Jurnal Naturalistic | Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya (original) (raw)
Papers by Jurnal Naturalistic
The effect of using card sort model in increasing the primary level of speaking skills at the fir... more The effect of using card sort model in increasing the primary level of speaking skills at the first grade students of State Elementary School 1 Ciomas. This research is motivated by the lack of reading ability at the first grade students of State Elementary School 1 Ciomas. From the number of 23 students, there are 16 students who have not read fluently. Therefore, the students' reading skill must be enhanced, one of them by using card sort model. This learning model emphasizes on the students' activeness, and the teacher just as the facilitator. This research aims to know the influence of using active learning model, type sort card model to the primary level of reading skill at the first grade students of State Elementary School 1 Ciomas. This research uses a quantitative approach using the experimental method with the entire population of first grade students of Ciomas primary school 1 up to 23 students and sample technique using total sampling. The collection of data by means of the grant of the initial test and the final test as the primary data, and administrative sheets used as secondary data. The Pretest results showed the average value is 57.07, whereas the results of post-test obtain average value 73.19. These results show that the students' reading skill in the beginning level have increased supported by t-test obtained thitung = 6.43 and ttabel = 2.02. Because 6.43 > 2.02 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, it means that there is an improvement of students' reading skill by using active learning model namely sort card type. Abstrak Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Card Sort terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SD Negeri I Ciomas. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh karena rendahnya kemampuan membaca siswa kelas I SD Negeri I Ciomas, dari jumlah siswa 23, ada 16 siswa yang belum lancar membaca. Oleh sebab itu, kemampuan membaca siswa harus ditingkatkan salah satunya dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran card sort. Model pembelajaran ini menekankan pada keaktifan siswa, guru hanya bertindak sebagai fasilitator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model active learning tipe card sort terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SD Negeri 1 Ciomas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas I SD Negeri 1 Darma yang berjumlah 23 siswa teknik sampel menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan cara pemberian tes awal dan tes akhir sebagai data primer, serta lembar administratif lainnya digunakan sebagai data sekunder. Hasil pretest menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 57,07, sedangkan hasil postest memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 73,19. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa mengalami peningkatan ditunjang dengan uji t diperoleh thitung = 6,43 dan ttabel 2,02. Karena 6,43 > 2,02 maka H0 ditolak H1 diterima, artinya terdapat peningkatan kemampuan siswa pada aspek membaca dengan menggunakan model active learning tipe card sort. Kata Kunci: Active Learning; Card Sort; Keamampuan Membaca Permulaan _________________________
The problems examined in this study was the high rate of burnout eperienced by teachers of inclus... more The problems examined in this study was the high rate of burnout eperienced by teachers of inclusion school. This research was conducted to determine the effect of self-efficacy training as an educator toward burnout decrease of the inclusion school teacher. This reasearch is experimental research designed with control group and experimental group. This research is conducted in four school, they are SDN Puren, SDN Gejayan, SD Mustokorejo dan SD Muhammadiyah Bayen. The subjects used in this study are the teachers who experience burnout and have a low efficacy as an educator. Collecting data technique used are test and non-test (questionnaire and interview). The validity and reliability of the test instrument calculated by SPSS version 16.0 for windows. The data analysis is conducted by using U-Mann Whitney statistic. The results show that there is an influence of self-efficacy training as an educator toward burnout decrease of inclusive teacher. Teachers were given efficacy training have lower level of burnout compared with untrained teachers. The results of data analysis show that the teachers were given selfefficacy training as educator have lower average score (100.75), compared with untrained teacher (135,37) by value Z= -3,258, p= 0,01 on α 0.05.
The difficulty in learning a language is often seen through the speech error by students, especia... more The difficulty in learning a language is often seen through the speech error by students, especially by bilingual speakers such us Sasak tribe. This research aims to compare the construction of passive clauses in Sasak language (B1) and Indonesian (B2) by using contrastive analysis approach, as a reference in the teaching of Indonesian as a second language. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The extracting data technique used is cakap tansemuka technique (CTS), whereas data analysis technique used is read-marker technique. The results of this study revealed that passive clauses in B1 manifested in the form of canonical passive, passive form of diri-and passive form of ke-an. B2 identified as having the form of passive clauses are more diverse; besides canonical form, form of diri-and ke-an, there is also a form of ter-and ke-which B1 was not found. Furthermore, canonical passive clauses in B1 either using verbs of monotransitive or bitrasitive, and each can be formed in two different constructions.
