Protective Inoculation against a Plant Virus (original) (raw)

Nature volume 131, page 468 (1933)Cite this article


THE X virus of the potato, first described by Kenneth Smith1, is capable of considerable variation in virulence, as shown by its clinical expression on several of the Solanaceæ. If tobacco plants be inoculated from the potato and the virus maintained by passage over a long period, the clinical expression may pass from a more or less mild mottling of pale and dark green, to a stage in which the pale areas are bright yellow, ending in one in which the lesions become extensively necrotic. Inoculation with the virus in this latter stage causes young tobacco plants to remain in a dwarfed and crippled condition.

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  1. Potato Virus Research Institute, Cambridge


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SALAMAN, R. Protective Inoculation against a Plant Virus.Nature 131, 468 (1933).

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