Ucheul shin | Daejeon University (original) (raw)
Papers by Ucheul shin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1994
R&n&-Les auteurs Btudient thtoriquement la convection naturelle thermique bidimensionnelle lamina... more R&n&-Les auteurs Btudient thtoriquement la convection naturelle thermique bidimensionnelle laminaire et permanente, qui se developpe dans une calotte cylindrique d'axe horizontal remplie d'air. La resolution, numtrique, fait appel aux coordonnees bicylindriques et a la mtthode du volume de controle developpee par Patankar. L'influence des differents parambtres du systbme, notamment de l'inclinaison par rapport au plan horizonal, du facteur de forme, du nombre de Grashof modifit est ttudiee. Les valeurs moyennes et locales des nombres de Nusselt ainsi que les distributions des isothermes et des lignes de fonction de courant sont present&es et discuttes. Le transfert de chaleur minimal est obtenu pour des angles d'inclinaison compris entre 30 et 45". Pour les grandes valeurs du nombre de Grashof, le transfert est acctlert a cause d'ecoulements secondaires.
2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), 2019
Based on various previous researches on zero energy building and renewable energy in Korea, we co... more Based on various previous researches on zero energy building and renewable energy in Korea, we conducted a case study on application of economical rational energy technology for smart energy city implementation to Sejong 5-1 block. Through this study, it is suggested that the achievement rate of city energy independence that can be implemented in Korea in the short term at current technology and economic level is assessed.
Grand Renewable Energy proceedings, 2018
Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2013
To fulfill the demands concerning energy efficiency for zero energy buildings, various technologi... more To fulfill the demands concerning energy efficiency for zero energy buildings, various technologies of architects and engineers are required. This study aims to estimate the thermal performance of heat source equipment in which part load characteristics are considered in an office building. Overestimation of heat source equipment was reviewed through literature survey, and heating and cooling loads depending on the capacity and division of the equipment were analyzed through a simulation program (DOE-2.1E). The conclusions gained from this study are as follows; 1) The more the division of equipment, the less the heating and cooling energy consumption. 2) When a large item of equipment is divided into two small items of equipment, the optimum application rate showed as 5:5 for chiller, and 7:3 for boiler, respectively.
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2011
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2011
The purpose of this study is to present the simulation results and an overview of the performance... more The purpose of this study is to present the simulation results and an overview of the performance assessment of the Ground-Source Heat Pump(GSHF) system. The calculation was performed for two design factors: the spacing between boreholes and the depth of the vertical ground heat exchangers. And the simulation was carried out using the thermal simulation code TRNSYS with new model of water to water heat pump developed by this study. As a result, it was anticipated that the yearly mean COPs of heat pump for heating and cooling are about 3.7 and 5.8 respectively and the heat pump can supply 100% of heating and cooling load all the year around.
On-off differential controller is one of the very important components which affect the system pe... more On-off differential controller is one of the very important components which affect the system performance of the active solar thermal system. In this study, analyses were made regarding the influence of "on-off" setting temperature on the system efficiency and on the electrical consumption by circulation pump. This study was performed by experiment as well as the computer simulation using TRNSYS program. The simulation system was developed in this study was verified the its reliability by the experimental results. As a results, the turn off temperature() is much more influence than the turn on temperature() on the system efficiency. It is more clear and sensitivity in winter season. Finally the optimum on-off setting value and the system on-off pattern according to the several different kind of system was also represented.
The aim of this study is to develop the photovoltaic simulation program, called SimPV, which can ... more The aim of this study is to develop the photovoltaic simulation program, called SimPV, which can Predict hourly based power generation of various PV modules and conduct an intensive economic analysis with Korean situation. To establish the reliability of the PV simulation results, we adopt the PV calculation algorithm of TRNSYS program of which verification has already well approved. Extensive database for hourly weather data of Korean 16 cities, engineering data for PV system and building load profiles are established. Case study on the 2.5kW roof integrated PV system and economic analysis are presented with the developed program.
