Gene translocation links insects and crustaceans (original) (raw)

Nature volume 392, pages 667–668 (1998)Cite this article


The evolutionary relationships among the four major lineages of arthropods remain controversial, despite extensive study. We report here a derived gene rearrangement common to insects and crustaceans but absent in the other arthropod groups. This finding strongly supports an insect-crustacean evolutionary lineage that is separate from those leading to myriapods and chelicerates.

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Figure 1: Relative location of the L(UUR) gene for 153 taxa.


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  1. Department of Biology, University of Michigan, 830 North University Avenue, Ann Arbor, 48109, Michigan, USA
    Jeffrey L. Boore, Dennis V. Lavrov & Wesley M. Brown


  1. Jeffrey L. Boore
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  2. Dennis V. Lavrov
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  3. Wesley M. Brown
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Boore, J., Lavrov, D. & Brown, W. Gene translocation links insects and crustaceans.Nature 392, 667–668 (1998).

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