Multicolour single-molecule tracking of mRNA interactions with RNP granules (original) (raw)

Nature Cell Biology volume 21, pages 162–168 (2019)Cite this article



Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules are non-membrane-bound organelles that have critical roles in the stress response1,2, maternal messenger RNA storage3, synaptic plasticity4, tumour progression5,6 and neurodegeneration7,8,9. However, the dynamics of their mRNA components within and near the granule surface remain poorly characterized, particularly in the context and timing of mRNAs exiting translation. Herein, we used multicolour single-molecule tracking to quantify the precise timing and kinetics of single mRNAs as they exit translation and enter RNP granules during stress. We observed single mRNAs interacting with stress granules and P-bodies, with mRNAs moving bidirectionally between them. Although translating mRNAs only interact with RNP granules dynamically, non-translating mRNAs can form stable, and sometimes rigid, associations with RNP granules with stability increasing with both mRNA length and granule size. Live and fixed cell imaging demonstrated that mRNAs can extend beyond the protein surface of a stress granule, which may facilitate interactions between RNP granules. Thus, the recruitment of mRNPs to RNP granules involves dynamic, stable and extended interactions affected by translation status, mRNA length and granule size that collectively regulate RNP granule dynamics.

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We thank N. Kedersha for providing GFP–G3BP1/mRFP–DCP1a U-2 OS cells, L. Lavis for providing JF dyes, and E. Braselmann and T. Nahreini for isolating GFP–G3BP1 U-2 OS cells at the BioFrontiers Institute Flow Cytometry Core facility. We thank B. Dodd and lab members for assistance and helpful suggestions. S.L.M. was funded by the Anna and John J. Sie Foundation; A.K. by a Banting postdoctoral fellowship; R.P. by the HHMI; T.J.S. by the NIH (grant no. R35GM119728) and the Boettcher Foundation’s Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Program.

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  1. These authors contributed equally: Stephanie L. Moon, Tatsuya Morisaki.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
    Stephanie L. Moon, Anthony Khong & Roy Parker
  2. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
    Stephanie L. Moon, Anthony Khong & Roy Parker
  3. Department of Biochemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
    Tatsuya Morisaki, Kenneth Lyon & Timothy J. Stasevich
  4. World Research Hub Initiative, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
    Timothy J. Stasevich


  1. Stephanie L. Moon
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  2. Tatsuya Morisaki
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  3. Anthony Khong
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  4. Kenneth Lyon
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  5. Roy Parker
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  6. Timothy J. Stasevich
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S.L.M. and R.P. conceptualized the study; S.L.M., T.M., T.J.S., A.K. and K.L. developed and designed methodology; T.M. and T.J.S. developed and implemented software; S.L.M. validated findings; T.M., T.J.S., S.L.M. and A.K. performed formal analyses; S.L.M., A.K., K.L., T.M. and T.J.S. performed experiments and/or collected data; R.P., T.J.S., T.M., A.K., K.L. and S.L.M. provided resources; T.M., T.J.S. and S.L.M. provided data curation; S.L.M. and R.P. wrote the original draft; R.P., S.L.M., T.J.S., T.M. and A.K. reviewed and edited the drafts; T.M., T.J.S., S.L.M. and A.K. visualized data; R.P., T.J.S., T.M. and S.L.M. supervised the project; S.L.M. managed and coordinated the project; T.J.S., R.P. and S.L.M. acquired funding.

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Correspondence toRoy Parker or Timothy J. Stasevich.

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Moon, S.L., Morisaki, T., Khong, A. et al. Multicolour single-molecule tracking of mRNA interactions with RNP granules.Nat Cell Biol 21, 162–168 (2019).

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