‘Melting ice’ I at 77 K and 10 kbar: a new method of making amorphous solids (original) (raw)

Nature volume 310, pages 393–395 (1984)Cite this article


Amorphous solids are made mainly by cooling the liquid below the glass transition without crystallizing it, a method used since before recorded history1, and by depositing the vapour onto a cold plate2, as well as by several other methods3,4. We report here a new way—by ‘melting’ a solid by pressure below the glass transition of the liquid—and apply it to making a new kind of amorphous ice. Thus, ice I has been transformed to an amorphous phase, as determined by X-ray diffraction, by pressurizing it at 77 K to its extrapolated melting point of 10 kbar. At the melting point, the fluid is well below its glass transition. On heating at a rate of ∼2.6 K min−1 at zero pressure it transforms at ∼117 K to a second amorphous phase with a heat evolution of 42±∼8 J g−1 and at ∼152 K further transforms to ice I with a heat evolution of 92±∼15 J g−1. In one sample, ice Ic was formed and in another, existing crystals of ice Ih grew from the amorphous phase. Heating below the 117 K transition causes irreversible changes in the diffraction pattern, and a continuous range of amorphous phases can be made. Similar transformations will probably occur in all solids whose melting point decreases with increasing pressure if they can be cooled sufficiently for a transformation to a crystalline solid to be too slow.

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  1. Division of Chemistry, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R9
    O. Mishima, L. D. Calvert & E. Whalley


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Mishima, O., Calvert, L. & Whalley, E. ‘Melting ice’ I at 77 K and 10 kbar: a new method of making amorphous solids.Nature 310, 393–395 (1984). https://doi.org/10.1038/310393a0

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