DO ME, ALAN SHORE!! (original) (raw)

October 3rd, 2008

wonder_mind **10:28 pm - Season 5**I don't know about you but I'm still crazy about him, and love to see him back. Alan is grand in his battle against the tobacco industry in BL5x1, and I just love his sweet sorrow with his old flame, Phoebe. I hope he can find someone as spicy and intelligent as Tara. They were really nice together. No sex with Denny, please. I wouldn't mind if Alan has a boyfriend in the shape of Rupert Everett (ok he was Tara's old boyfriend, but what a reversal of fate, makes an interesting story!) or Jake Gyllenhall (would make an interesting change since James Spader had such a terrific relationship with Maggie Gyllenhall, and both guys had co-starred with Susan Sarandon). I would prefer Alan and Denny are strictly friends. I feel if Denny ever really care about his best friend he would want Alan to have a fulfilling romantic relationship with Denny in the background as his best friend. At the end of the day, Denny's old enough to be Alan's father. It's not too much for him to wish for his younger friend's happiness while he still can find one. I wouldn't think a possessive Denny demonstrate true love and true friendship.Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

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February 19th, 2008

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May 20th, 2007

senepa **04:58 pm - MV help?**I have a lot of fanvids (including some Boston Legal slash) planned out in my head, and I really can't wait to get started, but I need help! Can anyone here tell me how I can make fanvids on a Mac? What programs do I need to get footage from my DVDs and such, what programs do I need to edit an MV together?

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May 9th, 2007

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May 2nd, 2007

senepa 02:32 pmHey, I'm new here, so, introductions first. I'm Hassium (one of my many names), and I'm shamelessly obsessed with our dear Alan. That said, I did have some questions to ask.I don't know if anyone else here is interested in slash, but I am. And I was wondering if anyone else thinks that Alan and Jerry would be adorable together? Does anyone think I should start a comm for this ship?Also, I've been thinking of calling the pairing Shorespenson. Shorspenson? Anyway, what are your opinion?

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June 5th, 2006

_kataomoi_ **10:01 pm - Reviews?**I'm currently deciding on buying some Spader movies for really cheap (and I mean really cheap). I want to get these:-Supernova-Critical Care-Shadow of Fear Anyone seen these and will comment what they're about, what they liked/disliked about it, how high on the yummy scale, etc? REAL Spader fan reviews is what I'm asking for here. Also, since these aren't sex-involved, I'd be more comfortable seeing them. (He gives a shock to my sensibilities that is utterly unreparable.)Thanks and Spader plushies to those who offer input! ♥ (x-posted all abouts)Oh, and for the trouble, some eyecandy from Supernova And another here. And one of him in a pimptastic fedora is here.

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April 25th, 2006

deviantauthor 04:47 pmWe get Alan tonight!

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January 22nd, 2006

csc_lupisstone **11:28 pm - Hi! Newbie here!**Heh, I was just fangirling through Alan Shore communities, and happened to come across this one, so I had to join because its such a succint summary of my feelings for him.JAMES = LOVEJAMES AS ALAN = MEGAFANGIRLINGLOVE^^; That is all.Current Mood: bouncybouncy

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October 5th, 2005

tresjolie9 **01:44 am - Should not watch Nip/Tuck after Boston Legal**Keep having thoughts of what would happen if Alan Shore were to meet Tara's estranged twin sister, Kit?

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October 4th, 2005

la_veuve_chibi 11:02 pmDammit, why didn't he take his pants off?? XDThough the arm thing was terribly cute...

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