CCR2 chemokine receptor and AIDS progression (original) (raw)

Nature Medicine volume 3, pages 1052–1053 (1997)Cite this article

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Science Applications International Corp. Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland, 21702-1201, USA
    Michael W. Smith, Mary Carrington, Cheryl Winkler & Deborah Lomb
  2. Laboratory of Genomic Diversity National Cancer Institute-FCRDC Frederick, Maryland, 21702-1201, USA
    Michael Dean, Gavin Huttley & Stephen O'brien


  1. Michael W. Smith
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  2. Mary Carrington
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  3. Cheryl Winkler
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  4. Deborah Lomb
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  5. Michael Dean
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  6. Gavin Huttley
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  7. Stephen O'brien
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Smith, M., Carrington, M., Winkler, C. et al. CCR2 chemokine receptor and AIDS progression.Nat Med 3, 1052–1053 (1997).

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