Connect to an AWS CodeCommit repository (original) (raw)

When you connect to a CodeCommit repository for the first time, you typically clone its contents to your local machine. You can also add files to and edit files in a repository directly from the CodeCommit console. Alternatively, if you already have a local repo, you can add a CodeCommit repository as a remote. This topic provides instructions for connecting to a CodeCommit repository. If you want to migrate an existing repository to CodeCommit, see Migrate to CodeCommit.


Depending on your usage, you might be charged for creating or accessing a repository. For more information, seePricing on the CodeCommit product information page.


Prerequisites for connecting to a CodeCommit repository

Before you can clone a CodeCommit repository or connect a local repo to an CodeCommit repository:


You can use any directory you want. If you are cloning a repository for long-term use, consider creating the clone from a working directory and not one used for temporary files. If you are using a directory different from /tmp or c:\temp, be sure to substitute that directory for ours when you follow these instructions.

Connect to the CodeCommit repository by cloning the repository

If you do not already have a local repo, follow the steps in this procedure to clone the CodeCommit repository to your local machine.

  1. Complete the prerequisites, including Setting up .

If you have not completed setup, you cannot connect to or clone the repository. 2. From the /tmp directory or thec:\temp directory, use Git to run theclone command. The following examples show how to clone a repository named MyDemoRepo in the US East (Ohio) Region.
For HTTPS using Git credentials or the credential helper included with the AWS CLI:

git clone my-demo-repo  

For HTTPS using git-remote-codecommit, assuming the default profile and AWS Region configured in the AWS CLI:

git clone codecommit://MyDemoRepo my-demo-repo  

For SSH:

git clone ssh:// my-demo-repo  

In this example, is the Git connection point for the US East (Ohio) Region where the repository exists,MyDemoRepo represents the name of your CodeCommit repository, andmy-demo-repo represents the name of the directory Git creates in the/tmp directory or thec:\temp directory. For more information about the AWS Regions that support CodeCommit and the Git connections for those AWS Regions, see Regions and Git connection endpoints.


When you use SSH on Windows operating systems to clone a repository, you might need to add the SSH key ID to the connection string as follows:

git clone ssh:// my-demo-repo  

For more information, see For SSH connections on Windows and Troubleshooting.
After Git creates the directory, it pulls down a copy of your CodeCommit repository into the newly created directory.
If the CodeCommit repository is new or otherwise empty, you see a message that you are cloning an empty repository. This is expected.


If you receive an error that Git can't find the CodeCommit repository or that you don't have permission to connect to the CodeCommit repository, make sure you completed the prerequisites, including assigning permissions to the IAM user and setting up your IAM user credentials for Git and CodeCommit on the local machine. Also, make sure you specified the correct repository name.

After you successfully connect your local repo to your CodeCommit repository, you are now ready to start running Git commands from the local repo to create commits, branches, and tags and push to and pull from the CodeCommit repository.

Connect a local repo to the CodeCommit repository

Complete the following steps if you already have a local repo and want to add a CodeCommit repository as the remote repository. If you already have a remote repository and want to push your commits to CodeCommit and that other remote repository, follow the steps in Push commits to two repositories.

  1. Complete the prerequisites.
  2. From the command prompt or terminal, switch to your local repo directory and run thegit remote add command to add the CodeCommit repository as a remote repository for your local repo.
    For example, the following command adds the remote nicknamed origin to
    For HTTPS:
git remote add origin  

For SSH:

git remote add origin ssh://  

This command returns nothing. 3. To verify that you have added the CodeCommit repository as a remote for your local repo, run the git remote -v command , which should create output similar to the following:

origin (fetch)  
origin (push)  

For SSH:

origin  ssh:// (fetch)  
origin  ssh:// (push)  

After you successfully connect your local repo to your CodeCommit repository, you are ready to start running Git commands from the local repo to create commits, branches, and tags, and to push to and pull from the CodeCommit repository.