Large scale cDNA sequencing for analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of gene expression (original) (raw)

Nature Genetics volume 2, pages 173–179 (1992)Cite this article


Large scale sequencing of cDNAs provides a complementary approach to structural analysis of the human genome by generating expressed sequence tags (ESTs). We have initiated the large–scale sequencing of a 3′–directed cDNA library from the human liver cell line HepG2, that is a non–biased representation of the mRNA population. 982 random cDNA clones were sequenced yielding more than 270 kilobases. A significant portion of the identified genes encoded secretable proteins and components for protein–synthesis. The abundance of cDNA species varied from 2.2% to less than 0.004%. Fifty two percent of the mRNA were abundant species consisting of 173 genes and the rest were non–abundant, consisting of about 6,600 genes.

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  1. Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, 1-3 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka, 565, Japan
    Kousaku Okubo, Naohiro Hori, Ryo Matoba, Toshiyuki Niiyama, Atsushi Fukushima, Yuko Kojima & Kenichi Matsubara


  1. Kousaku Okubo
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  2. Naohiro Hori
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  3. Ryo Matoba
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  4. Toshiyuki Niiyama
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  5. Atsushi Fukushima
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  6. Yuko Kojima
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  7. Kenichi Matsubara
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Okubo, K., Hori, N., Matoba, R. et al. Large scale cDNA sequencing for analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of gene expression.Nat Genet 2, 173–179 (1992).

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