Deletion of the E-cadherin gene in hepatitis B... : Hepatology (original) (raw)

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Deletion of the E-cadherin gene in hepatitis B virus-positive chinese hepatocellular carcinomas

Slagle, Betty L. Ph.D.*, 1; Zhou, Yi-Zhong2; Birchmeier, Walter3; Scorsone, Kathleen A.1

1_Division of Molecular Virology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030_

2_Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Shanghai 200031, China_

3_Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), D-4300 Essen 1, Germany_

*Address reprint requests to: Division of Molecular Virology, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030

Received January 05, 1993; accepted April 30, 1993; previously published online December 05, 2005


Frequent allele loss from chromosome 16q was recently described for human tumors of the breast, prostate gland and liver, indicating the possible presence of a tumor-suppressor gene on that chromosome arm. In this study, the chromosome 16 allele status of 38 hepatocellular carcinomas in Chinese patients was determined with restriction-fragmentlength polymorphism analysis. Tumor-specific allele loss was detected in 14(74%) of 19 patients informative for 16p markers and in 22 (85%) of 26 patients informative for 16p markers. Quantitative densitometric analysis revealed reduction to hemizygosity of the E-cadherin cell adhesion gene (localized to 16q22.1) in 18 (64%) of the 28 patients for whom quantitative data were available. Reduced expression of E-cadherin has been associated with invasion and metastasis in several human cell lines and primary tumors, and our results suggest that one mechanism of reduced E-cadherin expression is the loss of one copy of the E-cadherin gene. (HEPATOLOGY 1993;18:757-762).

Copyright © 1993 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.