High cadmium concentrations in Jurassic limestone as the cause for elevated cadmium levels in deriving soils: a case study in Lower Burgundy, France (original) (raw)
Cadmium (Cd) is a highly toxic element and its presence in the environment needs to be closely monitored. Recent systematic surveys in French soils have revealed the existence of areas in eastern and central France, which show systematically high cadmium concentrations. It has been suggested that at least part of these anomalous levels are of natural origin. For the Lower Burgundy area in particular, a direct heritage from the Jurassic limestone bedrock is highly suspected. This potential relationship has been studied in several localities around Avallon and this study reports new evidence for a direct link between anomalously elevated cadmium contents of Bajocian and Oxfordian limestone and high cadmium concentrations in deriving soils. Soils in this area show cadmium concentrations generally above the average national population values, with contents frequently higher than the ‘upper whisker’ value of 0.8 μg g−1 determined by statistical evaluation. In parallel, limestone rocks studied in the same area exhibit cadmium concentrations frequently exceeding the mean value of 0.030–0.065 μg g−1 previously given for similar rocks by one order of magnitude, with a maximum of 2.6 μg g−1. Mean ratios between the cadmium concentrations of limestone bedrock and deriving soils (Cdsoil/Cdrock), calculated for different areas, range from 4.6 to 5.7. Calculations based on the analyses of both soils from a restricted area and fragments of bedrock sampled in the immediate vicinity of high-concentration soils are around 5.5–5.7. Cdsoil/Cdrock is useful in determining the potential of soils in Lower Burgundy to reflect and exacerbate the high concentrations of cadmium present in parent bedrocks.
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The authors would like to thank warmly Jean-Claude Menot for field assistance and advice, and the ADEME/INRA and “ASPITET” programs for data provision. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (projects no. 21-65183.01, 200020-101718/1) and from the National Centre of Competence in Research (‘Plant Survival’). The authors wish to extend their thanks to Raúl Quezada-Hinojosa, Natalia Efimenko, Eric Verrecchia, Jean-Michel Gobat, Claire Le Bayon, Olivier Jacquat, Séverine Vancolen, and Tiffany Monnier for their help and advice during the completion of the projects.
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- Claire M. C. Rambeau
Present address: The University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AB, UK - Thierry Adatte & Karl B. Föllmi
Present address: Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, Université de Lausanne, Anthropole, 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
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- Institut de Géologie, Université de Neuchâtel, rue Emile-Argand 11, 2007, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Claire M. C. Rambeau, Virginie Matera, Thierry Adatte & Karl B. Föllmi - Science du Sol UR 0272, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Av. de la Pomme de Pin, CS 40001, 45075, Orléans Cedex 2, France
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- Claire M. C. Rambeau
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Rambeau, C.M.C., Baize, D., Saby, N. et al. High cadmium concentrations in Jurassic limestone as the cause for elevated cadmium levels in deriving soils: a case study in Lower Burgundy, France.Environ Earth Sci 61, 1573–1585 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-010-0471-0
- Received: 09 May 2009
- Accepted: 11 January 2010
- Published: 16 February 2010
- Issue Date: November 2010
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-010-0471-0