Modelling of material pitting from cavitation bubble collapse | Journal of Fluid Mechanics | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)


Material pitting from cavitation bubble collapse is investigated numerically including two-way fluid–structure interaction (FSI). A hybrid numerical approach which links an incompressible boundary element method (BEM) solver and a compressible finite difference flow solver is applied to capture non-spherical bubble dynamics efficiently and accurately. The flow codes solve the fluid dynamics while intimately coupling the solution with a finite element structure code to enable simulation of the full FSI. During bubble collapse high impulsive pressures result from the impact of the bubble re-entrant jet on the material surface and from the collapse of the remaining bubble ring. A pit forms on the material surface when the impulsive pressure is large enough to result in high equivalent stresses exceeding the material yield stress. The results depend on bubble dynamics parameters such as the size of the bubble at its maximum volume, the bubble standoff distance from the material wall, and the pressure driving the bubble collapse. The effects of these parameters on the re-entrant jet, the following bubble ring collapse pressure, and the generated material pit characteristics are investigated.


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