Branching cortical neurons in cat which project to the colliculi and to the pons: a retrograde fluorescent double-labeling study (original) (raw)
The fluorescent double-labeling technique has been used to determine whether the corticopontine and the corticotectal fibers in the cat are derived from two different sets of neurons or whether they are derived from branching neurons which distribute collaterals to the pontine grey and the colliculi. After unilateral DY.2HCl injections in the pontine grey and FB injections in the ipsilateral colliculi, large numbers of FB-DY.2HCl double-labeled neurons were present in the cortex of the ipsilateral hemisphere. However, the labeled neurons in its rostral part may have represented pyramidal tract neurons which were labeled retrogradely because their fibers descended through the DY.2HCl injection area. Therefore, also DY.2HCl injections were made in the pyramid (i.e. caudal to the pons) and the cortical pyramidal tract area, containing the retrograde DY.2HCl-labeled neurons, was delineated. In the rest of the experiments only the DY.2HCl-labeled neurons in the caudal two thirds of the hemisphere (outside the pyramidal tract area) were taken into account because only these neurons could, with confidence, be regarded as corticopontine neurons. In some anterograde HRP transport experiments the trajectories of the corticotectal and the corticopontine fibers were visualized. On the basis of the findings the DY.2HCl injections in the pontine grey were placed such that they could not involve any of the corticotectal fibers passing from the cerebral peduncle to the colliculi. Thus artifactual doublelabeling of cortical neurons was avoided. However, also under these circumstances many double-labeled neurons were present in the caudal two thirds of the hemisphere. This led to the conclusion that in the cat a large proportion of the corticopontine neurons in the caudal two thirds of the hemisphere represent branching neurons which also distribute collaterals to the colliculi. The parietal (anterior part of the lateral gyrus, middle and posterior suprasylvian gyri) and the cingulate areas together contained three quarters of all labeled corticopontine neurons outside the pyramidal tract area. In the parietal areas roughly 25% of them were double-labeled and in the cingulate area 14%. However, in the visual areas 18 and 19 a much larger percentage (30–60%) was doublelabeled. In a recent study from our laboratory it was found that in the cat the pyramidal tract fibers distribute an abundance of collaterals to the pontine grey. Therefore, a large proportion of all corticopontine connections in this species appear to be established by branching neurons which also distribute fibers to other cell groups in the brain stem and the spinal cord.
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anterior ectosylvian sulcus
anterior ectosylvian sulcus
brachium conjunctivum
brachium colliculus inferior
brachium pontis
cor. sulc.:
coronal sulcus
cerebral peduncle
cruciate sulcus
cuneiform nucleus
decussation brachium conjunctivum
dorsolateral pontine nucleus
inferior colliculus
inf. coll.:
inferior colliculus
insula cortex
inferior olive
interpeduncular nucleus
lateral sulcus
lateral sulcus
medial geniculate body
lateral lemniscus
medial lemniscus
medial longitudinal fascicle
dorsal nucleus of Gudden
nucleus lateral lemniscus
reticular tegmental pontine nucleus
orbital sulcus
periaqueductal grey
posterior ectosylvian sulcus
reticular formation
pontine grey
restiform body
red nucleus
sylvian sulcus
superior colliculus
substantia nigra
superior olive
spinal trigeminal complex
suprasylvian sulcus
suprasylvian sulcus
suprasplenial sulcus
splenial sulcus
splenial sulcus
sup. coll.:
superior colliculus
sylvian sulcus
trapezoid body
vestibular complex
trigeminal motor nucleus
trigeminal principle nucleus
oculomotor nucleus
trochlear nucleus
abducens nucleus
facial nerve
vestibulo-trochlear nerve
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- Department of Anatomy II, Erasmus University Medical School, P.O. Box 1738, NL-3000, DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
K. Keizer & H. K. Ronday - Department of Anatomy, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
H. G. J. M. Kuypers
- K. Keizer
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Supported in part by grant 13-46-91 of FUNGO/ZWO (Dutch Organization for Fundamental Research in Medicine)
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Keizer, K., Kuypers, H.G.J.M. & Ronday, H.K. Branching cortical neurons in cat which project to the colliculi and to the pons: a retrograde fluorescent double-labeling study.Exp Brain Res 67, 1–15 (1987).
- Received: 18 April 1986
- Accepted: 29 September 1986
- Issue Date: June 1987
- DOI: