The spinosaurid dinosaur Baryonyx (Saurischia, Theropoda) in the Early Cretaceous of Portugal | Geological Magazine | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)


Jaw fragments bearing teeth from the Barremian of Boca do Chapim (Lisboa e Setubal Province, Portugal), originally considered as crocodilian and identified as Suchosaurus girardi by Sauvage, are redescribed and referred to the spinosaurid dinosaur Baryonyx, on the basis of comparison with Baryonyx walkeri, from the Barremian of England. This extends the geographical distribution of this unusual theropod genus to Portugal.

Baryonyx appears to have been a frequent component of Early Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages in the Iberian region, which may have formed a biogeographical ‘stepping-stone’ for baryonychine dispersal between Europe and Africa.


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