The study of ethics is the part of final destination ideas for the philosophers. The essence of r... more The study of ethics is the part of final destination ideas for the philosophers. The essence of reality and knowledge of course leads to a question of what the essence of truth value, what the action should be done, and how should we live. The study of teacher ethics has close relation to what action should be done by the educators as ethical actors in the process of education. There are various flow ethics, one of them is the flow of utilitarian moral philosophy which has a principle that good action is action provides more happiness than sadness. The culmination of this thinking revealed that the quality and quantity of human happiness is a necessity that must be fought. The education philosopher of Indonesia, namely KI Hajar Dewantara has similar view related to ethics study. According to him, the noble purpose of education is to lead humans find their peaceful and happy life. A happy life is the content of thought of Ki Hajar Dewantara about education. This study tries to shed the reflective thinking of writer associated with the teacher ethics based on Ki Hajar Dewantara in Utilitarian moral philosophy.
The objective of the research is to enhance the students' speaking skill on Indonesia language by... more The objective of the research is to enhance the students' speaking skill on Indonesia language by using role play at the fourth grade students of SDN Ploso 1, Pacitan in the academic year 2016/2017. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting stages. The subject of this research is the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Ploso consisted of 25 students. The object of this research is about the students' speaking skill. The technique of collecting data is using observation method. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistic analysis. The results show that in the first cycle, the average score of speaking skill is 76. 41 and the average percentage is 75.68%, it means that it is in low category. Meanwhile, in the cycle 2, it reaches 90.64%, in the high category. The data shows an increase of 14.21%. It means that there is an increase in the percentage of students' speaking skill at the fourth grade of SDN 1 Ploso. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of role play method can improve the students' speaking skill on Indonesian language at the fourth grade of SDN 1 Ploso, Pacitan in the academic year 2016/2017.
This paper discusses the importance of the religious education, focus on memorizing of holy Al-Qu... more This paper discusses the importance of the religious education, focus on memorizing of holy Al-Quran intructional, and the learners' character building through education. Education is an endless process which determines the nation's character today and in the future. Whether a nation will emerge as a nation with good or bad character highly depends on the quality of education that build the children'character of the nation. Building the noble character through the Al-Quran education approach, other than being part of the process of building the noble character, it is expected to be the cornerstone in improving the learners' status and prestiges as children of the nation.The balance, healthy and strong human character (character building) is highly influenced by religious education and the internalization of the religious values within the learners.
Accounting is an information system, more precisely; it is an application to the general theory o... more Accounting is an information system, more precisely; it is an application to the general theory of information to the problem of efficient economic operations. It also makes up a large part of the general information expressed in quantitative terms. In this context accounting is both a part of the general information system of an operating entity and a part of the basic field bounded by the concept of information. If you work with a manual system and you want to see an account on given day, you have a paper file and you simply go to that particular section and pull out the file. When you're on the computer system, in a sense all your accounts are kid of floating around in space. You can't get your hands on them.
Natural phenomena Mountain Galunggung learning resources in understanding the symptoms of volcani... more Natural phenomena Mountain Galunggung learning resources in understanding the symptoms of volcanism, these phenomena can be used as a source of learning geography student to improve the analysis of their environment. Geography is a natural laboratory and a lot of geography materials that can not be understood simply by studying a concept in the literature book is done in space by verbalistis. This research was conducted at the Department of Geography Students of the Faculty of Education Siliwangi University. This study population Geography students the semester II of classes using model experiments with field studies and grade control using model lecture. Quantitative data analysis techniques using statistical methods, there are two statistical techniques used, namely descriptive statistics for the description of research data and statistical techniques t-test. There is a significant difference to the results of the test and development of power analysis geography student this is evidenced by the results of tests experimental minimum 13, maximum numbers 23, the range of values 10, a mean of 18.15, median 18.00. The test results control class minimum 10, maximum 20, the range of values 10, mean 15.39, median 15.00. Power analysis geography student experiment class has a depth analysis of the phenomena that is the result of data processing that students can open up and develop the power of analysis, the material is easy to understand, the students more active and interactive, while for the control class learning process is less effective without a concrete example to be analytical.
Children of primary school age today is learning quickly in The use of technological devices that... more Children of primary school age today is learning quickly in The use of technological devices that many adult people use such as a mobile phone or laptop connected to the Internet network so it's provide easy access to an incredible wide world to a variety of sites and applications that are provided in free of charge, Social media technologies indicate social change among children of primary school age in terms of social activities or relationships between human beings. The method of collecting data in this study were collected by observation at the school, in this case also has done an interview to the principal and students of class VI SDN Tugu 3 Gunung Java Cihideung Tasikmalaya, the number of students who were interviewed as a whole amounted to 65 people, this study obtained their personal indication of antisocial child because too preoccupied with social media being used.
