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PARTY HARD by DoctorVenu5, visual art


Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (814)

It's the end of the week. I've made my desicion. Kinda. I'm staying on dA. (though i don't really want to) I just know that if i leave for good, i'll just end up coming back. And regretting my leaving. But this means i'll be less active. I think i'm getting over my dA 'addiction' But i'll be making a new account. I'm tired and don't feel like explaining so, long story short. I change alot. And i don't want to stay on an account with the name of something that might not stay forever. So i'm moving to a more neutral named account. I WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE NAME THIS TIME. But not just yet. Look for it in the comments of my Halloween g

Profile Comments 150

Do you still have the picture of anthro me?

There's a slight chance I may be needing it in the future.