Ke y wo r d s:고등학교(Hi g hS c h o o l) ,학교시설(S c h o o lF a c i l i t i e s) ,에너지 사용량(E n e r g yc... more Ke y wo r d s:고등학교(Hi g hS c h o o l) ,학교시설(S c h o o lF a c i l i t i e s) ,에너지 사용량(E n e r g yc o n s u mp t i o n) , 에너지 원단위(E n e r g yC o n s u mp t i o nUn i t) ,통계분석(S t a t i s t i c a lAn a l y s i s
Kieae Journal, 2011
This study is to analysis the characteristics of electric power consumption of apartments complex... more This study is to analysis the characteristics of electric power consumption of apartments complex in Korea. This study shows the pattern of electric power consumption and correlation of each apartment complex's completion year monthly and timely. With this result, we are able to predict the demand pattern of electricity in a house and make the schedule by demand pattern. It is expected this data is used as reference of electric consumption of Daejeon area to operate the simulation tools to predict the building energy. The yearly data of 10 apartment complexes of 2010 are analyzed. The results of this study are followed. The averaged amount of electricity consumption in winter is higher as summer because of the high capacity of heating equipment. All of the house has electric base load from 0.26kWh to 0.5kWh. The average of the electricity consumption of month is shown as 310.2kWh. A week is seperated, as 4 part such as week, weekend, Saturday and Sunday. During week, the average of timely electricity consumption is shown as 0.426kWh. The Saturday consumption is 0.437kWh. The Sunday is 0.445kWh. The peak electricity consumption in summer and winter is measured. The peak consumption on summer season is 1.389kW on 22th August 64% higher than winter season 0.887kW on 3rd January.
Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2015
In this study, an analysis was performed on the performance of the solar water heating system wit... more In this study, an analysis was performed on the performance of the solar water heating system with geo-thermal heat pump for a detached house. This system has a flat plate solar collector (8 m 2) and a 3 RT heat pump. The heat pump acts as an auxiliary heater of the solar water heating system. These systems were installed at four individual houses with the same area of 100 m 2. The monitoring results for one year are as follows. (1) The average daily operating time of the solar system appeared to be 313 minutes in spring (intermediate season), and 135 minutes and 76 minutes in winter and summer respectively. The reason for the short operating time in summer is the high storage temperature due to low water heating load. The high storage temperature is caused by a decrease in collecting efficiency as well as by overheating. (2) The geothermal heat pump as an auxiliary heater mainly operates on days of poor insolation during the winter season. (3) Despite controlling for total house area, hot water consumption varies greatly according to the number of people in the family, hot water usage habits, etc. (4) The yearly solar fraction was 69.8 to 91.5 percent, which exceeds the maximum value of 80% as recommended by ASHRAE. So the solar collector area of 8 m 2 appeared to be somewhat greater for the house with an area of 100 m 2. (5) The observed annual efficiency of solar systems was relatively low at 13.5 to 23.6%, which was analyzed to be due to the decrease in thermal efficiency and the overheating caused by a high solar fraction.
This study aims to develop the program for active solar heating system design & analysis. The... more This study aims to develop the program for active solar heating system design & analysis. The program, named ASOLis, is consisted of three user's interface like as system input/output, library, and utilities and used TRNSYS as a calculation engine for the system analysis. ASOLis simplifies user's input data through the database and can design 37 different types of solar systems. Solar system is configurated by two separated parts "solar thermal collecting part" and "load supplying part". Due to the user-friendly layout, all design parameters can be changed quickly and easily for the influence on system efficiency. For the reliability, ASOLis compared with experimental result. As a result, ASOLis is expected to be used as a vital tool for the design and analysis of active solar heating system.
