Genetic variation in the 5q31 cytokine gene cluster confers susceptibility to Crohn disease (original) (raw)


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The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their invaluable participation in the patient sample collection: G. Wild, A. Watier, P. Pare, L. Dion, M.-L. Bernier, J. Rivard, J. Letourneau, J. Delisle, L. Lapierre and D. Lafrance. The authors would also like to thank L. Gaffney for her help in the preparation of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada, the McGill Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network, and the Canadian Genetic Diseases Network, and by research grants from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Millennium Pharmaceutical, Affymetrix and Ellipsis Biotherapeutics Corporation. K.A.S. is a Senior Scientist of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, M.S.S. is a fellow of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, S.B.B. is a Scholar of the National Health Research Development Programme , A.B. is a Research Scholar of the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Quebec and T.J.H. is recipient of a Clinician Scientist Award from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.

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Author notes

  1. Eric S. Lander, Katherine A. Siminovitch and Thomas J. Hudson: These authors co-directed the project.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Whitehead Institute/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Genome Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    John D. Rioux, Mark J. Daly, Kerstin Lindblad, Terrye Delmonte, Kerry Kocher, Katie Miller, Sheila Guschwan, Edward J. Kulbokas, Sinead O'Leary, Ellen Winchester, Ken Dewar, Todd Green, Valerie Stone, Christine Chow, Eric S. Lander & Thomas J. Hudson
  2. Department of Medicine, University of Toronto and the Mount Sinai Hospital Lunenfeld Research Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Mark S. Silverberg, Hillary Steinhart, Gordon R. Greenberg & Katherine A. Siminovitch
  3. Department of Immunology and Medical Genetics, University of Toronto and the Mount Sinai Hospital Lunenfeld Research Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Mark S. Silverberg & Katherine A. Siminovitch
  4. Department of Surgery, University of Toronto and the Mount Sinai Hospital Lunenfeld Research Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Zane Cohen & Robin S. McLeod
  5. Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto and the Mount Sinai Hospital Lunenfeld Research Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Anne M. Griffiths
  6. Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto and the Mount Sinai Hospital Lunenfeld Research Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Shelley B. Bull
  7. Department of Gastroenterology and Montreal Genome Center, McGill University Health Center, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
    Albert Cohen, Janet Faith, Nancy Branco, Alain Bitton & Thomas J. Hudson
  8. Centre Hospitalier de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
    Diane Langelier
  9. Centre Hospitalier de la Sagamie, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada
    Gilles Lapointe & Daniel Gaudet
  10. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    Eric S. Lander


  1. John D. Rioux
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  2. Mark J. Daly
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  3. Mark S. Silverberg
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  4. Kerstin Lindblad
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  5. Hillary Steinhart
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  6. Zane Cohen
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  7. Terrye Delmonte
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  8. Kerry Kocher
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  9. Katie Miller
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  10. Sheila Guschwan
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  11. Edward J. Kulbokas
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  12. Sinead O'Leary
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  13. Ellen Winchester
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  14. Ken Dewar
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  15. Todd Green
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  16. Valerie Stone
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  17. Christine Chow
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  18. Albert Cohen
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  19. Diane Langelier
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  20. Gilles Lapointe
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  21. Daniel Gaudet
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  22. Janet Faith
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  23. Nancy Branco
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  24. Shelley B. Bull
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  25. Robin S. McLeod
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  26. Anne M. Griffiths
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  27. Alain Bitton
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  28. Gordon R. Greenberg
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  29. Eric S. Lander
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  30. Katherine A. Siminovitch
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  31. Thomas J. Hudson
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Correspondence toJohn D. Rioux, Eric S. Lander, Katherine A. Siminovitch or Thomas J. Hudson.

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Rioux, J., Daly, M., Silverberg, M. et al. Genetic variation in the 5q31 cytokine gene cluster confers susceptibility to Crohn disease.Nat Genet 29, 223–228 (2001).

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