1 |
STEP 1: Fill in these details: |
Step 2: Addresses appear down here: |
Would you like access to this sheet? |
2 |
First Name: |
rob |
Simple: |
{fn} |
rob@distilled.net |
Please read the red box, over on the left. |
3 |
Middle Name: |
{ln} |
ousbey@distilled.net |
4 |
Last Name: |
ousbey |
Basics: |
{fn}{ln} |
robousbey@distilled.net |
5 |
Domain: |
distilled.net |
{fn}.{ln} |
rob.ousbey@distilled.net |
6 |
{fi}{ln} |
rousbey@distilled.net |
7 |
{fi}.{ln} |
r.ousbey@distilled.net |
8 |
NB: variables are: |
{fn}{li} |
robo@distilled.net |
9 |
fn - firstname |
{fn}.{li} |
rob.o@distilled.net |
10 |
fi - first initial |
{fi}{li} |
ro@distilled.net |
11 |
mn - middle name |
{fi}.{li} |
r.o@distilled.net |
12 |
mi - middle initial |
Backwards: |
{ln}{fn} |
ousbeyrob@distilled.net |
13 |
ln - lastname |
{ln}.{fn} |
ousbey.rob@distilled.net |
14 |
li - last initial |
{ln}{fi} |
ousbeyr@distilled.net |
15 |
{ln}.{fi} |
ousbey.r@distilled.net |
16 |
{li}{fn} |
orob@distilled.net |
17 |
Built by: |
{li}.{fn} |
o.rob@distilled.net |
18 |
Rob Ousbey, from Distilled.net |
{li}{fi} |
or@distilled.net |
19 |
(Email me with any feedback ;-)) |
{li}.{fi} |
o.r@distilled.net |
20 |
Using Middle Name: |
{fi}{mi}{ln} |
rousbey@distilled.net |
21 |
{fi}{mi}.{ln} |
r.ousbey@distilled.net |
22 |
dis.tl/name2email |
{fn}{mi}{ln} |
robousbey@distilled.net |
23 |
{fn}.{mi}.{ln} |
rob..ousbey@distilled.net |
24 |
To create your own editable copy, log into a Google account, and click: |
{fn}{mn}{ln} |
robousbey@distilled.net |
25 |
File -> Make a Copy... |
{fn}.{mn}.{ln} |
rob..ousbey@distilled.net |
26 |
Dashes: |
{fn}-{ln} |
rob-ousbey@distilled.net |
27 |
For more information: |
{fi}-{ln} |
r-ousbey@distilled.net |
28 |
http://www.distilled.net/blog/miscellaneous/find-almost-anybodys-email-address/ |
{fn}-{li} |
rob-o@distilled.net |
29 |
{fi}-{li} |
r-o@distilled.net |
30 |
{ln}-{fn} |
ousbey-rob@distilled.net |
31 |
{ln}-{fi} |
ousbey-r@distilled.net |
32 |
{li}-{fn} |
o-rob@distilled.net |
33 |
{li}-{fi} |
o-r@distilled.net |
34 |
{fi}{mi}-{ln} |
r-ousbey@distilled.net |
35 |
{fn}-{mi}-{ln} |
rob--ousbey@distilled.net |
36 |
{fn}-{mn}-{ln} |
rob--ousbey@distilled.net |
37 |
Underscores |
{fn}_{ln} |
rob_ousbey@distilled.net |
38 |
{fi}_{ln} |
r_ousbey@distilled.net |
39 |
{fn}_{li} |
rob_o@distilled.net |
40 |
{fi}_{li} |
r_o@distilled.net |
41 |
{ln}_{fn} |
ousbey_rob@distilled.net |
42 |
{ln}_{fi} |
ousbey_r@distilled.net |
43 |
{li}_{fn} |
o_rob@distilled.net |
44 |
{li}_{fi} |
o_r@distilled.net |
45 |
{fi}{mi}_{ln} |
r_ousbey@distilled.net |
46 |
{fn}_{mi}_{ln} |
rob__ousbey@distilled.net |
47 |
{fn}_{mn}_{ln} |
rob__ousbey@distilled.net |
48 |
49 |
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