Abstrak This article describes about Learning creative dance through traditional games in the Ele... more Abstrak This article describes about Learning creative dance through traditional games in the Elementary School. It is important because most of dance learning in the elementary school applied in intra-curricular learning, the students are forced to dance, not foster the dance creativity. Meanwhile, since the 2013 curriculum implemented, the subject of the art of dance, for example in the fourth grade of elementary school consists of Basic Competences are as follows: the students are able to know the creation of local dance, and they can practice it well. Therefore, the teachers of the art of dance in the fourth grade of elementary school need to master some techniques, they are the dancing technique to be practiced, the techniques to stimulate students become confident then they are able to express their ideas about the art of dance, and the technique to turn on the power of students' imagination and creatifity. Understanding the art of dance creativity is the ability of a dance teacher or student in creating, integrating or combining the dance movements with the life aspect in the world.One of the material that can be the source in making creative dance movement among humans life is the traditional game. Some steps or strategies that can be implemented for creative dance by traditional game are as follows: planning steps, implementation steps, and follow-up. The development stages that must be taken by students in creating the basic dance movements are the introduction stages, the exploration stages, the formation stages, and the composing stages.
The environmental problems at this time, especially the diversity of bat cave dwellers in the kar... more The environmental problems at this time, especially the diversity of bat cave dwellers in the karst of Cibalong, Tasikmalaya should be given the special attention by all of the society elements, especially by the educators who must act real and solve the problems to give the view of knowledge to the community and the students in understanding the importance of bats which is considered as a pest and it is associated with mystical things. One of the effort is looking for and implementing some of learning model based on the local wisdom to change and establish the scientific thinking of the sociaety and the students to analyze the presence of bat in term of the survival of the ecosystem. It is expected that bats and their habitats in Karst of Cibalong, Tasikmalaya can be preserved.
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Le... more The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) to student result learning outcomes in the human digestive system in 7 th grade MTs N Cikatomas. This research was conducted in September to November 2014 in MTs N Cikatomas Tasikmalaya. Research method used the true experimental with the population was from all classes on 7 th grade as many as 5 classes with the number of students as many as 186 students. The sample was used are 2 classes that selected by the cluster random sampling technique. To measure learning outcomes used 40 questions learning outcomes instrument. Technique of analyzing the data in this research using t-test with significant level α = 0,05. Based on data analysis and hypothesis testing be concluded that there is influence of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) to student result learning outcomes in the human digestive system in 7 th grade MTs N Cikatomas.
This study investigated the application of the right brain methods, namely the association and co... more This study investigated the application of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method in optimizing the students' vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Rancah Ciamis. It uses the qualitative approach by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) to determine how the right brain methods help students in optimizing vocabulary mastery, and to analyze how the students' progress related to the right brain methods in optimizing vocabulary mastery in the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Rancah. This study is conducted in three cycles, each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data of the study are taken from the questionnaire, observation, interview and the students' vocabulary test in form of multiple choice and students' presentation. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results show that the implementation of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method affected possitively on the improvement of students' vocabulary mastery. It is based on the enthusisatic and the active participation of the students in the process of teaching and learning, and also the results of students' vocabulary test from pre -cycle to cycle III.
The low quality of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the low quality of teachers. T... more The low quality of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the low quality of teachers. To achieve qualified teachers, so it needs the effective of teacher management start from the appointment, the placement, the induction, the welfare, and the teacher professional development. The certification program is one of government programs to increase the teachers' professionalism. However, this certification program was responded vary by teachers. Some of them respond it with sincerity and other consider it just as other policies. Meanwhile, the teacher certification could be interpreted as the government's efforts in providing education certificates to the teachers and lecturers who have met certain requirements, including academic qualifications, competence, professional in the field of education with the aim to increase learning motivation and teachers' welfare. Certification is a government program in increasing the teachers' motivation and professionalism. Thus, it is expected to be able to solve any problems in education world.
This paper is the result of research literature with the aim to describe the practice of teaching... more This paper is the result of research literature with the aim to describe the practice of teaching literacy in the elementary school. The application of authentic assessment in literacy learning and authentic assessment in the introduction of literacy on learning Indonesian.The method used in this research is literature study with research data obtained from several books and journals, as well as other sources that support the authentic assessment, introduction of literacy and learning Indonesian in elementary school. The process of this literature study is as follows: first, identify the theory systematically, then locate the relevant literature, and analyze documents containing information relate to an authentic assessment of learning literacy on learning Indonesian in elementary school. Therefore, this study is analyzed by using descriptive technique. Research literature indicates that
The problem is the reference authors in this research is to reveal the influence of the media or ... more The problem is the reference authors in this research is to reveal the influence of the media or teaching aids in swimming. The study was conducted in Bandung ganesha School mandala swimming with the sample at the level swimmers who have not received a base class breaststroke swimming lessons. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the media in the development of swimming board psychomotor, cognitive and affective. The method used in this study are pre experimental method with a population of 10 people swimmer basis, the determination of the total sample population of the swimmers who have not given breaststroke swimming lessons numbered 10 people. After treatment of the sample given the findings show that the use of swimming board significantly influence the development of breaststroke swimming skills with Sig. 0.000> 0.05. H N a t u r a l i s t i c | 37
This study was focused on the progressive in increasing the quality of students' vocabulary maste... more This study was focused on the progressive in increasing the quality of students' vocabulary mastery based on the specific tpics such as color, type of food and beverage, human body, and family members. The material was conveyed through the implementation of Active Learning in the first Grade students of SDN Mulyasari 1, Bandung. This research was conducted into two cycles. The results obtained in the first activity cycle consisted of the teachers' activities in implementing active learning was about 80% and the amount of class athmosphere was 65.25%. Meanwhile, the evaluation of student learning activities on the assignment sheet reached the average 7.74, 8.78 formative test, and analysis of the vocabulary teaching reached 75%. Meanwhile, in the second cycle, the results obtained by teachers' activity was 90% and 89.25% for class atmosphere. The average value obtained by students during the assignment sheet is 8.06, the average value of formative test reached 8.96, and the analysis of vocabulary teaching was 85%. Based on the results above, it was clear that the implementation of active learning in mastering English vocabulary would help students in remembering or even mastering that vocabulary. This achievement was inseparable from the use of instructional media and attractive teaching methods for learners.
This study aims to know the students' social awareness by service learning model. The method that... more This study aims to know the students' social awareness by service learning model. The method that is used is quantitative method with quasi-experimental design. The population in this study is all of the students in SDN Tarogong II Garut. The sample of this study is the fourth grade students which class A as experimental class and class B as control class. Service learning model is one of contextual learning that present learning based on the reality of students' daily life.This learning model has a value if it is related with IPS subject value based in increasing the understanding of students' social awareness because it is associated with social value. In this context,the teacher must be able to have the skill in developing many kinds of learning method that give students the base thinking in developing the students' understanding about social attitude, in this case their social awareness. Th results of study show that results of Spearman correlation test for tcount is 11.60287 and t-table is 2. 019541. The results show that the value of t-count is bigger than t-table, so the correlation of coefficient is significant. It confirms that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. As conclusion, there is the influence of X variable to Y variable. It means that service learning method give significant influence to the students' social awareness by the determination value about 76.7% which means that the effect of this category is strong/ high.
Early Childhood is a golden age phase to transformation of basic knowledge and basic value, but f... more Early Childhood is a golden age phase to transformation of basic knowledge and basic value, but few among us understand and take advantage of that opportunities cause lack of knowledge and method to educate early childhood. Al-Qur`an as a way of life for all mankind from his creator give an over view about an effective learning methods based on the characteristics of early childhood, that is chatting methods. Based on descriptive analysis of Al-Qur`an surah Al-Baqarah 30-33 it`s contains dialogue between Allah S.W.T., with angels about the first creation of human being. Chatting methods are as follows : (1). Do stimulation or impulse of curiosity (2). Answer the questions untill the child stopped to ask (3). Give a new insights in your answer (4). Concrete your answers (5). Give the questions back.
The management of socio-emotional condition is part of classroom management, as well as facilitie... more The management of socio-emotional condition is part of classroom management, as well as facilities and infrastructure, the management of socio-emotional condition is considered has important role in improving the students' achievement. The aims of the research are to determine: 1) the management of socio-emotional condition in Class V of Elementary School Cluster 3 Salawu, 2) the students' achievement in learning science in Grades V of Elementary School Cluster 3 Salawu. The place of this research is in SDN Cluster 3 Salawu of Tasikmalaya regency. The population and sample of this research are the fifth grade students in SDN Cluster 3 Salawu and there are 60 students. The sample of this study used a quota sampling technique. The method used in this research is quantitative associative method with quantitative approach. To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaires and test techniques. The data was collected, processed and analyzed quantitatively with correlation. The results of processing and analyzing data are as follows: 1) The condition of socio-emotional students in learning science in class V SDN Cluster 3 Salawu are in the very good and excellent category. There are 47 (78%) students are in the interval score 90-120. It can be categorized as very high category. There are 13 (22%) students are in the interval score 70-90 with high category, 2) The students' achievement in science learning in th e fifth class of SDN Force 3 is in the very high, high and moderate category. There are 27 (45%) students in very high category, 25 (41.67%) students in the high category and 8 (13.33%) students in the middle category, 3) there is a relationship between the management of socio-emotional condition and the students' learning achievement in learning science in the fifth grade of SDN Cluster 3 Salawu. It proved by the correlation between socio-emotional conditions and the students' learning achievement reached 0.592 and it is in the level of strong enough relationship. The value of the probability or sig. (2-tailed) was 0,000 less than 0.05. According to the provisions: "if the probability value is bigger than 0.05 means that there is no significant correlation (Ho accepted) and when the probability value less than 0.05 means that there is a significant correlation (Ho rejected)". Based on that data above, Ho is rejected. It is clear that there is a significant correlation between the management of socio-emotional condition with the students' learning achievement in science learning in the fifth grade students of SDN Cluster 3 Salawu.
