★diru_request★ 「a community to stop the annoyance in other communities」 (original) (raw)

I've noticed this site's been kind of dead for a while now.

I recently wiped my hard drive, salvaging what I could and making sure to take care of my Jrock, of course. However, when I attempted to unzip the folder I had put three Dir en grey folders in, it said it was corrupted. =.=;

The three folders were:

  1. The Marrow of a Bone & Bonus Disk
  2. Kyo's solo works
  3. Other - songs not on albums or singles.

I know how to get everything from the first folder back, CDs are easy to find. However, here's what I know I'm missing, and if anyone could upload them in MP3 format, I would appreciate it very much.

Dir en grey - Kyo's poem book - 304 Goushitsu, shita to yoru
Dir en grey - Kyo's poem book - Scapel-tron kiyomizu temple porno TYPE
Dir en grey - Kyo's poem book - Jintaimokei 12 Inchi Nashonari Terebi
Dir en grey - Maimu
Dir en grey - Karma

As a side note: Those are just from memory, I could be missing more and I'm not aware of it, so if anyone knows of any other songs that haven't been on albums, or any of Kyo's solo music that aren't listed, I would appreciate it if you'd upload it for me. ^^;

As far as bribes, I've got their complete discography (minus what I lost in the move), all their PVs, along with tons of Vidoll, 12012, Miyavi, anything really, I practically collect Jrock, so if there's anything you want, ask and I'll probably be able to deliver. Sorry I don't have a list, but the move has frazzled me a bit. ><; And thanks in advance~ -^.^-