Acetylcholine inhibits activation of the cardiac hyperpolarizing-activated current,i f (original) (raw)


Acetylcholine (ACh) in low doses (0.1–1 μM) reversibly inhibits voltage-dependent activation of the “pacemaker” current,i f, in isolated sino-atrial node cells. This action is brought about by a negatively-directed shift of the current activation curve, opposite to that due to catecholamines on the same current. The_i_ f inhibition is anatagonized by atropine, indicating the involvement of muscarinic receptors. In cells incubated in pertussis toxin-containing solutions,i f does not respond to ACh, suggesting that G-proteins mediate the ACh-induced_i_ f depression. Further. ACh can inhibit_i_ f following catecholamine-induced stimulation, but has a negligible effect on_i_ f stimulated by forskolin, a direct activator of adenylate-cyclase. Our results indicate that ACh acts on_i_ f by inhibiting basal adenylatecyclase activity.

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  1. Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica Generali, Elettrofisiologia, Università di Milano, Via Celoria 26, I-20133, Milano, Italy
    Dario DiFrancesco & Cinzia Tromba


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  2. Cinzia Tromba
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DiFrancesco, D., Tromba, C. Acetylcholine inhibits activation of the cardiac hyperpolarizing-activated current,i f.Pflugers Arch. 410, 139–142 (1987).

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