The effect of using card sort model in increasing the primary level of speaking skills at the fir... more The effect of using card sort model in increasing the primary level of speaking skills at the first grade students of State Elementary School 1 Ciomas. This research is motivated by the lack of reading ability at the first grade students of State Elementary School 1 Ciomas. From the number of 23 students, there are 16 students who have not read fluently. Therefore, the students' reading skill must be enhanced, one of them by using card sort model. This learning model emphasizes on the students' activeness, and the teacher just as the facilitator. This research aims to know the influence of using active learning model, type sort card model to the primary level of reading skill at the first grade students of State Elementary School 1 Ciomas. This research uses a quantitative approach using the experimental method with the entire population of first grade students of Ciomas primary school 1 up to 23 students and sample technique using total sampling. The collection of data by means of the grant of the initial test and the final test as the primary data, and administrative sheets used as secondary data. The Pretest results showed the average value is 57.07, whereas the results of post-test obtain average value 73.19. These results show that the students' reading skill in the beginning level have increased supported by t-test obtained thitung = 6.43 and ttabel = 2.02. Because 6.43 > 2.02 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, it means that there is an improvement of students' reading skill by using active learning model namely sort card type. Abstrak Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Card Sort terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SD Negeri I Ciomas. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh karena rendahnya kemampuan membaca siswa kelas I SD Negeri I Ciomas, dari jumlah siswa 23, ada 16 siswa yang belum lancar membaca. Oleh sebab itu, kemampuan membaca siswa harus ditingkatkan salah satunya dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran card sort. Model pembelajaran ini menekankan pada keaktifan siswa, guru hanya bertindak sebagai fasilitator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model active learning tipe card sort terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SD Negeri 1 Ciomas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas I SD Negeri 1 Darma yang berjumlah 23 siswa teknik sampel menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan cara pemberian tes awal dan tes akhir sebagai data primer, serta lembar administratif lainnya digunakan sebagai data sekunder. Hasil pretest menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 57,07, sedangkan hasil postest memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 73,19. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa mengalami peningkatan ditunjang dengan uji t diperoleh thitung = 6,43 dan ttabel 2,02. Karena 6,43 > 2,02 maka H0 ditolak H1 diterima, artinya terdapat peningkatan kemampuan siswa pada aspek membaca dengan menggunakan model active learning tipe card sort. Kata Kunci: Active Learning; Card Sort; Keamampuan Membaca Permulaan _________________________
The problems examined in this study was the high rate of burnout eperienced by teachers of inclus... more The problems examined in this study was the high rate of burnout eperienced by teachers of inclusion school. This research was conducted to determine the effect of self-efficacy training as an educator toward burnout decrease of the inclusion school teacher. This reasearch is experimental research designed with control group and experimental group. This research is conducted in four school, they are SDN Puren, SDN Gejayan, SD Mustokorejo dan SD Muhammadiyah Bayen. The subjects used in this study are the teachers who experience burnout and have a low efficacy as an educator. Collecting data technique used are test and non-test (questionnaire and interview). The validity and reliability of the test instrument calculated by SPSS version 16.0 for windows. The data analysis is conducted by using U-Mann Whitney statistic. The results show that there is an influence of self-efficacy training as an educator toward burnout decrease of inclusive teacher. Teachers were given efficacy training have lower level of burnout compared with untrained teachers. The results of data analysis show that the teachers were given selfefficacy training as educator have lower average score (100.75), compared with untrained teacher (135,37) by value Z= -3,258, p= 0,01 on α 0.05.
The difficulty in learning a language is often seen through the speech error by students, especia... more The difficulty in learning a language is often seen through the speech error by students, especially by bilingual speakers such us Sasak tribe. This research aims to compare the construction of passive clauses in Sasak language (B1) and Indonesian (B2) by using contrastive analysis approach, as a reference in the teaching of Indonesian as a second language. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The extracting data technique used is cakap tansemuka technique (CTS), whereas data analysis technique used is read-marker technique. The results of this study revealed that passive clauses in B1 manifested in the form of canonical passive, passive form of diri-and passive form of ke-an. B2 identified as having the form of passive clauses are more diverse; besides canonical form, form of diri-and ke-an, there is also a form of ter-and ke-which B1 was not found. Furthermore, canonical passive clauses in B1 either using verbs of monotransitive or bitrasitive, and each can be formed in two different constructions.
The study of ethics is the part of final destination ideas for the philosophers. The essence of r... more The study of ethics is the part of final destination ideas for the philosophers. The essence of reality and knowledge of course leads to a question of what the essence of truth value, what the action should be done, and how should we live. The study of teacher ethics has close relation to what action should be done by the educators as ethical actors in the process of education. There are various flow ethics, one of them is the flow of utilitarian moral philosophy which has a principle that good action is action provides more happiness than sadness. The culmination of this thinking revealed that the quality and quantity of human happiness is a necessity that must be fought. The education philosopher of Indonesia, namely KI Hajar Dewantara has similar view related to ethics study. According to him, the noble purpose of education is to lead humans find their peaceful and happy life. A happy life is the content of thought of Ki Hajar Dewantara about education. This study tries to shed the reflective thinking of writer associated with the teacher ethics based on Ki Hajar Dewantara in Utilitarian moral philosophy.
The objective of the research is to enhance the students' speaking skill on Indonesia language by... more The objective of the research is to enhance the students' speaking skill on Indonesia language by using role play at the fourth grade students of SDN Ploso 1, Pacitan in the academic year 2016/2017. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting stages. The subject of this research is the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Ploso consisted of 25 students. The object of this research is about the students' speaking skill. The technique of collecting data is using observation method. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistic analysis. The results show that in the first cycle, the average score of speaking skill is 76. 41 and the average percentage is 75.68%, it means that it is in low category. Meanwhile, in the cycle 2, it reaches 90.64%, in the high category. The data shows an increase of 14.21%. It means that there is an increase in the percentage of students' speaking skill at the fourth grade of SDN 1 Ploso. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of role play method can improve the students' speaking skill on Indonesian language at the fourth grade of SDN 1 Ploso, Pacitan in the academic year 2016/2017.
This paper discusses the importance of the religious education, focus on memorizing of holy Al-Qu... more This paper discusses the importance of the religious education, focus on memorizing of holy Al-Quran intructional, and the learners' character building through education. Education is an endless process which determines the nation's character today and in the future. Whether a nation will emerge as a nation with good or bad character highly depends on the quality of education that build the children'character of the nation. Building the noble character through the Al-Quran education approach, other than being part of the process of building the noble character, it is expected to be the cornerstone in improving the learners' status and prestiges as children of the nation.The balance, healthy and strong human character (character building) is highly influenced by religious education and the internalization of the religious values within the learners.
Accounting is an information system, more precisely; it is an application to the general theory o... more Accounting is an information system, more precisely; it is an application to the general theory of information to the problem of efficient economic operations. It also makes up a large part of the general information expressed in quantitative terms. In this context accounting is both a part of the general information system of an operating entity and a part of the basic field bounded by the concept of information. If you work with a manual system and you want to see an account on given day, you have a paper file and you simply go to that particular section and pull out the file. When you're on the computer system, in a sense all your accounts are kid of floating around in space. You can't get your hands on them.
Natural phenomena Mountain Galunggung learning resources in understanding the symptoms of volcani... more Natural phenomena Mountain Galunggung learning resources in understanding the symptoms of volcanism, these phenomena can be used as a source of learning geography student to improve the analysis of their environment. Geography is a natural laboratory and a lot of geography materials that can not be understood simply by studying a concept in the literature book is done in space by verbalistis. This research was conducted at the Department of Geography Students of the Faculty of Education Siliwangi University. This study population Geography students the semester II of classes using model experiments with field studies and grade control using model lecture. Quantitative data analysis techniques using statistical methods, there are two statistical techniques used, namely descriptive statistics for the description of research data and statistical techniques t-test. There is a significant difference to the results of the test and development of power analysis geography student this is evidenced by the results of tests experimental minimum 13, maximum numbers 23, the range of values 10, a mean of 18.15, median 18.00. The test results control class minimum 10, maximum 20, the range of values 10, mean 15.39, median 15.00. Power analysis geography student experiment class has a depth analysis of the phenomena that is the result of data processing that students can open up and develop the power of analysis, the material is easy to understand, the students more active and interactive, while for the control class learning process is less effective without a concrete example to be analytical.
Children of primary school age today is learning quickly in The use of technological devices that... more Children of primary school age today is learning quickly in The use of technological devices that many adult people use such as a mobile phone or laptop connected to the Internet network so it's provide easy access to an incredible wide world to a variety of sites and applications that are provided in free of charge, Social media technologies indicate social change among children of primary school age in terms of social activities or relationships between human beings. The method of collecting data in this study were collected by observation at the school, in this case also has done an interview to the principal and students of class VI SDN Tugu 3 Gunung Java Cihideung Tasikmalaya, the number of students who were interviewed as a whole amounted to 65 people, this study obtained their personal indication of antisocial child because too preoccupied with social media being used.
