Monitor the server in the migration lifecycle (original) (raw)

The Migration dashboard tab allows you to monitor the server in relation to the migration lifecycle.

Here, you can see the lifecycle state the source server is currently on, a detailed view of the data replication status, and any events that the source server has undergone (in AWS CloudTrail). You can use the Migration dashboard to monitor the status of your source server and to troubleshoot migration and data replication issues.

Understand lifecycle states

The Lifecycle view shows the current state of each server within the migration lifecycle.

Lifecycle states include:

The lifecycle always displays the Launch status,Last test, and Cutover status for each server that has undergone these stages.


Not ready

The Not ready lifecycle state represents several possible scenarios:


Server undergoing initial sync

A source server that has been added to AWS Application Migration Service will automatically begin the initial sync process after AWS Replication Agent installation.

Data replication can only commence after all of the initial sync steps have been completed. The server will be in the Not ready lifecycle state until initial sync has been successfully completed.

Initial sync steps include:

You can review the overall progress of the Initial Sync process under the Data replication status view.

It provides the percentage of completion, the time left until initial sync is finished, and whether there are any issues (such as a stall).

You can tell that a server has successfully completed the initial sync process through several indicators on the main Source servers page as well as on the Migration dashboard tab for an individual server.

On the main Source servers page, a newly added server that has completed initial sync for the first time will show Ready for testing under the Migration lifecycle column andHealthy under the Data replication status column.

On the individual server view, under the Migration dashboard tab, the Lifecycle section will show the Ready for testing status. The Data replication status section will show the Healthy status.


Servers will automatically undergo initial sync every time there is a network disconnect.

Unable to complete initiation

The server will be in the Not ready Lifecycle state until Initial Sync has been successfully completed.

If the Initial Sync process is stalled for any reason, the Data replication status section will indicate that replication has stalled.

Scroll down to the Replication initiation steps to see the step on which the error occurred. The step on which initial sync failed will be marked with a red "x".

You must fix the indicated issue before the initial sync process can continue. You will not be able to migrate your server and the server will remain in the Not ready state until the issue is resolved.

Each step has unique troubleshooting methods.

Ready for testing

Once the server has successfully completed the Initial Sync process, it will enter theReady for testing lifecycle state.

The Data replication status box will show a Healthy state, indicating that the server is healthy.

You can now launch a test instance for this server. The server will stay in the Ready for testing lifecycle state until you launch a Test instance for the server.

Test in progress

Once you have launched a Test instance for your server, the migration dashboard will show the Test in progress lifecycle state.

Within the Lifecycle box, you can review the Launch status and Last test information fields for the test instance.

You can use the following indicators to verify that your test instance was successfully launched::

Ready for cutover

After you have finalized your testing, the Migration dashboard will show the Ready for cutover lifecycle state.

The server will stay in the Ready for cutover Lifecycle state until you launch a cutover instance.

Cutover in progress

Once you have launched a cutover instance for your server, the Migration dashboard will show the Cutover in progress Lifecycle state.

The server will stay in the Cutover in progress Lifecycle state until you complete the cutover.

Cutover complete

Once you have completed your cutover instance launch for your server, the Migration dashboard will show the Cutover complete lifecycle state. This is the final state in the migration lifecycle. This state indicates that you have successfully migrated your source server to AWS.

The lifecycle also shows the status of any post-launch actions for the server. Learn more about post-launch actions.

Understand data replication states

The Data replication status section provides an overview of the overall source server status, including:

Data replication can be in one of several states, as indicated in the panel title:

This panel also shows:

If everything is working as it should and replication has finished initializing, the Data replication progress section will show a Healthy status.

If there are initialization, replication, or connectivity errors, the Data replication status section will show the cause of the issue (for example, a stall).

If the error occurred during the initialization process, then the exact step during which the error occurred will be marked with a red "x" under Replication initiation steps.

Understand the state of post-launch actions

The Post-launch actions view shows the current execution status of post-launch actions.

The status includes:

Review events and metrics in AWS CloudTrail

You can review AWS Application Migration Service events and metrics in AWS CloudTrail. Click on View CloudTrail Event History to openAWS CloudTrail in a new tab.

Learn more about monitoring AWS MGN.

Learn more about AWS CloudTrail events in the AWS CloudTrail user guide.

Understand server actions and replication control

You can perform a variety of actions, control data replication, and manage your testing and cutover for an individual server from the server details view.


Actions menu

The Actions menu allows you to perform the following actions:


This will uninstall the AWS Replication Agent from the source server and data replication will stop for the source server. If you need to restart data replication for this server, you will need to reinstall the agent. This action will not affect any test or cutover instances that have been launched for this source server, but you will no longer be able to identify which source servers your Amazon EC2 instances correspond to.

Replication menu

The Replication menu allows you to manage data replication for your source servers through the following actions:

Test and cutover menu

The Test and cutover menu allows you to manage your test and cutover instances.


This action does not uninstall the AWS Replication Agent from the source server. Use the Disconnect from service option under the Actions menu when you have completed the migration and want to uninstall the agent from your source server.

Alerts and errors

You can easily distinguish between healthy servers and servers that are experiencing issues on the Migration dashboard in several ways.

The entire AWS Application Migration Service Console is color-coded for ease of use.

Healthy servers with no errors are characterized by the color blue. Both the Lifecycle and Data replication status boxes will display all steps and information in blue if the server is healthy.

The following are examples of healthy servers:

Data replication status showing "Healthy" with 100% progress and full storage replication.

Servers that are experiencing temporary issues will be characterized by the color yellow. This can include issues such as lag or a rescan. These issues will not break replication, but may delay replication or indicate a bigger problem.

The following are examples of servers experiencing temporary issues:

Lagging server:

Lifecycle stages from "Not ready" to "Cutover complete" with current stage highlighted.

Data replication status showing healthy with lag, progress bar, and various metrics.

Rescanning server:

Data replication status showing rescanning in progress with various metrics displayed.

The Next actions box will detail the exact issue.

Next actions box showing "Lagging" status and instructions for launching test instance.

Servers that are experiencing serious issues will be characterized by the color red. These issues can include a loss of connection, a stall, or other issues. You will have to fix these issues in order for data replication to resume.

The Next actions box will detail the exact issue.

Next actions box showing stalled status with option to resolve data replication issue.

The Lifecycle section will show a red indicator.

Lifecycle status bar showing "Not ready" highlighted in red as the current stage.

The Data replication status box will include details of the issue.

Data replication status showing stalled progress at 92% with error message.

If the stall occurred during initiation, scroll down to Replication initiation steps. The exact step where the issue arose will be marked with a red "x".

Replication initiation steps showing completed and failed tasks, with connection to AWS Replication Agent stalled.