The Purpose of this work is to investigate a long-term thermal performance of active solar hot wa... more The Purpose of this work is to investigate a long-term thermal performance of active solar hot water heating system for the dormitory of university. For this, monitering system including temperature sensors, flow-meters was installed in this system. Measurement was continued for 13 months between April 1st 2004 and May 31th 2005. As results, hot water demand, daily and monthly hot water load distribution which are necessary for the solar system design were suggested. Also thermal stratification in solar buffer tank was observed in the point of increasement of system efficiency. The yearly solar fraction and system efficiency of this system are about 29.5% and 44.9% respectively.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1994
한국태양에너지학회 2004 Proceedings Isea Asia Pacific, Oct 1, 2004
Hot water supply of 85℃ is needed to bottle washer in the beer brewing process (Kalogirou, 2003).... more Hot water supply of 85℃ is needed to bottle washer in the beer brewing process (Kalogirou, 2003). For this purpose it is more appropriate to choose an evacuated tubular solar collector (ETSC) system rather than the flat plate types which are mostly used to produce water temperatures around 60℃ for domestic use (KIER Report, 2004; Kalogirou, 2004; Niemann et al., 1997). In the present study, simulation was performed through the system modeling for the process heat system installed in beer brewery of Gwangju Korea. Simulation model of TRNSYS was confirmed first, and four days of examination period from August 8 to 11 at year 2003 were taken. Here it can be observed that analysis results are in good agreement with experimental data. Full one year simulation was conducted for the prediction of long term performance of ETSC system in Gwangju. The system was analyzed with TRNSYS using the hourly weather data of the Gwangju. And additional simulations were conducted for one year term under the weather conditions of four locations as Daejeon, Busan, Seoul, and Daegu as well. Based on these TRNSYS simulations, long term thermal performance of the ETSC system has been predicted for various weather conditions. The system efficiency and heat transfer rate by hot water supply were obtained, and their effects on the long term performance of the system were compared and analyzed.
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2013
P a r kJ a e-Wa n * ,S h i nU-C h e u l-* * †a n dK i m D a eGo n * * * ,Y o o nJ o n g-H o * * *... more P a r kJ a e-Wa n * ,S h i nU-C h e u l-* * †a n dK i m D a eGo n * * * ,Y o o nJ o n g-H o * * * * (S u b mi td a t e :2 0 1 3 .4 .1 0. J u d g me n td a t e :2 0 1 3 .4 .1 5. P u b l i c a t i o nd e c i d ed a t e :2 0 1 3 .6 .2 4 .) Abstract:I nt h i ss t u d y ,wea n a l y z et h ep e r f o r ma n c ec h a r a c t e r i s t i c so fBu i l d i n gI n t e g r a t e dP h o t o v o l t a i c(BI P V) s y s t e m o fK Re s e a r c h Bu i l d i n g wh i c h wa sd e s i g n e dwi t h t h ea i m o fz e r oc a r b o n b u i l d i n g .I n a d d i t i o n ,BI P V s y s t e m,wh i c h i s c o n s i s to ft h r e e mo d u l e s ;G t o G(Gl a s s t o Gl a s s) ,G t o T(Gl a s s t o Te d l a r / C r y s t a l)a n d Amo r p h o u s ,h a s1 1 6. 2 k Wpo ft o t a lc a p a c i t y ,a n di sa p p l i e dt owa l l ,wi n d o w,a t r i u m a n dp a g o r ao nr o o f .
