Cloning of mice to six generations (original) (raw)
- Brief Communication
- Published: 21 September 2000
- Yoichi Shinkai2,
- Kellie L. K. Tamashiro1,
- Hiroyuki Niida3,
- D. Caroline Blanchard4,
- Robert J. Blanchard4,
- Atsuo Ogura5,
- Kentaro Tanemura5,
- Makoto Tachibana2,
- Anthony C. F. Perry6,
- Diana F. Colgan6,
- Peter Mombaerts6 &
- …
- Ryuzo Yanagimachi1
Nature volume 407, pages 318–319 (2000)Cite this article
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Mice have been cloned by nuclear transfer into enucleated oocytes1,2,3, and here we describe the reiterative cloning of mice to four and six generations in two independent lines. Successive generations showed no signs of prematureageing, as judged by gross behaviouralparameters, and there was no evidence of shortening of telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, normally an indicator of cellular senescence — in fact, these appeared to increase slightly in length. This increase is surprising, given that the number of mitotic divisions greatly exceeds that of sexually produced animals and that any deleterious effects of cloning might be expected to be amplified in sequentially cloned mice. Our results offer a new approach to the study of organismal ageing.
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Figure 1: Telomere lengths in successive generations (G1–G5) of mice cloned from cumulus cells.
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Author notes
- Teruhiko Wakayama
Present address: The Rockefeller University , 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York, 10021, USA
Authors and Affiliations
- Department of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 96822, Hawaii, USA
Teruhiko Wakayama, Kellie L. K. Tamashiro & Ryuzo Yanagimachi - Department of Cell Biology, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto, 606-8507, Japan
Yoichi Shinkai & Makoto Tachibana - Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley , 94720, Cailfornia, USA
Hiroyuki Niida - Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 96822 , Hawaii, USA
D. Caroline Blanchard & Robert J. Blanchard - Department of Veterinary Science, National Institute of Infectious Disease, Tokyo, 162-8640, Japan
Atsuo Ogura & Kentaro Tanemura - The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, 10021 , New York, USA
Anthony C. F. Perry, Diana F. Colgan & Peter Mombaerts
- Teruhiko Wakayama
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Yoichi Shinkai
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Kellie L. K. Tamashiro
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Hiroyuki Niida
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - D. Caroline Blanchard
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Robert J. Blanchard
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You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Makoto Tachibana
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Anthony C. F. Perry
You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Diana F. Colgan
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You can also search for this author inPubMed Google Scholar - Ryuzo Yanagimachi
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Correspondence toTeruhiko Wakayama.
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Cite this article
Wakayama, T., Shinkai, Y., Tamashiro, K. et al. Cloning of mice to six generations.Nature 407, 318–319 (2000).
- Issue Date: 21 September 2000
- DOI:
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