Inhibition of cell proliferation in HCC-9204 hepatoma cells by a c-myc specific ribozyme (original) (raw)
- Original Article
- Published: 24 May 2000
- Jinyan Luo2,
- Xueyong Zhang3,
- Jialu Hu3,
- Hongxiang Hui4,
- Chengji Wang4 &
- …
- Arnold Stern1
Cancer Gene Therapy volume 7, pages 407–412 (2000)Cite this article
A ribozyme (RZ) gene targeting c-myc mRNA was synthesized and cloned. Cleavage reaction showed that cleavage of the RZ was efficient and specific. The RZ gene-containing retrovirus vector pDOR-RZ was transfected into HCC-9204 hepatoma cells, which constitutively express high levels of c-myc using Lipofectamine. Positively transfected cells were selected using G418. In situ hybridization showed that both pDOR-RZ and pDOR vectors had been integrated into the chromosome of HCC-9204 cells. Dot blot hybridization indicated that expression of the RZ was only evident in pDOR-RZ-transfected HCC-9204 cells. Avidin-biotin complex enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that c-myc expression was down-regulated. Chromatin aggregation into compact masses, cytoplasmic vacuole degeneration, and blurring of cytoplasm structure were observed by transmission electron microscopy in HCC-9204-RZ cells. These results suggest that the use of a c-myc mRNA cleaving enzyme could be most effective in tumor cells that are highly proliferative and constitutively express high levels of c-myc.
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- Department of Pharmacology, New York University Medical Center, New York, NY 10016
Jin Cheng & Arnold Stern - Institute of Gastroenterology, The Second College of Xian Medical University, Xian, People's Republic of China
Jin Cheng & Jinyan Luo - Institute of Gastroenterology, The Xijing Hospital of The Fourth Military Medical University, Xian, People's Republic of China
Xueyong Zhang & Jialu Hu - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular-Biology, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xian, People's Republic of China
Hongxiang Hui & Chengji Wang
- Jin Cheng
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Cheng, J., Luo, J., Zhang, X. et al. Inhibition of cell proliferation in HCC-9204 hepatoma cells by a c-myc specific ribozyme.Cancer Gene Ther 7, 407–412 (2000).
- Received: 17 February 1999
- Accepted: 05 June 1999
- Published: 24 May 2000
- Issue Date: 01 March 2000
- DOI: