Psychopathological predictors of suicide in patients with major depression during a 5-year follow-up | European Psychiatry | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)


Objective. It is widely known that the risk of suicide is higher in cases of major depressive disorders in comparison to the general population. The purpose of this study was to examine which psychopathologic symptoms during the index episode are predictors for an increased risk of suicide in the further course of major depression. Method. Mortality data were determined from a prospective study of 280 patients with major depression (DSM-III-R, single episode or recurrent) during a follow-up period of 5 years. The predictive power of different depressive symptoms including psychotic symptoms for suicide risk was investigated. Results. Patients who committed suicide (N = 16) during the follow-up period had reported significantly more often hypochondriacal preoccupations or delusions (but not delusions or preoccupations of impoverishment, guilt or sin), suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts as well as feelings of severe hopelessness during the index episode than still living patients or patients who had died from natural causes. Conclusion. These symptoms seem to be helpful early predictors for the risk of suicide during the further course of illness. This should be taken into account for suicide prevention in the course of major depression.


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