Pliocene footprints at Laetolil, Northern Tanzania | Antiquity | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)
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Day, M. H. and Wickens, E. H. 1980.Laetoli Pliocene hominid footprints and bipedalism. Nature, Vol. 286, Issue. 5771, p. 385.
Charteris, J. Wall, J. C. and Nottrodt, J. W. 1981.Functional reconstruction of gait from the Pliocene hominid footprints at Laetoli, northern Tanzania. Nature, Vol. 290, Issue. 5806, p. 496.
Charteris, J. Wall, J. C. and Nottrodt, J. W. 1982.Pliocene hominid gait: New interpretations based on available footprint data from Laetoli. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 58, Issue. 2, p. 133.
McHenry, Henry M. 1983.The capitate of Australopithecus afarensis and A. africanus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 62, Issue. 2, p. 187.
McHenry, Henry M. 1984.The Pygmy Chimpanzee. p. 201.
McHenry, Henry M. 1986.The first bipeds: a comparison of theA. afarensis and A. africanus postcranium and implications for the evolution of bipedalism. Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 15, Issue. 3, p. 177.
Tuttle, R. Webb, D. Weidl, E. and Baksh, M. 1990.Further progress on the Laetoli trails. Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 17, Issue. 3, p. 347.
Duncan, Alexander S. Kappelman, John and Shapiro, Liza J. 1994.Metatarsophalangeal joint function and positional behavior in Australopithecus afarensis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 93, Issue. 1, p. 67.
Musiba, Charles M. Tuttle, Russell H. Hallgrímsson, Benedikt and Webb, David M. 1997.Swift and sure-footed on the Savanna: A study of Hadzabe gaits and feet in Northern Tanzania. American Journal of Human Biology, Vol. 9, Issue. 3, p. 303.
McHenry, Henry M. 2004.From Biped to Strider. p. 203.
Schmid, Peter 2004.From Biped to Strider. p. 49.
McHenry, Henry M. and Jones, Andrea L. 2006.Hallucial convergence in early hominids. Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 50, Issue. 5, p. 534.
Tuttle, Russell H. 2008.Footprint Clues in Hominid Evolution and Forensics: Lessons and Limitations. Ichnos, Vol. 15, Issue. 3-4, p. 158.
Harrison, Terry 2011.Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context. p. 141.
Harrison, Terry 2011.Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context. p. 1.
Bennett, Matthew R. and Morse, Sarita A. 2014.Human Footprints: Fossilised Locomotion?. p. 13.
DeSilva, Jeremy McNutt, Ellison Benoit, Julien and Zipfel, Bernhard 2019.One small step: A review of Plio‐Pleistocene hominin foot evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 168, Issue. S67, p. 63.
2019.Investigations in Sex Estimation. p. 407.
Plint, Tessa and Magill, Clayton R. 2021.Large mammal tracks in 1.8-million-year-old volcanic ash (Tuff IF, Bed I) at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ichnos, Vol. 28, Issue. 2, p. 114.
McNutt, Ellison J. Hatala, Kevin G. Miller, Catherine Adams, James Casana, Jesse Deane, Andrew S. Dominy, Nathaniel J. Fabian, Kallisti Fannin, Luke D. Gaughan, Stephen Gill, Simone V. Gurtu, Josephat Gustafson, Ellie Hill, Austin C. Johnson, Camille Kallindo, Said Kilham, Benjamin Kilham, Phoebe Kim, Elizabeth Liutkus-Pierce, Cynthia Maley, Blaine Prabhat, Anjali Reader, John Rubin, Shirley Thompson, Nathan E. Thornburg, Rebeca Williams-Hatala, Erin Marie Zimmer, Brian Musiba, Charles M. and DeSilva, Jeremy M. 2021.Footprint evidence of early hominin locomotor diversity at Laetoli, Tanzania. Nature, Vol. 600, Issue. 7889, p. 468.