Some Youths have a Gloomy Side: Correlates of the Dark Triad Personality Traits in Non-Clinical Adolescents (original) (raw)


This cross-sectional study examined the Dark Triad personality traits and their correlates in non-clinical youths aged 12–18 years (N = 117). Child- and parent-report data were obtained on Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy as well as on Big Five personality factors and symptoms of aggression and delinquency. Results indicated that especially Machiavellianism and psychopathy were in a theoretically meaningful way related to Big Five factors: that is, both traits were associated with lower levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness/intellect, and higher levels of emotional instability. Further, Machiavellianism and psychopathy also emerged as significant and unique correlates of symptoms of aggression and delinquency, which further underlines the importance of these Dark Triad traits in the pathogenesis of disruptive behavior problems in youths.

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  1. Clinical Psychological Science, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands
    Peter Muris, Cor Meesters & Anke Timmermans


  1. Peter Muris
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  2. Cor Meesters
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  3. Anke Timmermans
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Correspondence toPeter Muris.



The dirty dozen for youth (DD-Y), original items in parentheses

1. I am insensitive, things don’t touch me (P)(I am callous and insensitive)
2. I have used others towards my own end (M)(I have exploited others towards my own end)
3. I have lied and cheated to get my way (M)(I have used deceit or lied to get my way)
4. If I did something wrong, I feel little remorse (P)(I lack remorse)
5. I want others to pay attention to me (N)(I want others to pay attention to me)
6. I tell others how good and nice they are, just to get my way (M)(I use flattery to get my way)
7. I want that others think that I am important (N)(I want others to admire me)
8. I am cynical and mocking towards others (P)(I am cynical)
9. I try to influence others to get my way (M)(I manipulate other to get my own way)
10. I expect favors from others and that they treat me in a special way (N)(I expect special favors from others)
11. I want others to admire me (N)(I want others to admire me)
12. I don’t care whether my behavior is right or wrong (P)(I am unconcerned with the morality of my actions)
  1. M machiavellianism; P psychopathy; N narcissism

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Muris, P., Meesters, C. & Timmermans, A. Some Youths have a Gloomy Side: Correlates of the Dark Triad Personality Traits in Non-Clinical Adolescents.Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 44, 658–665 (2013).

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