Systematic identification of protein complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by mass spectrometry (original) (raw)
- Letter
- Published: 10 January 2002
- Albrecht Gruhler1,
- Adrian Heilbut1,
- Gary D. Bader2,3,
- Lynda Moore1,
- Sally-Lin Adams1,
- Anna Millar1,
- Paul Taylor1,
- Keiryn Bennett1,
- Kelly Boutilier1,
- Lingyun Yang1,
- Cheryl Wolting1,
- Ian Donaldson1,
- Søren Schandorff1,
- Juanita Shewnarane1,
- Mai Vo1,2,
- Joanne Taggart1,2,
- Marilyn Goudreault1,2,
- Brenda Muskat1,
- Cris Alfarano1,
- Danielle Dewar2,
- Zhen Lin2,
- Katerina Michalickova2,3,
- Andrew R. Willems2,4,
- Holly Sassi2,
- Peter A. Nielsen1,
- Karina J. Rasmussen1,
- Jens R. Andersen1,
- Lene E. Johansen1,
- Lykke H. Hansen1,
- Hans Jespersen1,
- Alexandre Podtelejnikov1,
- Eva Nielsen1,
- Janne Crawford1,
- Vibeke Poulsen1,
- Birgitte D. Sørensen1,
- Jesper Matthiesen1,
- Ronald C. Hendrickson1,
- Frank Gleeson1,
- Tony Pawson2,4,
- Michael F. Moran1,
- Daniel Durocher2,4,
- Matthias Mann1,
- Christopher W. V. Hogue1,2,3,
- Daniel Figeys1 &
- …
- Mike Tyers2,4
Nature volume 415, pages 180–183 (2002)Cite this article
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The recent abundance of genome sequence data has brought an urgent need for systematic proteomics to decipher the encoded protein networks that dictate cellular function1. To date, generation of large-scale protein–protein interaction maps has relied on the yeast two-hybrid system, which detects binary interactions through activation of reporter gene expression2,3,4. With the advent of ultrasensitive mass spectrometric protein identification methods, it is feasible to identify directly protein complexes on a proteome-wide scale5,6. Here we report, using the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a test case, an example of this approach, which we term high-throughput mass spectrometric protein complex identification (HMS-PCI). Beginning with 10% of predicted yeast proteins as baits, we detected 3,617 associated proteins covering 25% of the yeast proteome. Numerous protein complexes were identified, including many new interactions in various signalling pathways and in the DNA damage response. Comparison of the HMS-PCI data set with interactions reported in the literature revealed an average threefold higher success rate in detection of known complexes compared with large-scale two-hybrid studies3,4. Given the high degree of connectivity observed in this study, even partial HMS-PCI coverage of complex proteomes, including that of humans, should allow comprehensive identification of cellular networks.
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We thank J. Chen, B. Kuehl, H. Li, V. Lay, B. Tuekam, S. Zhang, M. Patel, P. O'Donnell, I. Dutschek, U. Friedrich, M. Hansen, J. Brønd, H. Lieu, R. Woolstencroft, L. Harrington, F. Sicheri, A. Breitkreutz, C. Boone, B. Andrews and T. Hughes for discussions and/or technical assistance. This work was supported in part by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund and MDS-Sciex to T.P., D.D., C.H. and M.T. T.P. is a Distinguished Scientist of the CIHR; M.F.M. is a CIHR Scientist; D.D. is a Canada Research Chair in Proteomics, Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics and a Hitchings-Elion fellow of the Burroughs-Wellcome Fund; and M.T. is a Canada Research Chair in Biochemistry.
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- MDS Proteomics, 251 Attwell Drive, Staermosegaardsvej 6, Toronto, Odense M, M9W 7H4, DK-5230, Canada, Denmark
Yuen Ho, Albrecht Gruhler, Adrian Heilbut, Lynda Moore, Sally-Lin Adams, Anna Millar, Paul Taylor, Keiryn Bennett, Kelly Boutilier, Lingyun Yang, Cheryl Wolting, Ian Donaldson, Søren Schandorff, Juanita Shewnarane, Mai Vo, Joanne Taggart, Marilyn Goudreault, Brenda Muskat, Cris Alfarano, Peter A. Nielsen, Karina J. Rasmussen, Jens R. Andersen, Lene E. Johansen, Lykke H. Hansen, Hans Jespersen, Alexandre Podtelejnikov, Eva Nielsen, Janne Crawford, Vibeke Poulsen, Birgitte D. Sørensen, Jesper Matthiesen, Ronald C. Hendrickson, Frank Gleeson, Michael F. Moran, Matthias Mann, Christopher W. V. Hogue & Daniel Figeys - Programme in Molecular Biology and Cancer, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, 600 University Avenue, Toronto, M5G 1X5, Canada
Gary D. Bader, Mai Vo, Joanne Taggart, Marilyn Goudreault, Danielle Dewar, Zhen Lin, Katerina Michalickova, Andrew R. Willems, Holly Sassi, Tony Pawson, Daniel Durocher, Christopher W. V. Hogue & Mike Tyers - Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto, 1 Kings College Circle, Toronto, M5S 1A8, Canada
Gary D. Bader, Katerina Michalickova & Christopher W. V. Hogue - Department of Medical Genetics and Microbiology, University of Toronto, 1 Kings College Circle, Toronto, M5S 1A8, Canada
Andrew R. Willems, Tony Pawson, Daniel Durocher & Mike Tyers
- Yuen Ho
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Ho, Y., Gruhler, A., Heilbut, A. et al. Systematic identification of protein complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by mass spectrometry.Nature 415, 180–183 (2002).
- Received: 27 September 2001
- Accepted: 05 December 2001
- Issue Date: 10 January 2002
- DOI: