Changes in the Isotopic Composition of East Mediterranean Seawater during the Holocene (original) (raw)

Nature volume 243, pages 462–464 (1973)Cite this article


WHEN molluscs secrete their shells, the _δ_18O in the shell is a function only of the temperature and of the _δ_18O in the water1–4. Thus one can compute the temperature at which an ancient shell was formed by measuring its _δ_18O value if one assumes that of the water in which it grew. For Pleistocene samples there has been a heated discussion as to the degree of change in the _δ_18O of the sea5–7.

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  1. Isotope Department, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot


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MAGARITZ, M., KAUFMAN, A. Changes in the Isotopic Composition of East Mediterranean Seawater during the Holocene.Nature 243, 462–464 (1973).

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