Standards for stable isotope measurements in natural compounds (original) (raw)

Nature volume 271, pages 534–536 (1978)Cite this article


RESEARCH based on stable isotope variations in natural compounds is expanding in scientific fields such as geochemistry, hydrology, environmental studies and biochemistry. However, intercomparison of results obtained in different laboratories is often not fully reliable and therefore to improve the intercalibration of deuterium and 18O measurements in natural waters, two water standards have been distributed by the International Atomic Energy Agency since 1968. The two standards, called V-SMOW (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) and SLAP (Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation), were prepared, following a recommendation by an Advisory Group Meeting convened by the IAEA in 1966. Information on the two standards is given here.

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  1. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria


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GONFIANTINI, R. Standards for stable isotope measurements in natural compounds.Nature 271, 534–536 (1978).

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