Abstrak This article describes about Learning creative dance through traditional games in the Ele... more Abstrak This article describes about Learning creative dance through traditional games in the Elementary School. It is important because most of dance learning in the elementary school applied in intra-curricular learning, the students are forced to dance, not foster the dance creativity. Meanwhile, since the 2013 curriculum implemented, the subject of the art of dance, for example in the fourth grade of elementary school consists of Basic Competences are as follows: the students are able to know the creation of local dance, and they can practice it well. Therefore, the teachers of the art of dance in the fourth grade of elementary school need to master some techniques, they are the dancing technique to be practiced, the techniques to stimulate students become confident then they are able to express their ideas about the art of dance, and the technique to turn on the power of students' imagination and creatifity. Understanding the art of dance creativity is the ability of a dance teacher or student in creating, integrating or combining the dance movements with the life aspect in the world.One of the material that can be the source in making creative dance movement among humans life is the traditional game. Some steps or strategies that can be implemented for creative dance by traditional game are as follows: planning steps, implementation steps, and follow-up. The development stages that must be taken by students in creating the basic dance movements are the introduction stages, the exploration stages, the formation stages, and the composing stages.
The environmental problems at this time, especially the diversity of bat cave dwellers in the kar... more The environmental problems at this time, especially the diversity of bat cave dwellers in the karst of Cibalong, Tasikmalaya should be given the special attention by all of the society elements, especially by the educators who must act real and solve the problems to give the view of knowledge to the community and the students in understanding the importance of bats which is considered as a pest and it is associated with mystical things. One of the effort is looking for and implementing some of learning model based on the local wisdom to change and establish the scientific thinking of the sociaety and the students to analyze the presence of bat in term of the survival of the ecosystem. It is expected that bats and their habitats in Karst of Cibalong, Tasikmalaya can be preserved.
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Le... more The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) to student result learning outcomes in the human digestive system in 7 th grade MTs N Cikatomas. This research was conducted in September to November 2014 in MTs N Cikatomas Tasikmalaya. Research method used the true experimental with the population was from all classes on 7 th grade as many as 5 classes with the number of students as many as 186 students. The sample was used are 2 classes that selected by the cluster random sampling technique. To measure learning outcomes used 40 questions learning outcomes instrument. Technique of analyzing the data in this research using t-test with significant level α = 0,05. Based on data analysis and hypothesis testing be concluded that there is influence of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) to student result learning outcomes in the human digestive system in 7 th grade MTs N Cikatomas.
This study investigated the application of the right brain methods, namely the association and co... more This study investigated the application of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method in optimizing the students' vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Rancah Ciamis. It uses the qualitative approach by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) to determine how the right brain methods help students in optimizing vocabulary mastery, and to analyze how the students' progress related to the right brain methods in optimizing vocabulary mastery in the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Rancah. This study is conducted in three cycles, each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data of the study are taken from the questionnaire, observation, interview and the students' vocabulary test in form of multiple choice and students' presentation. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results show that the implementation of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method affected possitively on the improvement of students' vocabulary mastery. It is based on the enthusisatic and the active participation of the students in the process of teaching and learning, and also the results of students' vocabulary test from pre -cycle to cycle III.
The low quality of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the low quality of teachers. T... more The low quality of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the low quality of teachers. To achieve qualified teachers, so it needs the effective of teacher management start from the appointment, the placement, the induction, the welfare, and the teacher professional development. The certification program is one of government programs to increase the teachers' professionalism. However, this certification program was responded vary by teachers. Some of them respond it with sincerity and other consider it just as other policies. Meanwhile, the teacher certification could be interpreted as the government's efforts in providing education certificates to the teachers and lecturers who have met certain requirements, including academic qualifications, competence, professional in the field of education with the aim to increase learning motivation and teachers' welfare. Certification is a government program in increasing the teachers' motivation and professionalism. Thus, it is expected to be able to solve any problems in education world.
This paper is the result of research literature with the aim to describe the practice of teaching... more This paper is the result of research literature with the aim to describe the practice of teaching literacy in the elementary school. The application of authentic assessment in literacy learning and authentic assessment in the introduction of literacy on learning Indonesian.The method used in this research is literature study with research data obtained from several books and journals, as well as other sources that support the authentic assessment, introduction of literacy and learning Indonesian in elementary school. The process of this literature study is as follows: first, identify the theory systematically, then locate the relevant literature, and analyze documents containing information relate to an authentic assessment of learning literacy on learning Indonesian in elementary school. Therefore, this study is analyzed by using descriptive technique. Research literature indicates that
The problem is the reference authors in this research is to reveal the influence of the media or ... more The problem is the reference authors in this research is to reveal the influence of the media or teaching aids in swimming. The study was conducted in Bandung ganesha School mandala swimming with the sample at the level swimmers who have not received a base class breaststroke swimming lessons. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the media in the development of swimming board psychomotor, cognitive and affective. The method used in this study are pre experimental method with a population of 10 people swimmer basis, the determination of the total sample population of the swimmers who have not given breaststroke swimming lessons numbered 10 people. After treatment of the sample given the findings show that the use of swimming board significantly influence the development of breaststroke swimming skills with Sig. 0.000> 0.05. H N a t u r a l i s t i c | 37
This study was focused on the progressive in increasing the quality of students' vocabulary maste... more This study was focused on the progressive in increasing the quality of students' vocabulary mastery based on the specific tpics such as color, type of food and beverage, human body, and family members. The material was conveyed through the implementation of Active Learning in the first Grade students of SDN Mulyasari 1, Bandung. This research was conducted into two cycles. The results obtained in the first activity cycle consisted of the teachers' activities in implementing active learning was about 80% and the amount of class athmosphere was 65.25%. Meanwhile, the evaluation of student learning activities on the assignment sheet reached the average 7.74, 8.78 formative test, and analysis of the vocabulary teaching reached 75%. Meanwhile, in the second cycle, the results obtained by teachers' activity was 90% and 89.25% for class atmosphere. The average value obtained by students during the assignment sheet is 8.06, the average value of formative test reached 8.96, and the analysis of vocabulary teaching was 85%. Based on the results above, it was clear that the implementation of active learning in mastering English vocabulary would help students in remembering or even mastering that vocabulary. This achievement was inseparable from the use of instructional media and attractive teaching methods for learners.
This study aims to know the students' social awareness by service learning model. The method that... more This study aims to know the students' social awareness by service learning model. The method that is used is quantitative method with quasi-experimental design. The population in this study is all of the students in SDN Tarogong II Garut. The sample of this study is the fourth grade students which class A as experimental class and class B as control class. Service learning model is one of contextual learning that present learning based on the reality of students' daily life.This learning model has a value if it is related with IPS subject value based in increasing the understanding of students' social awareness because it is associated with social value. In this context,the teacher must be able to have the skill in developing many kinds of learning method that give students the base thinking in developing the students' understanding about social attitude, in this case their social awareness. Th results of study show that results of Spearman correlation test for tcount is 11.60287 and t-table is 2. 019541. The results show that the value of t-count is bigger than t-table, so the correlation of coefficient is significant. It confirms that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. As conclusion, there is the influence of X variable to Y variable. It means that service learning method give significant influence to the students' social awareness by the determination value about 76.7% which means that the effect of this category is strong/ high.
Early Childhood is a golden age phase to transformation of basic knowledge and basic value, but f... more Early Childhood is a golden age phase to transformation of basic knowledge and basic value, but few among us understand and take advantage of that opportunities cause lack of knowledge and method to educate early childhood. Al-Qur`an as a way of life for all mankind from his creator give an over view about an effective learning methods based on the characteristics of early childhood, that is chatting methods. Based on descriptive analysis of Al-Qur`an surah Al-Baqarah 30-33 it`s contains dialogue between Allah S.W.T., with angels about the first creation of human being. Chatting methods are as follows : (1). Do stimulation or impulse of curiosity (2). Answer the questions untill the child stopped to ask (3). Give a new insights in your answer (4). Concrete your answers (5). Give the questions back.
The management of socio-emotional condition is part of classroom management, as well as facilitie... more The management of socio-emotional condition is part of classroom management, as well as facilities and infrastructure, the management of socio-emotional condition is considered has important role in improving the students' achievement. The aims of the research are to determine: 1) the management of socio-emotional condition in Class V of Elementary School Cluster 3 Salawu, 2) the students' achievement in learning science in Grades V of Elementary School Cluster 3 Salawu. The place of this research is in SDN Cluster 3 Salawu of Tasikmalaya regency. The population and sample of this research are the fifth grade students in SDN Cluster 3 Salawu and there are 60 students. The sample of this study used a quota sampling technique. The method used in this research is quantitative associative method with quantitative approach. To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaires and test techniques. The data was collected, processed and analyzed quantitatively with correlation. The results of processing and analyzing data are as follows: 1) The condition of socio-emotional students in learning science in class V SDN Cluster 3 Salawu are in the very good and excellent category. There are 47 (78%) students are in the interval score 90-120. It can be categorized as very high category. There are 13 (22%) students are in the interval score 70-90 with high category, 2) The students' achievement in science learning in th e fifth class of SDN Force 3 is in the very high, high and moderate category. There are 27 (45%) students in very high category, 25 (41.67%) students in the high category and 8 (13.33%) students in the middle category, 3) there is a relationship between the management of socio-emotional condition and the students' learning achievement in learning science in the fifth grade of SDN Cluster 3 Salawu. It proved by the correlation between socio-emotional conditions and the students' learning achievement reached 0.592 and it is in the level of strong enough relationship. The value of the probability or sig. (2-tailed) was 0,000 less than 0.05. According to the provisions: "if the probability value is bigger than 0.05 means that there is no significant correlation (Ho accepted) and when the probability value less than 0.05 means that there is a significant correlation (Ho rejected)". Based on that data above, Ho is rejected. It is clear that there is a significant correlation between the management of socio-emotional condition with the students' learning achievement in science learning in the fifth grade students of SDN Cluster 3 Salawu.