A Multidimensional Model of Trust in Recommender Systems (original) (raw)
As e-commerce providers increasingly utilize recommender systems (RS) to support their customers, trust is emerging as a key factor for the design of such technologies. Although a considerable number of researchers addressed the issue of trust towards RS, there is still no common understanding of how trust relates to the acceptance of RS and what factors influence the perception of trustworthiness in RS. After a discussion on the peculiarities of RS, we build on a literature review of trust in order to analytically distinguish basic concepts of trustworthiness. We propose an integrated model of trustworthiness that accounts for the multiple dimensions and perspectives on trustworthiness in RS. Additionally, we will point out several implications for practice and conclude with suggestions for further research in this area.
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- Institute for Information Business, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Augasse 2-6, 1090, Wien, Austria
Martina Maida, Konradin Maier, Nikolaus Obwegeser & Volker Stix
- Martina Maida
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- Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, Business Informatics Group (BIG), Vienna University of Technology, Favoritenstrasse 9 - 11 / 188-3, 1040, Vienna, Austria
Christian Huemer - Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Bari, Via E. Orabona, 4, I70126, Bari, Italy
Pasquale Lops
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Maida, M., Maier, K., Obwegeser, N., Stix, V. (2012). A Multidimensional Model of Trust in Recommender Systems. In: Huemer, C., Lops, P. (eds) E-Commerce and Web Technologies. EC-Web 2012. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 123. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32273-0\_19
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- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32273-0\_19
- Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
- Print ISBN: 978-3-642-32272-3
- Online ISBN: 978-3-642-32273-0
- eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)