Microtubule Crystals: A New Biophysical Phenomenon induced by Vinca Alkaloids (original) (raw)
- Letter
- Published: 22 June 1968
Nature volume 218, pages 1176–1177 (1968)Cite this article
THE mitotic apparatus of living oocytes of Pectnaria gouldi undergoes marked alterations when the oocytes are perfused with solutions containing alkaloids from the periwinkle (Vinca): the size and birefringence of the mitotic spindle decrease gradually as seen in polarized light, and these changes occur concomitant with the attrition and disappearance of the spindle microtubules as shown by electron microscopy1. We have now shown that these same alkaloids (10−4–10−5 M vinblastino or vincristine sulphate) bring about a reorganization of microtubules after incubation for a short time with various mammalian cells (human polymorpho and mononuclear leucocytes or strain L fibroblasts) in maintenance media.
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- Departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
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BENSCH, K., MALAWISTA, S. Microtubule Crystals: A New Biophysical Phenomenon induced by Vinca Alkaloids.Nature 218, 1176–1177 (1968). https://doi.org/10.1038/2181176a0
- Received: 24 April 1968
- Issue Date: 22 June 1968
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/2181176a0