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1997
The equations of steady, laminar two-dimensional thermal natural convection in a horizontal cylin... more The equations of steady, laminar two-dimensional thermal natural convection in a horizontal cylindrical lunula are written by using a two-cylindrical coordinate system, the stream function and the vorticity. The lunula may be filled with a Newtonian fluid or with a porous body saturated with such a fluid. The authors assume constant physical properties of the fluid, available Boussinesq' approximation and
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2012
* De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lGr a d u a t eS c h o o l ,Da e j e o nUn i v e r s i t y (l... more * De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lGr a d u a t eS c h o o l ,Da e j e o nUn i v e r s i t y (l wj 3 1 1 6 @d j u. k r) , * * Cl i ma t eCh a n g eRe s e a r c h Di v i s i o n ,Na t i o n a l I n s t i t u t eo fEn v i r o n me n t a lRe s e a r c h , Ko r e a (e x 1 2 @k o r e a. k r) * * * C l i ma t eC h a n g eR e s e a r c hDi v i s i o n ,Na t i o n a l I n s t i t u t eo fE n v i r o n me n t a lR e s e a r c h , Ko r e a (g e r c l i b @k o r e a. k r) * * * * De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lE n g ,Ha n b a tNa t i o n a lUn i v e r s i t y (j h y o o n @h a n b a t. a c. k r) , * * * * * De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lE n g ,Da e j e o nUn i v e r s i t y (s h i n u c @d j u. k r)
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2013
b u i l d i n g e n e r g y c o n s u mp t i o n wa s 1 0 4 , 6 0 2. 4 k Wh a n d BI P V y i e l ... more b u i l d i n g e n e r g y c o n s u mp t i o n wa s 1 0 4 , 6 0 2. 4 k Wh a n d BI P V y i e l d wa s 1 0 5 , 2 6 7 k Wh. An d t h e n , t o t a l l y c o u n t e r b a l a n c e dt i met o o ku p2 6 %,r e d u c e de l e c t r i cl o a dt i met o o ku p1 6 %.I no t h e rwo r d s ,p e a kl o a dc o u l db e r e d u c e du pt o4 2 % b yBI P V. Asar e s u l t , y e a r l yb u i l d i n ge n e r g yc o n s u mp t i o nwa s1 0 4 , 6 0 2. 4 k Wha n dBI P V y i e l d wa s1 0 5 , 2 6 7 k Wh .An dt h e n ,t o t a l l yc o u n t e r b a l a n c e dt i met o o ku p2 6 %,r e d u c e de l e c t r i cl o a dt i met o o ku p1 6 %. I no t h e rwo r d s ,p e a kl o a dc o u l db er e d u c e du pt o4 2 % b yBI P V. Key Words:건물생체기후도(B u i l d i n gb i o c l i ma t i cc h a r t) , 기후설계(C l i ma t i cd e s i g n) , 컴퓨터 프로그램(C o mp u t e rp r o g r a m) , 에너지절약(E n e r g yc o n s e r v a t i o n)
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1994
R&n&-Les auteurs Btudient thtoriquement la convection naturelle thermique bidimensionnelle lamina... more R&n&-Les auteurs Btudient thtoriquement la convection naturelle thermique bidimensionnelle laminaire et permanente, qui se developpe dans une calotte cylindrique d'axe horizontal remplie d'air. La resolution, numtrique, fait appel aux coordonnees bicylindriques et a la mtthode du volume de controle developpee par Patankar. L'influence des differents parambtres du systbme, notamment de l'inclinaison par rapport au plan horizonal, du facteur de forme, du nombre de Grashof modifit est ttudiee. Les valeurs moyennes et locales des nombres de Nusselt ainsi que les distributions des isothermes et des lignes de fonction de courant sont present&es et discuttes. Le transfert de chaleur minimal est obtenu pour des angles d'inclinaison compris entre 30 et 45". Pour les grandes valeurs du nombre de Grashof, le transfert est acctlert a cause d'ecoulements secondaires.
2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), 2019
Based on various previous researches on zero energy building and renewable energy in Korea, we co... more Based on various previous researches on zero energy building and renewable energy in Korea, we conducted a case study on application of economical rational energy technology for smart energy city implementation to Sejong 5-1 block. Through this study, it is suggested that the achievement rate of city energy independence that can be implemented in Korea in the short term at current technology and economic level is assessed.
Grand Renewable Energy proceedings, 2018
Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2013
To fulfill the demands concerning energy efficiency for zero energy buildings, various technologi... more To fulfill the demands concerning energy efficiency for zero energy buildings, various technologies of architects and engineers are required. This study aims to estimate the thermal performance of heat source equipment in which part load characteristics are considered in an office building. Overestimation of heat source equipment was reviewed through literature survey, and heating and cooling loads depending on the capacity and division of the equipment were analyzed through a simulation program (DOE-2.1E). The conclusions gained from this study are as follows; 1) The more the division of equipment, the less the heating and cooling energy consumption. 2) When a large item of equipment is divided into two small items of equipment, the optimum application rate showed as 5:5 for chiller, and 7:3 for boiler, respectively.
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2011
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2011
The purpose of this study is to present the simulation results and an overview of the performance... more The purpose of this study is to present the simulation results and an overview of the performance assessment of the Ground-Source Heat Pump(GSHF) system. The calculation was performed for two design factors: the spacing between boreholes and the depth of the vertical ground heat exchangers. And the simulation was carried out using the thermal simulation code TRNSYS with new model of water to water heat pump developed by this study. As a result, it was anticipated that the yearly mean COPs of heat pump for heating and cooling are about 3.7 and 5.8 respectively and the heat pump can supply 100% of heating and cooling load all the year around.
On-off differential controller is one of the very important components which affect the system pe... more On-off differential controller is one of the very important components which affect the system performance of the active solar thermal system. In this study, analyses were made regarding the influence of "on-off" setting temperature on the system efficiency and on the electrical consumption by circulation pump. This study was performed by experiment as well as the computer simulation using TRNSYS program. The simulation system was developed in this study was verified the its reliability by the experimental results. As a results, the turn off temperature() is much more influence than the turn on temperature() on the system efficiency. It is more clear and sensitivity in winter season. Finally the optimum on-off setting value and the system on-off pattern according to the several different kind of system was also represented.
The aim of this study is to develop the photovoltaic simulation program, called SimPV, which can ... more The aim of this study is to develop the photovoltaic simulation program, called SimPV, which can Predict hourly based power generation of various PV modules and conduct an intensive economic analysis with Korean situation. To establish the reliability of the PV simulation results, we adopt the PV calculation algorithm of TRNSYS program of which verification has already well approved. Extensive database for hourly weather data of Korean 16 cities, engineering data for PV system and building load profiles are established. Case study on the 2.5kW roof integrated PV system and economic analysis are presented with the developed program.
Ke y wo r d s:고등학교(Hi g hS c h o o l) ,학교시설(S c h o o lF a c i l i t i e s) ,에너지 사용량(E n e r g yc... more Ke y wo r d s:고등학교(Hi g hS c h o o l) ,학교시설(S c h o o lF a c i l i t i e s) ,에너지 사용량(E n e r g yc o n s u mp t i o n) , 에너지 원단위(E n e r g yC o n s u mp t i o nUn i t) ,통계분석(S t a t i s t i c a lAn a l y s i s
Kieae Journal, 2011
This study is to analysis the characteristics of electric power consumption of apartments complex... more This study is to analysis the characteristics of electric power consumption of apartments complex in Korea. This study shows the pattern of electric power consumption and correlation of each apartment complex's completion year monthly and timely. With this result, we are able to predict the demand pattern of electricity in a house and make the schedule by demand pattern. It is expected this data is used as reference of electric consumption of Daejeon area to operate the simulation tools to predict the building energy. The yearly data of 10 apartment complexes of 2010 are analyzed. The results of this study are followed. The averaged amount of electricity consumption in winter is higher as summer because of the high capacity of heating equipment. All of the house has electric base load from 0.26kWh to 0.5kWh. The average of the electricity consumption of month is shown as 310.2kWh. A week is seperated, as 4 part such as week, weekend, Saturday and Sunday. During week, the average of timely electricity consumption is shown as 0.426kWh. The Saturday consumption is 0.437kWh. The Sunday is 0.445kWh. The peak electricity consumption in summer and winter is measured. The peak consumption on summer season is 1.389kW on 22th August 64% higher than winter season 0.887kW on 3rd January.
Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2015
In this study, an analysis was performed on the performance of the solar water heating system wit... more In this study, an analysis was performed on the performance of the solar water heating system with geo-thermal heat pump for a detached house. This system has a flat plate solar collector (8 m 2) and a 3 RT heat pump. The heat pump acts as an auxiliary heater of the solar water heating system. These systems were installed at four individual houses with the same area of 100 m 2. The monitoring results for one year are as follows. (1) The average daily operating time of the solar system appeared to be 313 minutes in spring (intermediate season), and 135 minutes and 76 minutes in winter and summer respectively. The reason for the short operating time in summer is the high storage temperature due to low water heating load. The high storage temperature is caused by a decrease in collecting efficiency as well as by overheating. (2) The geothermal heat pump as an auxiliary heater mainly operates on days of poor insolation during the winter season. (3) Despite controlling for total house area, hot water consumption varies greatly according to the number of people in the family, hot water usage habits, etc. (4) The yearly solar fraction was 69.8 to 91.5 percent, which exceeds the maximum value of 80% as recommended by ASHRAE. So the solar collector area of 8 m 2 appeared to be somewhat greater for the house with an area of 100 m 2. (5) The observed annual efficiency of solar systems was relatively low at 13.5 to 23.6%, which was analyzed to be due to the decrease in thermal efficiency and the overheating caused by a high solar fraction.
This study aims to develop the program for active solar heating system design & analysis. The... more This study aims to develop the program for active solar heating system design & analysis. The program, named ASOLis, is consisted of three user's interface like as system input/output, library, and utilities and used TRNSYS as a calculation engine for the system analysis. ASOLis simplifies user's input data through the database and can design 37 different types of solar systems. Solar system is configurated by two separated parts "solar thermal collecting part" and "load supplying part". Due to the user-friendly layout, all design parameters can be changed quickly and easily for the influence on system efficiency. For the reliability, ASOLis compared with experimental result. As a result, ASOLis is expected to be used as a vital tool for the design and analysis of active solar heating system.
The Purpose of this work is to investigate a long-term thermal performance of active solar hot wa... more The Purpose of this work is to investigate a long-term thermal performance of active solar hot water heating system for the dormitory of university. For this, monitering system including temperature sensors, flow-meters was installed in this system. Measurement was continued for 13 months between April 1st 2004 and May 31th 2005. As results, hot water demand, daily and monthly hot water load distribution which are necessary for the solar system design were suggested. Also thermal stratification in solar buffer tank was observed in the point of increasement of system efficiency. The yearly solar fraction and system efficiency of this system are about 29.5% and 44.9% respectively.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1994
한국태양에너지학회 2004 Proceedings Isea Asia Pacific, Oct 1, 2004
Hot water supply of 85℃ is needed to bottle washer in the beer brewing process (Kalogirou, 2003).... more Hot water supply of 85℃ is needed to bottle washer in the beer brewing process (Kalogirou, 2003). For this purpose it is more appropriate to choose an evacuated tubular solar collector (ETSC) system rather than the flat plate types which are mostly used to produce water temperatures around 60℃ for domestic use (KIER Report, 2004; Kalogirou, 2004; Niemann et al., 1997). In the present study, simulation was performed through the system modeling for the process heat system installed in beer brewery of Gwangju Korea. Simulation model of TRNSYS was confirmed first, and four days of examination period from August 8 to 11 at year 2003 were taken. Here it can be observed that analysis results are in good agreement with experimental data. Full one year simulation was conducted for the prediction of long term performance of ETSC system in Gwangju. The system was analyzed with TRNSYS using the hourly weather data of the Gwangju. And additional simulations were conducted for one year term under the weather conditions of four locations as Daejeon, Busan, Seoul, and Daegu as well. Based on these TRNSYS simulations, long term thermal performance of the ETSC system has been predicted for various weather conditions. The system efficiency and heat transfer rate by hot water supply were obtained, and their effects on the long term performance of the system were compared and analyzed.
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2013
P a r kJ a e-Wa n * ,S h i nU-C h e u l-* * †a n dK i m D a eGo n * * * ,Y o o nJ o n g-H o * * *... more P a r kJ a e-Wa n * ,S h i nU-C h e u l-* * †a n dK i m D a eGo n * * * ,Y o o nJ o n g-H o * * * * (S u b mi td a t e :2 0 1 3 .4 .1 0. J u d g me n td a t e :2 0 1 3 .4 .1 5. P u b l i c a t i o nd e c i d ed a t e :2 0 1 3 .6 .2 4 .) Abstract:I nt h i ss t u d y ,wea n a l y z et h ep e r f o r ma n c ec h a r a c t e r i s t i c so fBu i l d i n gI n t e g r a t e dP h o t o v o l t a i c(BI P V) s y s t e m o fK Re s e a r c h Bu i l d i n g wh i c h wa sd e s i g n e dwi t h t h ea i m o fz e r oc a r b o n b u i l d i n g .I n a d d i t i o n ,BI P V s y s t e m,wh i c h i s c o n s i s to ft h r e e mo d u l e s ;G t o G(Gl a s s t o Gl a s s) ,G t o T(Gl a s s t o Te d l a r / C r y s t a l)a n d Amo r p h o u s ,h a s1 1 6. 2 k Wpo ft o t a lc a p a c i t y ,a n di sa p p l i e dt owa l l ,wi n d o w,a t r i u m a n dp a g o r ao nr o o f .
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1997
The equations of steady, laminar two-dimensional thermal natural convection in a horizontal cylin... more The equations of steady, laminar two-dimensional thermal natural convection in a horizontal cylindrical lunula are written by using a two-cylindrical coordinate system, the stream function and the vorticity. The lunula may be filled with a Newtonian fluid or with a porous body saturated with such a fluid. The authors assume constant physical properties of the fluid, available Boussinesq' approximation and
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2012
* De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lGr a d u a t eS c h o o l ,Da e j e o nUn i v e r s i t y (l... more * De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lGr a d u a t eS c h o o l ,Da e j e o nUn i v e r s i t y (l wj 3 1 1 6 @d j u. k r) , * * Cl i ma t eCh a n g eRe s e a r c h Di v i s i o n ,Na t i o n a l I n s t i t u t eo fEn v i r o n me n t a lRe s e a r c h , Ko r e a (e x 1 2 @k o r e a. k r) * * * C l i ma t eC h a n g eR e s e a r c hDi v i s i o n ,Na t i o n a l I n s t i t u t eo fE n v i r o n me n t a lR e s e a r c h , Ko r e a (g e r c l i b @k o r e a. k r) * * * * De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lE n g ,Ha n b a tNa t i o n a lUn i v e r s i t y (j h y o o n @h a n b a t. a c. k r) , * * * * * De p t .o fAr c h i t e c t u r a lE n g ,Da e j e o nUn i v e r s i t y (s h i n u c @d j u. k r)
Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2013
b u i l d i n g e n e r g y c o n s u mp t i o n wa s 1 0 4 , 6 0 2. 4 k Wh a n d BI P V y i e l ... more b u i l d i n g e n e r g y c o n s u mp t i o n wa s 1 0 4 , 6 0 2. 4 k Wh a n d BI P V y i e l d wa s 1 0 5 , 2 6 7 k Wh. An d t h e n , t o t a l l y c o u n t e r b a l a n c e dt i met o o ku p2 6 %,r e d u c e de l e c t r i cl o a dt i met o o ku p1 6 %.I no t h e rwo r d s ,p e a kl o a dc o u l db e r e d u c e du pt o4 2 % b yBI P V. Asar e s u l t , y e a r l yb u i l d i n ge n e r g yc o n s u mp t i o nwa s1 0 4 , 6 0 2. 4 k Wha n dBI P V y i e l d wa s1 0 5 , 2 6 7 k Wh .An dt h e n ,t o t a l l yc o u n t e r b a l a n c e dt i met o o ku p2 6 %,r e d u c e de l e c t r i cl o a dt i met o o ku p1 6 %. I no t h e rwo r d s ,p e a kl o a dc o u l db er e d u c e du pt o4 2 % b yBI P V. Key Words:건물생체기후도(B u i l d i n gb i o c l i ma t i cc h a r t) , 기후설계(C l i ma t i cd e s i g n) , 컴퓨터 프로그램(C o mp u t e rp r o g r a m) , 에너지절약(E n e r g yc o n s e r v a t i o n)