Rok Piletic | Freelancer - (original) (raw)

Papers by Rok Piletic

Research paper thumbnail of Open Source Society

Individual paper 2 - (Seminar series modul) Contemplate dynamic practice-theory interaction and e... more Individual paper 2 - (Seminar series modul) Contemplate dynamic practice-theory interaction and engagement observed throughout the seminar series, and whether these observations altered your personal/ professional perspective as to how a business operates in ‘real life’. Open Source Society - how does open source thinking influence every day life of sectors of ICT, Education, Monetary economy, real life projects, etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Econometrics

This was assignment done for Econometric class covering linear regression, time series models wit... more This was assignment done for Econometric class covering linear regression, time series models with forecasting:

Q1.Generation of a Regression Model for a Recent Sports Event
Q2.Event Study Data of Share Price Performance during Merger Negotiations
Q3.Time Series Analysis of CPI Data

Research paper thumbnail of Stock track Report on Trading

Two different trading accounts were made in software trading simulation for the p... more Two different trading accounts were made in software trading simulation for the purpose of the Financial derivatives (FD) module. One was ‘buy and hold’ (where you bought FD for three months) the second was ‘trading’ (where you traded different FD on daily basis). On both we had to write reports of what methods – approaches we used on trading and choosing by also writing blog about it.

Research paper thumbnail of Banking payment systems - Ripple protocol

This Continuous Assessment (CA) is part of module Global Transaction, Banking and Payment Systems... more This Continuous Assessment (CA) is part of module Global Transaction, Banking and Payment Systems (Duane, 2015). The topic chosen for this CA is ‘Ripple protocol’ and its role in developing a banking payment system in regards to other acknowledged systems out there. First there is a literature overview of future of financial systems lead by new guidelines and legislations, as a result of last crisis, environment concern and information communication technology (ICT) influence on finance-banking sector. With explanation of virtual currencies and their terms for better understanding of the Ripple protocol and how it works and who is it made for to use. Second there is discussion on different most used systems (SWIFT, Bitcoin, and Ripple). And third is made a conclusion of the role of Ripple and the systems discussed and overview of literature on financial systems.

Key words: Ripple protocol, XRP, transaction network, digital currency, FX.

Research paper thumbnail of Dashboard of First Bank

In this continues assignment the task is to build a Dashboard for a manager of ’Fist Bank’, on t... more In this continues assignment the task is to build a Dashboard for a manager of ’Fist Bank’, on the ‘home loans’, ‘refinancing’ and ‘other consumer loans’ with data for three years by months and 31 branches. For the assignment it is expected to identify two KPIs (Barry, 2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Database for a 'Car vehicle insurance compnay' (CDM,LDM,PDM anddatabase design)

Assigment: Cost calculations of a project, build DB include administration of DB when project en... more Assigment: Cost calculations of a project, build DB include administration of DB when project ends, possible loos of data because of working in cloud.
Students are expected to interact with their group colleagues to develop a database in three steps: PART A: Conceptual Data Model (CDM); PART B: Logical Data Model (LDM); PART C: Physical Data Model (PDM). The onus is on each group to develop their own style of Project Logbook but learning should be applied from the IS Project Management. Every meeting must be recorded by reports and attached to main documents.


‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Contin... more ‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Continuity & Ethics holds two parts with premises to security audit of information system in a bank. Part 1 of the CA will present the information system network diagram of enterprise in financial sector (National Bank). With theory explanation how to make one and what are the parts of it and vulnerabilities that certain parts of the network could poses in regards to hardware, software (operating system), people, organisation and environment. For real presentation network diagrams of headquarters, branches and international office will be produced with real inventory. Part 2 of CA will hold the ‘Security Policy Framework Document’ of the previous described network and more detailed analysis of exposures and risk regarding the system network with audit, contingency plan and disaster recovery plan (Griffin, 2015).


‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Contin... more ‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Continuity & Ethics holds two parts with premises to security audit of information system in a bank. Part 1 of the CA will present the information system network diagram of enterprise in financial sector (National Bank). With theory explanation how to make one and what are the parts of it and vulnerabilities that certain parts of the network could poses in regards to hardware, software (operating system), people, organisation and environment. For real presentation network diagrams of headquarters, branches and international office will be produced with real inventory. Part 2 of CA will hold the ‘Security Policy Framework Document’ of the previous described network and more detailed analysis of exposures and risk regarding the system network with audit, contingency plan and disaster recovery plan (Griffin, 2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Financial Interpretation of “WOLESLEY and TRAVIS PERKINS"

This continuous assessment for the class of Corporate Financial Interpretation with the randomly ... more This continuous assessment for the class of Corporate Financial Interpretation with the randomly assigned 2 companies (in the same industry) to do a critical analysis of your chosen companies from the perspective of a potential investor and application of a finance/economic theory to one or both of the companies or use a finance/economic theory to explain an event/transaction that took place in one of the companies (Casey, 2015).

Through this paper there will be analysis done on Wolesley plc and Travis Perkins plc in sector of construction and materials, as a theory part there will be discussion on IFRS foundation and implication in annuals reports of the companies

Research paper thumbnail of Communication, collaboration, and teamwork are increasingly important for the successful completion of information systems.

Todays IT workers will have better chance in work environment if they have learned some soft skil... more Todays IT workers will have better chance in work environment if they have learned some soft skills beside technical skills. As there is growing demand of project work on global levels international teams have to have multi-skill competencies not just knowledge about technical skills for developing information systems. They have to manage different communication skills, speak foreign languages, have knowhow of customs and cultures, and be familiar working at different working hours as projects members are living in different time-zones, with knowing a lot of “Information Communication Technology (ICT)” tools to collaborate with teams. Through this paper was done academic and research paper literature review on topics in title to prove the statement or omitted it in conclusion for a class assignment of Information system project management.

Research paper thumbnail of Last Hired, First Fired—Youth Unemployment in the EU: Situation, Recommendations and Measures

Recently rising levels of youth unemployment across the European Union (EU) and extreme differenc... more Recently rising levels of youth unemployment across the European Union (EU) and extreme differences in youth unemployment levels among EU member states are problems that have led to concerns about social cohesion and the future of the European economy. While overall levels of unemployment rose considerably as a result of the economic recession that began in 2008, young people aged between 15 and 24 were disproportionately affected by the downturn. Since the start of the recession, EU’s youth population has fallen victim to the “last hired, first fired” pattern of temporary employment followed by long-term unemployment. The problem of youth unemployment today has long-term ripple effects into the future, as evidence suggests that the longer period of time a person spends unemployed as a youth, the more likely the person will spend unemployed as an adult, and the lower potential wages for that person when employed (ILO, 2012). A wide range of policy interventions have addressed the topic of youth unemployment in the EU and attempted to stop or reverse the current situation, yet the problem is far from solved. After analysing the current situation and policies in place, we argue that there is a strong case to support further policy intervention in order to navigate the remainder of the recession and build a more stable future for both the European and global economies.


Privatization as a process of transferring enterprise ownership from the state to private individ... more Privatization as a process of transferring enterprise ownership from the state to private individuals in the transition economies was expected to have a positive effect on the performance of firms and the economy overall. This effect seems to be somewhat mitigated when domestic, rather than foreign investors take over firms. The leading explanation for the limited, or nonexistent positive performance effect of privatization to domestic owners appears to be the stripping of enterprise assets by managers, and the subsequent disappearance of otherwise well-performing enterprises.
The conditions enabling asset-stripping had been examined on two occasions. The Hoff-Stiglitz model, as well as the Campos and Giovannoni model, used different approaches in an attempt to identify underlying causes for asset stripping. (Reference to the original paper:

Research paper thumbnail of Project study: Workshop event Rails Girls Novo mesto  (Projektni elaborat:  Delavnica Rails Girls Novo mesto)

Project study paper for preparation and implementation of 'Rails Girls' workshop. For event plann... more Project study paper for preparation and implementation of 'Rails Girls' workshop. For event planning 'Project Libre' open source software was used.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Metapodatki' v dokumentih, kot so MS Office (DOC, XLS, PTT) in Adobe Acrobat (PDF)' za potrebe računalniško-finančne in računovodske forenzike.

