Structure of the glycoprotein gene in rabies virus (original) (raw)

Nature volume 294, pages 275–278 (1981)Cite this article


Rabies virus, a rhabdovirus, has a single (non-segmented) negative-strand RNA genome which is transcribed on infection to produce five polyadenylated complementary monocistronic mRNA species. Each of the virus-specific mRNAs representing a structural gene of the rabies virus genome1 codes for a virion structural protein which corresponds in size to the apparent coding capacity of its mRNA2,3. The glycoprotein gene codes for a membrane-associated molecule which forms spike-like projections on the surface of mature rabies virions and is responsible for the induction and binding of virus-neutralizing antibodies to the virus4–6. To define the antigenic and immunogenic properties of rabies virus glycoprotein, we have cloned a cDNA copy of its mRNA sequence into pBR322 (ref. 7). Here we describe the characterization of the cDNA sequence, which has allowed us to predict several features of the glycoprotein from the deduced amino acid sequence.

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  1. Algis Anilionis
    Present address: Southern Medical and Pharmaceutical Corporation, 3500 East Fletcher Avenue, Suite 321, Tampa, Florida, 33612, USA

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  1. The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 36th Street at Spruce, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA
    Algis Anilionis, William H. Wunner & Peter J. Curtis


  1. Algis Anilionis
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  2. William H. Wunner
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  3. Peter J. Curtis
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Anilionis, A., Wunner, W. & Curtis, P. Structure of the glycoprotein gene in rabies virus.Nature 294, 275–278 (1981).

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