Comparison of stable isotope reference samples (original) (raw)

Nature volume 302, pages 236–238 (1983)Cite this article


Use of light stable isotope ratio measurements has proliferated in the past decade. The need for procuring additional stable isotope reference materials was recognized at an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) consultants' meeting convened in 19761. This group recommended acquisition of two carbonates, two carbon dioxide samples, a biotite, a sulphate, and other reference materials. We report here on the mass-spectrometric analysis of these and other reference samples in a single laboratory to minimize interlaboratory calibration errors. A result of this work is an improved equation for relating the PDB isotope scale (belemnite from the Peedee Formation of South Carolina adopted in the 1950s as a reference in palaeotemperature studies2) to the V-SMOW (Vienna-Standard Mean Ocean Water) scale1.

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  1. US Geological Survey, 432 National Center, Reston, Virginia, 22092, USA
    Tyler B. Coplen, Carol Kendall & Jessica Hopple


  1. Tyler B. Coplen
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  2. Carol Kendall
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  3. Jessica Hopple
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Coplen, T., Kendall, C. & Hopple, J. Comparison of stable isotope reference samples.Nature 302, 236–238 (1983).

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