onc sequences (v-fes) of Snyder–Theilen feline sarcoma virus are derived from noncontiguous regions of a cat cellular gene (c-fes) (original) (raw)

Nature volume 290, pages 154–157 (1981)Cite this article


Type C sarcoma viruses are genetic recombinants containing portions of replication-competent helper viruses linked to sarcoma virus-specific sequences (genetically designated one genes) which are thought to be required for acute fibroblast transformation1–4. The onc elements of different avian and mammalian sarcoma viral isolates are each homologous to subsets of cellular DNA sequences which have no well-defined role in normal cells5–8. Because of the lack of significant homology between helper viral genes and cellular onc sequences1–9, the recombinational mechanisms which facilitate the formation of sarcoma viral genomes remain unclear. In Moloney murine sarcoma virus, viral onc (or v-mos) and cellular onc (or c-mos) sequences exhibit complete and uninterrupted homology as determined by heteroduplex and restriction enzyme analyses of molecularly cloned DNA9. By contrast, the cellular counterparts of the onc elements of Rous sarcoma virus (G. Cooper and R. Parker, personal communication), avian erythroblastosis virus (B. Vennstrom, personal communication), Abelson leukaemia virus (D. Baltimore, personal communication), Harvey sarcoma virus (E. Scolnick, personal communication) and simian sarcoma virus (R. Gallo, personal communication) are now known to contain intervening sequences which do not appear in the respective viral genomes. Here we report the use of the Southern blot technique10 to examine cat cellular DNA sequences (c-fes) homologous to the onc gene (v-fes) of Snyder–Theilen feline sarcoma virus (ST-FeSV)11. We used cloned DNA ‘probes’ containing defined portions of the ST-FeSV genome to show that v-fes sequences originate from at least four noncontiguous sequences in cat cellular DNA, separated from each other by intervening sequences.

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  1. Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 20205, USA
    G. Franchini & F. Wong-Staal
  2. Viral Pathology Section, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 20205, USA
    J. Even & C. J. Sherr


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Franchini, G., Even, J., Sherr, C. et al. onc sequences (v-fes) of Snyder–Theilen feline sarcoma virus are derived from noncontiguous regions of a cat cellular gene (c-fes).Nature 290, 154–157 (1981). https://doi.org/10.1038/290154a0

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