totally obsolete without her capslock key (original) (raw)

walking non-disclosure paradigm

14 February 2030 @ 05:44 pm

this journal is mostly [[friends only]]

comment to be considered / added, unless you are epiffannie , in which case I will just laugh at your typos.

--> please don't add me just for the sake of having a larger flist.

--> there are extensive ramblings and fangirlings. just a note in advance.

--> tell me how you found my journal/how you know me! i do reserve the right not to add you (i.e., if i don't share the same interests as you or if your typing is kind of totally painful)



that being said, hello, new people! i like friends, really i do :D

Current Mood: content<3

walking non-disclosure paradigm

31 December 2012 @ 08:12 pm

My Resolution for 2012 is to read more books than I read in 2011. (Among other resolutions, of course, but those are vague and ambitious and frankly a little intimidating, so I'll stick with documenting this one instead.) This should not be difficult, since by all counts I read a pathetic seventeen books last year, but you never know with resolutions. To be fair, last year I was making a genuine attempt to only read novels of literary merit, but I figure I'll eventually come across the novels worth reading anyway.

Keeping up with my movies list, too -- just because.

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Basically, round two. Here goes.

walking non-disclosure paradigm

31 December 2011 @ 11:30 am

As an ongoing attempt to keep some sort of documentation of things happening in my life (idea shamelessly stolen from my best friend):

( readCollapse )

( watchedCollapse )

My biases are probably obvious. Here's to a (hopefully) well-read, well-versed year.