Scientists are still keeping the faith (original) (raw)
- Commentary
- Published: 03 April 1997
Nature volume 386, pages 435–436 (1997)Cite this article
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Although the suggestion eighty years ago that four in ten scientists did not believe in God or an afterlife was astounding to contemporaries, the fact that so many scientists believe in God today is equally surprising.
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- Department of History, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602, USA
Edward J. Larson - the Discovery Institute, 1201 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington, 98101, USA
Edward J. Larson - 3816 Lansdale Court, Burtonsville, Maryland, 20866, USA
Larry Witham
- Edward J. Larson
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Larson, E., Witham, L. Scientists are still keeping the faith.Nature 386, 435–436 (1997).
- Issue Date: 03 April 1997
- DOI: