Study of Bone Radiocarbon Dating Accuracy at the University of Arizona NSF Accelerator Facility for Radioisotope Analysis | Radiocarbon | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)


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Bone would seem to be an ideal material for 14C dating because this calcified tissue contains 20 weight per cent protein. Fossil bone, however, can lose most of its original organic matter and frequently contains contaminants having different 14C ages. Numerous 14C dates on bone have been available to archaeologists and geologists but many age determinations have been inaccurate despite over 30 years of research in the field following the first 14C age determinations on bone (Arnold & Libby, 1951). This situation remained unchanged until simple pretreatments were abandoned and more bone-specific fractions were isolated. The ideal solution is to use accelerator mass spectrometer 14C dating, which facilitates the use of milligram-sized amounts of highly purified compounds—an approach impossible to pursue using conventional 14C decay-counting methods.


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