Anti-K-ras ribozyme induces growth inhibition and increased chemosensitivity in human colon cancer cells (original) (raw)
- Original Article
- Published: 24 May 2000
Cancer Gene Therapy volume 7, pages 495–500 (2000)Cite this article
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Colon cancer is one of the carcinomas that is resistant to a variety of therapies. To develop a new therapy by regulating the activated K-ras gene in colon cancers, we prepared synthetic DNA encoding the ribozyme (catalytic RNA), and inserted it into an expression vector (LNCX) originated from a retrovirus. Transfection of the vector into SW620 human colon cancer cells brought about significant suppression of K-ras mRNA synthesis and inhibition of the cell growth. Studies in athymic mice, in which K-ras ribozyme-introduced SW620 cells were transplanted, also revealed a marked reduction of tumor growth in vivo. Furthermore, the ribozyme-introduced tumors became more sensitive to treatment with anti-cancer drugs such as cisplatin, adriamycin, 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, and etoposide. These data suggest that the possible efficacy of anti-K-ras ribozyme increases the chemosensitivity of human colon cancers as well as the inhibitory effect on the growth of human colon cancers.
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- Department of Molecular Diagnostics, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Tadao Funato, Tomonori Ishii & Takeshi Sasaki - Department of Clinical Oncology, Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Mariko Kambe - Berlex Biosciences, Richmond, 94804, California
Kevin J Scanlon
- Tadao Funato
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Funato, T., Ishii, T., Kambe, M. et al. Anti-K-ras ribozyme induces growth inhibition and increased chemosensitivity in human colon cancer cells.Cancer Gene Ther 7, 495–500 (2000).
- Received: 06 January 1999
- Accepted: 05 June 1999
- Published: 24 May 2000
- Issue Date: 01 March 2000
- DOI: