Prof. Dr. M. Motiar Rahman | Dhaka National Medical College (original) (raw)
Phone: 8802-9341150
Address: 11, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani (7th Floor)
Moghbazar, Ramna, Dhaka-1217.
Publications by Prof. Dr. M. Motiar Rahman
Professo r Dr. Md .Mo tiar Rah man was bo rn in Du mu ria, Khu ln a, Banglad esh in 1952 . He rec... more Professo r Dr. Md .Mo tiar Rah man was bo rn in Du mu ria, Khu ln a, Banglad esh in 1952 . He receiv ed h is p rimary edu cation f rom Mad rasa (Relig iou s Schoo l) and h is second ary an d hig her secondary edu cation f ro m Du mu ria High School and Gov ern me n t B.L. Co lleg e, Daulatpu r, Khu ln a respectively. He obtain ed h is MBBS d eg reein 1977 f ro m Dh ak a Medical College wh ere h e secu red 6 th and 10 t h p lace in the 2 nd and Fin al Profession al MBBS Ex amin ations of Dh aka Un iversity respectiv ely. He received h is FRCS d eg ree f ro m th e Ro yal Co lleg e of Ph ysicians and Su rg eon sat Glasgo w, UK in th e year 198 6 .