Nucleic Acid Turnover Studies in Human Leukæmic Cells and the Function of Lymphocytes (original) (raw)

Nature volume 178, pages 597–599 (1956)Cite this article


THE experiments described here were undertaken to ascertain the pattern of purine utilization and turnover in the nucleic acids of different types of leukæmic leucocytes. The results indicate that leukæmic lymphocytes survive longer than leukæmic granulocytes. The results also direct attention to the possibility of re-utilization of large fragments of nucleic acids by lymphocytes, and invite speculation on the significance of this process as an explanation of the problem in long-term immunity of how formation of antibody continues long after the limited contact between tissues and antigen.

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  1. L. D. HAMILTON: Scholar of the American cancer Society.

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  1. Sloan–Kettering Institute, New York, N.Y.


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HAMILTON, L. Nucleic Acid Turnover Studies in Human Leukæmic Cells and the Function of Lymphocytes.Nature 178, 597–599 (1956).

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