The probability of transmitter release at a mammalian central synapse (original) (raw)

Nature volume 366, pages 569–572 (1993)Cite this article


WHEN an action potential reaches a synaptic terminal, fusion of a transmitter-containing vesicle with the presynaptic membrane occurs with a probability (_p_r) of less than one1. Despite the fundamental importance of this parameter, _p_r has not been directly measured in the central nervous system. Here we describe a novel approach to determine _p_r monitoring the decrement of NMDA (_N_-methyl-D-aspartate)-receptor mediated synaptic currents in the presence of the use-dependent channel blocker MK-801 (ref. 2). On a single postsynaptic CA1 hippocampal slice neuron, two classes of synapses with a sixfold difference in _p_r are resolved. Synapses with low _p_r contribute to over half of transmission and are more sensitive to drugs enhancing transmitter release. Switching between these two classes of synapses provides the potential for large changes in synaptic efficacy and could underlie forms of activity-dependent plasticity.

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  1. Neuroscience Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242, USA
    Neal A. Hessler & Roberto Malinow
  2. Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242, USA
    Aneil M. Shirke & Roberto Malinow


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Hessler, N., Shirke, A. & Malinow, R. The probability of transmitter release at a mammalian central synapse.Nature 366, 569–572 (1993).

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