do_me_luthien - Profile (original) (raw)
on 1 September 2004 (#4395764)
The only daughter of King Thingol of Doriath and Melian the Maia, and said to be the fairest Elf to have ever lived. She was discovered by Beren as he wandered the woods of her father's kingdom, and they grew to love one another. When Lúthien took Beren before her father, he was apalled that his royal daughter should wish to wed a mortal, and so set Beren what he thought was an unachievable task, to recover a Silmaril from the Iron Crown of Morgoth himself. So Beren left Doriath in pursuit of his hopeless quest.
beren, doriath, huan, le o leithian, leithian, luthien, luthien tinuviel, melian, menegroth, nightfigale, thingol, tinuviel, Ангбанд, Берен, Ган, Дориат, Дочь Мелиан, Лутиен, Лутиень, Лутиэн, Лутиэнь, Лучиень, Лучиэнь, Лэ о Лэйтиан, Лютиен, Лютиень, Лютиэн, Лютиэнь, Лючиэн, Лючиэнь, Мелиан, Менегрот, Мэлиан, Нарготронд, Соловушка, Тингол, Тинувиел, Тинувиель, Тинувиэл, Тинувиэль, Хуан