Retraction Note to: A cytosolic catalase is needed to extend adult lifespan in C. elegans daf-C and clk-1 mutants (original) (raw)

Nature 399, 162–166 (1999).

We no longer have confidence in our observations associating a reduction in adult lifespan with a putative mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans catalase gene ctl-1 and therefore retract this paper. With the assistance of J. Liang and C. Keller, we have confirmed that C. elegans has multiple catalase genes (actually three in tandem) and that the original strain, TU1061, has decreased transcription of ctl-1 messenger RNA. However, we have also found several errors, one identifying a single nucleotide deletion as the defect in the putative ctl-1 mutation and others in the identification of strains carrying mutations in multiple genes. In particular, we have not seen the expected reduction in ctl-1 mRNA in other strains tested. The longevity results obtained with these strains are therefore meaningless. We are grateful to our colleagues, particularly C. Kenyon and M. Crowder, for conveying to us their concerns about our results.


  1. J. Taub
  2. J. F. Lau
  3. C. Ma
  4. J. H. Hahn
  5. R. Hoque
  6. J. Rothblatt
  7. M. Chalfie

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The online version of the original article can be found at 10.1038/20208

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Taub, J., Lau, J., Ma, C. et al. Retraction Note to: A cytosolic catalase is needed to extend adult lifespan in C. elegans daf-C and clk-1 mutants.Nature 421, 764 (2003).

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