Računovodsko-finančno poslovanje zajema velike količine različnih digitalnih dokumentov, ki bodo ... more Računovodsko-finančno poslovanje zajema velike količine različnih digitalnih dokumentov, ki bodo obravnavani v tej nalogi. Pozornost bo namenjena potencialnim skritim podatkom (metapodatki), ki jih ti dokumenti nosijo in možna tveganja, ki jih ti podatki prinesejo uporabniku in njegovim avtorjem. Ker je danes poslovanje zelo digitalizirano je to zelo pomembna tematika za celotno organizacijo in predvsem za uporabo finančno-računovodske forenzike, ki je tako ob pomoči računalniške forenzike lahko še bolj učinkovita. Naloga je razdeljena v štiri dele, pregled literature o računalniški forenziki za uporabo v finančno-računovodski forenziki, nadaljevanje z razumevanjem kaj metapodatki so, metapodatki po posameznih oblikah dokumentov, ki se uporabljajo v poslovanju in še zaključek z komentarjem.

Research paper thumbnail of Množično financiranje »Crowdfunding«, ali je namenjen projektnemu ali podjetniškemu financiranju .

V tej raziskavi bom poizkušal ugotoviti uporabo platforme za množično financiranje »angl. Crowdfu... more V tej raziskavi bom poizkušal ugotoviti uporabo platforme za množično financiranje »angl. Crowdfunding« katerim deležnikom je namenjena oziroma za kakšen namen se lahko uporabi. Predvsem bom poizkušal odgovoriti ali se predvsem uporablja za podporo različnih projektov in idej ali za zagon podjetniških idej ter s tem ustanavljanje novih podjetij. Ob tem bom posvečal pozornost tudi kateri deležniki se poslužujejo platforme (študentje, zaposleni, nezaposleni,...) in ali imajo že predhodne izkušnje v podjetništvu ter odkriti možnosti uporabe v marketingu. Pozornost bo posvečena tudi za kakšen namen se uporablja množično financiranje oziroma kateri sektorji se jih poslužujejo.

Research paper thumbnail of Je »Bitcoin (BTC)«  virtualna valuta,  korak proti Brezgotovinski Ekonomski Družbi  'Cashless Money Economy'.

Bitcoin virtual currency is leading the way to Cashless Money Economy in today’s digital society... more Bitcoin virtual currency is leading the way to Cashless Money Economy in today’s digital society, will it succed and will other digital-virtual-mobile currencies prevail in cash markets, the customer will give the answer.
Paper takes you through history of money, explaining the Bitcoin protocol and influence on society and how this could lead to cashless society.

Research paper thumbnail of Kako lahko podajamo znanje z pomočjo multimedijskih orodij, katera orodja so primerna ter preko katerih kanalov jih posredujemo - MOOC's.

Z novodobnim spletnim omrežjem WEB 2.0, je spletno omrežje postalo bolj interaktivno, kar je posl... more Z novodobnim spletnim omrežjem WEB 2.0, je spletno omrežje postalo bolj interaktivno, kar je posledično spremenilo komunikacija med ljudmi. Tako so se razvile razne nove spletne
aplikacije, ki so spodbudile interakcijo med ljudmi (blog, wiki, socialna omrežja, spletne aplikacije, itd. ). Predvsem sposobnost, da zaganjajo programe v brskalnikih je bil velik korak naprej (O'Reilly, 2005). Z novimi zmogljivostmi so dobile možnost tudi multimedijske vsebine.

Tako se je začel razcvet video platform,, in socialna omrežja FB, Twitter, … ki oba podpirata različne multimedijske vsebine ter Instagram,
Snapchat z foto – video vsebino, Soundcloud, iTunes, Jango,.. zajemajo audio format.

Vse to je vodilo k razvoju raznih vsebin, ki so postale na voljo preko teh medijev za izobraževanje dokler se niso pojavile odprte spletene učilnice - MOOC's (angl. Massive open
online courses), ki je platforma namenjena izobraževanju, podpirajo pa razna multimedijska orodja in tehnike, s katerimi posredujejo znanje tistemu, ki ga išče preko svetovnega spleta
brezplačno (Yuan & Powell, 2013). Za učilnice se uporabljajo razna orodja in tehnike za video, audio, predstavitve, foto montaže, itd.

V tej seminarski nalogi bova poizkušala zajeti glavne platforme, ki ponujajo možnost spletnega učenja opisala njihove glavne značilnosti vmesnikov in katera multimedijska orodja in tehnike uporabljajo za poučevanje svojih učencev.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza, pregled in izbira primerne oznake za vodenje evidence inventarja (EAN,QR,RFID)

Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik. Namen: ... more Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik.
Namen: Analiza in ocena najprimernejše označbe za vodenje evidence inventarja. Pregledati ponudbo trga in ugotoviti, kje so prednosti in napake označb ki so na trgu. Ugotoviti kakšna so tveganja napak in prednosti ter upravičiti izbiro najbolj primernega.

Research paper thumbnail of POPIS DELOVNIH ROCESOV v Fakulteti za Informacijske študije: ANKETIRANJE ŠTUDENTOV, ŠTUDENTI S POSEBNIM STATUSOM in DELOVNA PRAKSA (TAD, iGrafix).

Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne proces... more Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju študentov, pravilnik o študentih s posebnim statusom ter pravilnik o izvajanju delovne prakse. Vse tri pravilnike bomo najprej opisali in nato izdelali tabelo aktivnosti in tabelo lastnosti (metodologija TAD) za vsak delovni proces. Pomagali si bomo s programskim orodjem iGrafx, kjer bomo izvedli modeliranje in simulacijo. Na podlagi rezultatov simulacije bomo ugotovili kako posamezna aktivnost vpliva na celoten proces ter podali predlog za izboljšavo le-te.
Delovni proces, modeliranje, simulacije, metodologija TAD, programsko orodje iGrafx.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza spletnih tekstovnih dokumentov v R okolju

Analiza spletnih vsebin ali tekstovno rudarjenje, na izbranih spletnih člankih, prvotno ocenjenih... more Analiza spletnih vsebin ali tekstovno rudarjenje, na izbranih spletnih člankih, prvotno ocenjenih v spletnem modulu Sean in nato razvrščeni v tri skupine – negativno, nevtralno in pozitivno ter nato analizirani v R programskem okolju.

Research paper thumbnail of Open Source Society

Individual paper 2 - (Seminar series modul) Contemplate dynamic practice-theory interaction and e... more Individual paper 2 - (Seminar series modul) Contemplate dynamic practice-theory interaction and engagement observed throughout the seminar series, and whether these observations altered your personal/ professional perspective as to how a business operates in ‘real life’. Open Source Society - how does open source thinking influence every day life of sectors of ICT, Education, Monetary economy, real life projects, etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Econometrics

This was assignment done for Econometric class covering linear regression, time series models wit... more This was assignment done for Econometric class covering linear regression, time series models with forecasting:

Q1.Generation of a Regression Model for a Recent Sports Event
Q2.Event Study Data of Share Price Performance during Merger Negotiations
Q3.Time Series Analysis of CPI Data

Research paper thumbnail of Stock track Report on Trading

Two different trading accounts were made in software trading simulation for the p... more Two different trading accounts were made in software trading simulation for the purpose of the Financial derivatives (FD) module. One was ‘buy and hold’ (where you bought FD for three months) the second was ‘trading’ (where you traded different FD on daily basis). On both we had to write reports of what methods – approaches we used on trading and choosing by also writing blog about it.

Research paper thumbnail of Banking payment systems - Ripple protocol

This Continuous Assessment (CA) is part of module Global Transaction, Banking and Payment Systems... more This Continuous Assessment (CA) is part of module Global Transaction, Banking and Payment Systems (Duane, 2015). The topic chosen for this CA is ‘Ripple protocol’ and its role in developing a banking payment system in regards to other acknowledged systems out there. First there is a literature overview of future of financial systems lead by new guidelines and legislations, as a result of last crisis, environment concern and information communication technology (ICT) influence on finance-banking sector. With explanation of virtual currencies and their terms for better understanding of the Ripple protocol and how it works and who is it made for to use. Second there is discussion on different most used systems (SWIFT, Bitcoin, and Ripple). And third is made a conclusion of the role of Ripple and the systems discussed and overview of literature on financial systems.

Key words: Ripple protocol, XRP, transaction network, digital currency, FX.

Research paper thumbnail of Dashboard of First Bank

In this continues assignment the task is to build a Dashboard for a manager of ’Fist Bank’, on t... more In this continues assignment the task is to build a Dashboard for a manager of ’Fist Bank’, on the ‘home loans’, ‘refinancing’ and ‘other consumer loans’ with data for three years by months and 31 branches. For the assignment it is expected to identify two KPIs (Barry, 2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Database for a 'Car vehicle insurance compnay' (CDM,LDM,PDM anddatabase design)

Assigment: Cost calculations of a project, build DB include administration of DB when project en... more Assigment: Cost calculations of a project, build DB include administration of DB when project ends, possible loos of data because of working in cloud.
Students are expected to interact with their group colleagues to develop a database in three steps: PART A: Conceptual Data Model (CDM); PART B: Logical Data Model (LDM); PART C: Physical Data Model (PDM). The onus is on each group to develop their own style of Project Logbook but learning should be applied from the IS Project Management. Every meeting must be recorded by reports and attached to main documents.


‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Contin... more ‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Continuity & Ethics holds two parts with premises to security audit of information system in a bank. Part 1 of the CA will present the information system network diagram of enterprise in financial sector (National Bank). With theory explanation how to make one and what are the parts of it and vulnerabilities that certain parts of the network could poses in regards to hardware, software (operating system), people, organisation and environment. For real presentation network diagrams of headquarters, branches and international office will be produced with real inventory. Part 2 of CA will hold the ‘Security Policy Framework Document’ of the previous described network and more detailed analysis of exposures and risk regarding the system network with audit, contingency plan and disaster recovery plan (Griffin, 2015).


‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Contin... more ‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for the module Global Financial Information Systems Security, Continuity & Ethics holds two parts with premises to security audit of information system in a bank. Part 1 of the CA will present the information system network diagram of enterprise in financial sector (National Bank). With theory explanation how to make one and what are the parts of it and vulnerabilities that certain parts of the network could poses in regards to hardware, software (operating system), people, organisation and environment. For real presentation network diagrams of headquarters, branches and international office will be produced with real inventory. Part 2 of CA will hold the ‘Security Policy Framework Document’ of the previous described network and more detailed analysis of exposures and risk regarding the system network with audit, contingency plan and disaster recovery plan (Griffin, 2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Financial Interpretation of “WOLESLEY and TRAVIS PERKINS"

This continuous assessment for the class of Corporate Financial Interpretation with the randomly ... more This continuous assessment for the class of Corporate Financial Interpretation with the randomly assigned 2 companies (in the same industry) to do a critical analysis of your chosen companies from the perspective of a potential investor and application of a finance/economic theory to one or both of the companies or use a finance/economic theory to explain an event/transaction that took place in one of the companies (Casey, 2015).

Through this paper there will be analysis done on Wolesley plc and Travis Perkins plc in sector of construction and materials, as a theory part there will be discussion on IFRS foundation and implication in annuals reports of the companies

Research paper thumbnail of Communication, collaboration, and teamwork are increasingly important for the successful completion of information systems.

Todays IT workers will have better chance in work environment if they have learned some soft skil... more Todays IT workers will have better chance in work environment if they have learned some soft skills beside technical skills. As there is growing demand of project work on global levels international teams have to have multi-skill competencies not just knowledge about technical skills for developing information systems. They have to manage different communication skills, speak foreign languages, have knowhow of customs and cultures, and be familiar working at different working hours as projects members are living in different time-zones, with knowing a lot of “Information Communication Technology (ICT)” tools to collaborate with teams. Through this paper was done academic and research paper literature review on topics in title to prove the statement or omitted it in conclusion for a class assignment of Information system project management.

Research paper thumbnail of Last Hired, First Fired—Youth Unemployment in the EU: Situation, Recommendations and Measures

Recently rising levels of youth unemployment across the European Union (EU) and extreme differenc... more Recently rising levels of youth unemployment across the European Union (EU) and extreme differences in youth unemployment levels among EU member states are problems that have led to concerns about social cohesion and the future of the European economy. While overall levels of unemployment rose considerably as a result of the economic recession that began in 2008, young people aged between 15 and 24 were disproportionately affected by the downturn. Since the start of the recession, EU’s youth population has fallen victim to the “last hired, first fired” pattern of temporary employment followed by long-term unemployment. The problem of youth unemployment today has long-term ripple effects into the future, as evidence suggests that the longer period of time a person spends unemployed as a youth, the more likely the person will spend unemployed as an adult, and the lower potential wages for that person when employed (ILO, 2012). A wide range of policy interventions have addressed the topic of youth unemployment in the EU and attempted to stop or reverse the current situation, yet the problem is far from solved. After analysing the current situation and policies in place, we argue that there is a strong case to support further policy intervention in order to navigate the remainder of the recession and build a more stable future for both the European and global economies.


Privatization as a process of transferring enterprise ownership from the state to private individ... more Privatization as a process of transferring enterprise ownership from the state to private individuals in the transition economies was expected to have a positive effect on the performance of firms and the economy overall. This effect seems to be somewhat mitigated when domestic, rather than foreign investors take over firms. The leading explanation for the limited, or nonexistent positive performance effect of privatization to domestic owners appears to be the stripping of enterprise assets by managers, and the subsequent disappearance of otherwise well-performing enterprises.
The conditions enabling asset-stripping had been examined on two occasions. The Hoff-Stiglitz model, as well as the Campos and Giovannoni model, used different approaches in an attempt to identify underlying causes for asset stripping. (Reference to the original paper:

Research paper thumbnail of Project study: Workshop event Rails Girls Novo mesto  (Projektni elaborat:  Delavnica Rails Girls Novo mesto)

Project study paper for preparation and implementation of 'Rails Girls' workshop. For event plann... more Project study paper for preparation and implementation of 'Rails Girls' workshop. For event planning 'Project Libre' open source software was used.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Metapodatki' v dokumentih, kot so MS Office (DOC, XLS, PTT) in Adobe Acrobat (PDF)' za potrebe računalniško-finančne in računovodske forenzike.

Računovodsko-finančno poslovanje zajema velike količine različnih digitalnih dokumentov, ki bodo ... more Računovodsko-finančno poslovanje zajema velike količine različnih digitalnih dokumentov, ki bodo obravnavani v tej nalogi. Pozornost bo namenjena potencialnim skritim podatkom (metapodatki), ki jih ti dokumenti nosijo in možna tveganja, ki jih ti podatki prinesejo uporabniku in njegovim avtorjem. Ker je danes poslovanje zelo digitalizirano je to zelo pomembna tematika za celotno organizacijo in predvsem za uporabo finančno-računovodske forenzike, ki je tako ob pomoči računalniške forenzike lahko še bolj učinkovita. Naloga je razdeljena v štiri dele, pregled literature o računalniški forenziki za uporabo v finančno-računovodski forenziki, nadaljevanje z razumevanjem kaj metapodatki so, metapodatki po posameznih oblikah dokumentov, ki se uporabljajo v poslovanju in še zaključek z komentarjem.

Research paper thumbnail of Množično financiranje »Crowdfunding«, ali je namenjen projektnemu ali podjetniškemu financiranju .

V tej raziskavi bom poizkušal ugotoviti uporabo platforme za množično financiranje »angl. Crowdfu... more V tej raziskavi bom poizkušal ugotoviti uporabo platforme za množično financiranje »angl. Crowdfunding« katerim deležnikom je namenjena oziroma za kakšen namen se lahko uporabi. Predvsem bom poizkušal odgovoriti ali se predvsem uporablja za podporo različnih projektov in idej ali za zagon podjetniških idej ter s tem ustanavljanje novih podjetij. Ob tem bom posvečal pozornost tudi kateri deležniki se poslužujejo platforme (študentje, zaposleni, nezaposleni,...) in ali imajo že predhodne izkušnje v podjetništvu ter odkriti možnosti uporabe v marketingu. Pozornost bo posvečena tudi za kakšen namen se uporablja množično financiranje oziroma kateri sektorji se jih poslužujejo.

Research paper thumbnail of Je »Bitcoin (BTC)«  virtualna valuta,  korak proti Brezgotovinski Ekonomski Družbi  'Cashless Money Economy'.

Bitcoin virtual currency is leading the way to Cashless Money Economy in today’s digital society... more Bitcoin virtual currency is leading the way to Cashless Money Economy in today’s digital society, will it succed and will other digital-virtual-mobile currencies prevail in cash markets, the customer will give the answer.
Paper takes you through history of money, explaining the Bitcoin protocol and influence on society and how this could lead to cashless society.

Research paper thumbnail of Kako lahko podajamo znanje z pomočjo multimedijskih orodij, katera orodja so primerna ter preko katerih kanalov jih posredujemo - MOOC's.

Z novodobnim spletnim omrežjem WEB 2.0, je spletno omrežje postalo bolj interaktivno, kar je posl... more Z novodobnim spletnim omrežjem WEB 2.0, je spletno omrežje postalo bolj interaktivno, kar je posledično spremenilo komunikacija med ljudmi. Tako so se razvile razne nove spletne
aplikacije, ki so spodbudile interakcijo med ljudmi (blog, wiki, socialna omrežja, spletne aplikacije, itd. ). Predvsem sposobnost, da zaganjajo programe v brskalnikih je bil velik korak naprej (O'Reilly, 2005). Z novimi zmogljivostmi so dobile možnost tudi multimedijske vsebine.

Tako se je začel razcvet video platform,, in socialna omrežja FB, Twitter, … ki oba podpirata različne multimedijske vsebine ter Instagram,
Snapchat z foto – video vsebino, Soundcloud, iTunes, Jango,.. zajemajo audio format.

Vse to je vodilo k razvoju raznih vsebin, ki so postale na voljo preko teh medijev za izobraževanje dokler se niso pojavile odprte spletene učilnice - MOOC's (angl. Massive open
online courses), ki je platforma namenjena izobraževanju, podpirajo pa razna multimedijska orodja in tehnike, s katerimi posredujejo znanje tistemu, ki ga išče preko svetovnega spleta
brezplačno (Yuan & Powell, 2013). Za učilnice se uporabljajo razna orodja in tehnike za video, audio, predstavitve, foto montaže, itd.

V tej seminarski nalogi bova poizkušala zajeti glavne platforme, ki ponujajo možnost spletnega učenja opisala njihove glavne značilnosti vmesnikov in katera multimedijska orodja in tehnike uporabljajo za poučevanje svojih učencev.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza, pregled in izbira primerne oznake za vodenje evidence inventarja (EAN,QR,RFID)

Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik. Namen: ... more Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik.
Namen: Analiza in ocena najprimernejše označbe za vodenje evidence inventarja. Pregledati ponudbo trga in ugotoviti, kje so prednosti in napake označb ki so na trgu. Ugotoviti kakšna so tveganja napak in prednosti ter upravičiti izbiro najbolj primernega.

Research paper thumbnail of POPIS DELOVNIH ROCESOV v Fakulteti za Informacijske študije: ANKETIRANJE ŠTUDENTOV, ŠTUDENTI S POSEBNIM STATUSOM in DELOVNA PRAKSA (TAD, iGrafix).

Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne proces... more Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju študentov, pravilnik o študentih s posebnim statusom ter pravilnik o izvajanju delovne prakse. Vse tri pravilnike bomo najprej opisali in nato izdelali tabelo aktivnosti in tabelo lastnosti (metodologija TAD) za vsak delovni proces. Pomagali si bomo s programskim orodjem iGrafx, kjer bomo izvedli modeliranje in simulacijo. Na podlagi rezultatov simulacije bomo ugotovili kako posamezna aktivnost vpliva na celoten proces ter podali predlog za izboljšavo le-te.
Delovni proces, modeliranje, simulacije, metodologija TAD, programsko orodje iGrafx.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza spletnih tekstovnih dokumentov v R okolju

Analiza spletnih vsebin ali tekstovno rudarjenje, na izbranih spletnih člankih, prvotno ocenjenih... more Analiza spletnih vsebin ali tekstovno rudarjenje, na izbranih spletnih člankih, prvotno ocenjenih v spletnem modulu Sean in nato razvrščeni v tri skupine – negativno, nevtralno in pozitivno ter nato analizirani v R programskem okolju.