATS, novel coronavirus, OpenData Portal, osteoporosis, pandemic, ReFRAME, remdesivir, rheumatoid arthritis, robotics, SARS-CoV-2, small molecules, WHO

‘Exercise Hormone’ Tied to Bone-Strengthening Benefits

Posted on December 18th, 2018 by Dr. Francis Collins


Credit: gettyimages/kali9

There’s no doubt that exercise is good for us—strengthening our muscles, helping us maintain a healthy weight, maybe even boosting our moods and memories. There’s also been intriguing evidence that exercise may help build strong bones.

Now, an NIH-funded study is shedding light on the mechanism behind exercise’s bone-strengthening benefits [1]. The new work—which may lead to new approaches for treating osteoporosis, a disease that increases the risk of bone fracture—centers on a hormone called irisin that is secreted by muscles during exercise.

In a series of mouse experiments, the researchers found that irisin works directly on a common type of bone cell, stimulating the cells to produce a protein that encourages bones to thin. However, this chain of molecular events ultimately takes a turn for the better and reverses bone loss.

Bruce Spiegelman’s lab at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard University Medical School, Boston, first discovered the irisin hormone in 2012 [2]. In the years since, evidence has accumulated suggesting a connection between irisin and many of the benefits that come with regular workouts. For example, delivering low doses of irisin—sometimes called “the exercise hormone”—increase bone density and strength in mice.

But how does irisin act on bones? The answer hasn’t been at all clear. A major reason is the protein receptor on our cells that binds and responds to irisin wasn’t known.

In the new study reported in the journal Cell, Spiegelman’s team has now identified irisin’s protein receptor, called αVβ5 integrin. Those receptors are present on the surface of osteocytes, the most common cell type found in mature bone tissue.

The researchers went on to show that irisin helps osteocytes to live longer. It also leads the bone cells to begin secreting a protein called sclerostin, known for its role in preparing bones for remodeling and rebuilding by first breaking them down. Interestingly, previous studies also showed sclerostin levels increase in response to the mechanical stresses that come with exercise.

To further explore the role of irisin in mouse studies, the researchers gave the animals the hormone for six days. And indeed, after the treatment, the animals showed higher levels of sclerostin in their blood.

The findings suggest that irisin could form the basis of a new treatment for osteoporosis, a condition responsible for almost nine million fractures around the world each year. While it might seem strange that a treatment intended to strengthen bone would first encourage them to break down, this may be similar to the steps you have to follow when fixing up a house that has weakened timbers. And Spiegelman notes that there’s precedent for such a phenomenon in bone remodeling—treatment for osteoporosis, parathyroid hormone, also works by thinning bones before they are rebuilt.

That said, it’s not yet clear how best to target irisin for strengthening bone. In fact, locking in on the target could be a little complicated. The Speigelman lab found, for example, that mice prone to osteoporosis following the removal of their ovaries were paradoxically protected from weakening bones by the inability to produce irisin.

This new study fits right in with other promising NIH-funded efforts to explore the benefits of exercise. One that I’m particularly excited about is the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC), which aims to develop a comprehensive map of the molecular changes that arise with physical activity, leading to a range of benefits for body and mind.

Indeed, the therapeutic potential for irisin doesn’t end with bone. In healthy people, irisin circulates throughout the body. In addition to being produced in muscle, its protein precursor is produced in the heart and brain.

The hormone also has been shown to transform energy-storing white fat into calorie-burning brown fat. In the new study, Spiegelman’s team confirms that this effect on fat also depends on the very same integrin receptors present in bone. So, these new findings will no doubt accelerate additional study in Speigelman’s lab and others to explore the many other benefits of irisin—and of exercise—including its potential to improve our moods, memory, and metabolism.


[1] Irisin Mediates Effects on Bone and Fat via αV Integrin Receptors. Kim H, Wrann CD, Jedrychowski M, Vidoni S, Kitase Y, Nagano K, Zhou C, Chou J, Parkman VA, Novick SJ, Strutzenberg TS, Pascal BD, Le PT, Brooks DJ, Roche AM, Gerber KK, Mattheis L, Chen W, Tu H, Bouxsein ML, Griffin PR, Baron R, Rosen CJ, Bonewald LF, Spiegelman BM. Cell. 2018 Dec 13;175(7):1756-1768.

[2] A PGC1-α-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis. Boström P, Wu J, Jedrychowski MP, Korde A, Ye L, Lo JC, Rasbach KA, Boström EA, Choi JH, Long JZ, Kajimura S, Zingaretti MC, Vind BF, Tu H, Cinti S, Højlund K, Gygi SP, Spiegelman BM. Nature. 2012 Jan 11;481(7382):463-8.


Posted In: News

Tags: aging, Bone, bone remodeling, exercise, exercise hormone, fat, irisin, memory, metabolism, Molecular Tranducers of Physical Activity Consortium, mood, MoTrPAC, muscle, osteocyte, osteoporosis, sclerostin, thinning bones

Snapshots of Life: Inside a Bone Remodeling Project

Posted on November 6th, 2014 by Dr. Francis Collins

Osteoclast cells

Caption: Osteoclast cells (red) carve a path through a knee joint (purple and white), enabling a blood vessel to supply the cells (yellow) needed to build new bone.
Credit: Paul R. Odgren, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Bones are one of our body’s never-ending remodeling projects. Specialized cells, called osteoclasts, are constantly attaching to old bone and breaking it down, using acids to dissolve the calcium. In the wake of this demolition, bone-building cells, called osteoblasts, move in and deposit new minerals to patch and remodel the bone, maintaining its strength and durability.

Normally, these two types of cells strike a delicate balance between bone destruction and formation. But if this balance goes awry, it can lead to trouble. With osteoporosis, for example, bone removal exceeds formation, yielding progressively weaker bones that are prone to fracture.